Lifespan-Wide, Barnet Fain Quality Award* for "AEC 2.0: Transforming ED Care to Meet the Needs and Exceed the Expectations of our patients" an operational redesign of ED processes to improve efficiency. 12/2016
University Emergency Medicine Foundation Leadership Award 2016
Lifespan-Wide, Barnet Fain Quality Award* for “Closing the Loop on Important Non-Urgent Radiology Findings: A Multidisciplinary System-Wide Approach” 12/2013
Lifespan-Wide, Barnet Fain Quality Award* for "Improving Survival in Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Using Nurse-Physician dyads, evidence based education, positive feedback and "the narrative" to impact compliance with early antibiotic administration" 12/2011
"Outstanding Physican" Award, University Emergency Medicine Foundation, 12/2010
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Teaching Recognition Award, 5/2009
*The Barnet Fain Quality Award is presented annually to a team or individual for achievement in the use of process and outcomes measures to improve organization performance and, ultimately, the quality of care provided to the public