Paul R. Dupee, Jr. University Professor of Social Science


David Lindstrom received his PhD degree in sociology with specializations in demography and statistics from the University of Chicago in 1995. He is a Professor of Sociology, a core faculty associate of the Population Studies and Training Center, and former director of the Center for Latin American Studies and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the Graduate School. Lindstrom teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, survey research, and migration. His research examines the determinants and consequences of migration in economically developing societies, the transition into adulthood, and the changing dynamics of reproductive health and behavior. Lindstrom is director of the Mesoamerican Migration Project (MMP), and he directed the Jimma Longitudinal Family Survey of Youth (JLFSY) in Ethiopia. He has had research grants from NIH, NSF, the Packard Foundation, the Compton Foundation and RAND. 

Lindstrom has published his research in Demography, Population Studies, Social Forces, International Migration Review, Studies in Family Planning and Social Sciences and Medicine, among other journals.

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas