Director of the Program in Judaic Studies, Professor of Judaic Studies


David C. Jacobson is Professor of Judaic Studies. He has previously served on the faculties of University of Michigan, Ben-Gurion University, University of Pennsylvania, and Wesleyan University. He is author of Modern Midrash: The Retelling of Traditional Jewish Narratives by Twentieth-Century Hebrew Writers (State University of New York Press, 1987); Does David Still Play Before You?: Israeli Poetry and the Bible (Wayne State University Press, 1997); Creator, Are You Listening?: Israeli Poets on God and Prayer (Indiana University Press, 2007). He is co-editor (with Kamal Abdel-Malek) of Israeli and Palestinian Identities in History and Literature (St. Martin's Press, 1999); Beyond Political Messianism: The Poetry of Second-Generation Religious Zionist Settlers (Academic Studies Press, 2011); and The Charm of Wise Hesitancy: Talmudic Stories in Contemporary Israeli Culture (Academic Studies Press, 2017). He is also co-editor (with William Cutter) of History and Literature: New Readings of Jewish Texts in Honor of Arnold J. Band (Brown Judaic Studies, 2002). He currently serves as a co-editor of the monograph series Brown Judaic Studies.

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