Human fungal pathogens are major threat to public health, causing substantial disease with rising antifungal resistance. Our long term goal is to identify mechanisms of virulence and drug resistance that can be used to guide and refine treatment decisions. We utilize genomic approaches to study the evolution of human fungal pathogenic species, taking comparative, population genomic, and microevolutionary approaches to identify genes and variants associated with important phenotypes and to characterize how genome structure evolves.
Li X, Muñoz JF, Gade L, Argimon S, Bougnoux ME, Bowers JR, Chow NA, Cuesta I, Farrer RA, Maufrais C, Monroy-Nieto J, Pradhan D, Uehling J, Vu D, Yeats CA, Aanensen DM, d'Enfert C, Engelthaler DM, Eyre DW, Fisher MC, Hagen F, Meyer W, Singh G, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Litvintseva AP, Cuomo CA. "Comparing genomic variant identification protocols for Candida auris." Microbial genomics, vol. 9, no. 4, 2023. |
Shea T, Mohabir JT, Kurbessoian T, Berdy B, Fontaine J, Gnirke A, Livny J, Stajich JE, Cuomo CA. "Genome Sequence of Lichtheimia ornata, an Emerging Opportunistic Mucorales Pathogen." Microbiology resource announcements, vol. 12, no. 7, 2023, pp. e0033823. |
Martinez-Zurita A, Cuomo CA. "Genome-Wide Identification of Variants Associated with Antifungal Drug Resistance." Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2658, 2023, pp. 81-103. |
Sephton-Clark P, Nguyen T, Hoa NT, Ashton P, van Doorn HR, Ly VT, Le T, Cuomo CA. "Impact of pathogen genetics on clinical phenotypes in a population of Talaromyces marneffei from Vietnam." Genetics, vol. 224, no. 4, 2023. |
Chowdhary A, Gupta N, Wurster S, Kumar R, Mohabir JT, Tatavarthy S, Mittal V, Rani P, Barman P, Sachdeva N, Singh A, Sharma B, Jiang Y, Cuomo CA, Kontoyiannis DP. "Multimodal analysis of the COVID-19-associated mucormycosis outbreak in Delhi, India indicates the convergence of clinical and environmental risk factors." Mycoses, vol. 66, no. 6, 2023, pp. 515-526. |
Cuomo CA. "Opening Up Editorial Boards." Microbiology spectrum, vol. 11, no. 1, 2023, pp. e0493722. |
Sephton-Clark P, McConnell SA, Grossman N, Baker RP, Dragotakes Q, Fan Y, Fu MS, Gerbig G, Greengo S, Hardwick JM, Kulkarni M, Levitz SM, Nosanchuk JD, Shoham S, Smith DFQ, Stempinski P, Timp W, Wear MP, Cuomo CA, Casadevall A. "Similar evolutionary trajectories in an environmental Cryptococcus neoformans isolate after human and murine infection." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 120, no. 2, 2023, pp. e2217111120. |
Alanio A, Snell HM, Cordier C, Desnos-Olivier M, Dellière S, Aissaoui N, Sturny-Leclère A, Da Silva E, Eblé C, Rouveau M, Thégat M, Zebiche W, Lafaurie M, Denis B, Touratier S, Benyamina M, Dudoignon E, Hamane S, Cuomo CA, Dépret F. "First Patient-to-Patient Intrahospital Transmission of Clade I Candida auris in France Revealed after a Two-Month Incubation Period." Microbiology spectrum, vol. 10, no. 5, 2022, pp. e0183322. |
Sephton-Clark P, Tenor JL, Toffaletti DL, Meyers N, Giamberardino C, Molloy SF, Palmucci JR, Chan A, Chikaonda T, Heyderman R, Hosseinipour M, Kalata N, Kanyama C, Kukacha C, Lupiya D, Mwandumba HC, Harrison T, Bicanic T, Perfect JR, Cuomo CA. "Genomic Variation across a Clinical Cryptococcus Population Linked to Disease Outcome." mBio, vol. 13, no. 6, 2022, pp. e0262622. |
Gow NAR, Johnson C, Berman J, Coste AT, Cuomo CA, Perlin DS, Bicanic T, Harrison TS, Wiederhold N, Bromley M, Chiller T, Edgar K. "The importance of antimicrobial resistance in medical mycology." Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, 2022, pp. 5352. |
Rybak JM, Cuomo CA, Rogers PD. "The molecular and genetic basis of antifungal resistance in the emerging fungal pathogen Candida auris." Current opinion in microbiology, vol. 70, 2022, pp. 102208. |
The impact of fungal pathogens on global health is significant and increasing, yet current interventions are insufficient to meet this challenge. Genomic approaches provide the best opportunity to examine interactions between different fungal pathogens, their hosts, and associated microbial communities at large scale. My group will take multiple approaches to examine how genome variation of fungal pathogen populations contributes to virulence and host adaptation, understanding antifungal drug resistance, and applying genomic approaches to challenges such as the development of new diagnostics.
Mapping the basis of virulence and drug resistance in human fungal pathogens
Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungal pathogen of enormous clinical importance causing life-threatening meningoencephalitis. While Cryptococcus is an opportunistic pathogen, it is clear that some isolates are better adapted to infect humans, possibly due to interactions with other eukaryotes in the environment. Our genome-wide association studies of clinical compared to environmental isolates found that the top associated loci included many genes linked to virulence. Building on this work, my group is characterizing the genetic basis of virulence in clinical collections of C. neoformans using genomic and transcriptomic approaches. We aim to identify genes and pathways that are markers of aggressive isolates, which can be used to guide treatment and select new targets for intervention.
Genomic analysis of emerging drug resistance
Antifungal drug resistance in fungi is a rising threat to public health, with wider use of drugs in clinics and cross resistance to those used in agriculture and the appearance of multidrug-resistance species Candida auris raising serious concerns over available treatments. Our initial genomic analyses of C. auris demonstrated that this outbreak consisted of four geographically specific clades that appear to have emerged nearly simultaneously, and that each clade displayed different sets of mutations contributing to azole resistance. By combining genome-wide association, experimental evolution, and transcriptomic approaches, we seek to explain mechanisms of resistance to the other two major classes of antifungal drugs and to characterize the impact of these mutations on the fungal cell, to better understand how C. auris can tolerate becoming multidrug resistant. This project has supported open, collaborative platforms for genomic analysis, including cloud based pipelines, scripts, and workspaces to enable easy re-use of data and pipelines by the fungal research community.
Accelerating fungal diagnostics
Diagnosis of fungal infections in clinical microbiology laboratories is currently a time intensive process that can delay therapeutic decisions. We are adapting an RNA based single molecule detection method originally developed with bacterial species for both the identification of fungal species and typing of antifungal drug resistance. We have demonstrated that this phylogeny-informed rRNA-based strain identification (Phirst-ID) could detect Candida species directly from lysates of blood culture bottles with high specificity and sensitivity. This method was also able to correctly identify clinical cases of mixed Candida species infections. We are extending the approach to target all clinically relevant fungal species. In parallel, for species that display notable drug resistance, we are performing RNA-Seq of drug resistant and sensitive strains to identify markers that can be used to classify drug resistant strains. This is a flexible platform where fungal probes could be combined in a panel with bacterial probes, to allow for a pan-microbial diagnostic in a clinical microbiology setting.
1) NIH 1RO1 AI69066-01
Mapping the genomic and molecular mechanisms of antifungal resistance in the emerging fungal pathogen Candida auris
MPI with P. David Rogers (St Jude's Childrens Research Institute)
2) NIH 2U19 AI110818-06
Major Human Fungal Pathogens: Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Interactions with the Host and Microbiome and the Rise of Antifungal Resistance.
Data Management, Analysis, and Resources Dissemination Core.
PI of Fungal project and Data core of Broad Genomic Center for Infectious Disease (PIs Bruce Birren and Daniel Neafsey)
3) NIH 1R01 AI153405-01
Rapid fungal identification and antifungal susceptibility testing through quantitative, multiplexed RNA detection.
Collaboration with Roby Bhattacharyya (PI, Broad Institute)
Year | Degree | Institution |
1996 | PhD | Harvard University |
1991 | AB | Bryn Mawr College |
Visiting Scientist. Broad Institute, 2023- |
BIOL 1525 - Pathogenomics: Analysis, interpretation and applications of microbial genomes |