Thomas J. and Alice M. Tisch Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry


The Lisi laboratory studies the chemistry and biology of enzyme complexes in order to understand their function in disease. The lab uses biophysical and biochemical tools to generate molecular level fingerprints of enzyme structures and characterize picosecond-to-second dynamics that propagate mechanistically important biological signals.

George is a native of New England, receiving his undergraduate education at Fairfield University (2009) and Ph.D. at Dartmouth (2014) under the direction of Dean E. Wilcox and Ekaterina Pletneva. George was a postdoctoral fellow in biochemistry and biophysics at Yale University (2014 - 2018) under the mentorship of Pat Loria. He joined the Brown faculty in late 2018. Check out the lab at

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