Mandelbaum DE, Bunch M, Kugler SL, Venkatasubramanian A, Wollack JB. Broad spectrum efficacy of zonisamide at twelve months in children with intractable epilepsy. Accepted for Publication. J Child Neurology 2005.
Mandelbaum DE, Bunch M, Kugler SL, Venkatasubramanian A, Wollack JB. Efficacy of levetiracetam at one year in children classified by seizure type, cognitive status, and prior anticonvulsant drug exposure. Accepted for publication. J Child Neurology 2005.
Mandelbaum, DE, Bunch, ME, Kugler, SL, Venkatasubramanian, A, Wollack, JB, Wenger, EC Efficacy of Levetiracetam in Children Categorized by Seizure Type, Cognitive Status and Prior Anticonvulsant Drug Exposure. Neurology, 60, Suppl 1: A475, 2003.
Pal DK, Kugler SL, Mandelbaum DE, Durner M. Phenotypic features of familial febrile seizures: case-control study. Neurology. 2003;60:410-414.
Jennings, M.T., Sposto, R., Venzina, G., Berger, M., Bruner, J., Chan, K., Dusenbery, K., Ettinger, L., Fitz, C., Holmes, E., Lafond, D., Mandelbaum, D.E., Massey, V., McNeely, L., Moulton,T., and Pollack, I. Preradiation Chemotherapy in Primary High Risk Brain Stem Tumors: CCG 9941, a Phase II Study of the Children's Cancer Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20:3437, 2002
Mandelbaum, D.E., Ostfeld, B., Krawciw, N., Assing, E., Rosenfeld, D., Hiatt, M., Hegyi, T. Topographic Mapping of Brain Potentials in the Newborn Infant: The Establishment of Normal Values and Utility in Assessing Infants. Acta Paed. Scand. 89:1104-1110, 2000.
Mandelbaum, D.E. and Paneth, N. Pediatric Neurology: Cerebral Palsy. Continuum, 6:8-30, 2000.
Walters, A.S., Mandelbaum, D.E., Lewin, D.S., Kugler, S.L., England, S.J., Miller, M. Dopaminergic Therapy in Children with Restless Legs/Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep and ADHD. Pediatric Neurology 22:182-186, 2000.
Mandelbaum, D.E., Burack, G. The Effect of Seizure Type and Medication on Cognitive and Behavioral Functioning in Children with Idiopathic Epilepsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 39:731-735, 1997.
Mandelbaum DE, Stevens M, Rosenberg E, Wiznitzer M, Steinschneider M, Filipek P, Rapin R. Comparison of Sensorimotor Performance in School-age Children with Autism, Developmental Language Disorder or Low IQ. Submitted for Publication