Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies


Erica Durante received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at the University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III. From 2010 to 2017, she held a tenured Associate Professor position in Comparative Literature at the University of Louvain. Her research has centered on Latin American literature and culture and significant writers and genres of World Literature from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era, underlining the relationships between Latin American and European literature and culture. She has published extensively in Latin American Studies, Comparative Literature, and Global Studies. She has a wide-ranging teaching and advising experience in these areas, reflecting partly her command of Spanish, English, French, and Italian.

Her research focuses on 20th and 21st-century Latin American literature and spans three main agendas. The first entails the study of writers’ manuscripts, creative processes, and literary archives. The second analyzes the imaginary of globalization as a significant cultural phenomenon in contemporary Latin American literature. The third embraces narratives of repression, human rights violations, and systemic inequality between genders, classes, and generations.

She is the author of the books Air Travel Fiction and Film: Cloud People (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Questions de poétique et d’écriture: Dante au miroir de Valéry et de Borges (Paris: Champion, 2008), and Mallarmé et moi (Pisa: ETS, 1999). She has edited Los Meridianos de la Globalización (Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2015) and Le Double: littérature, arts, cinéma. Nouvelles approaches (with A. Dehoux) (Paris: Champion, 2018). Sponsored by the Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard, she has compiled the catalog of Borges’ personal library. Her current book project is tentatively entitled: El horror femenino y feminista: una perspectiva literaria latinoamericana contemporánea.

Brown Affiliations