Clinical interests include pancreatic disease and viral hepatitis. Research focuses on medical student teaching ;media literacy and misnformation; cognitive reasoning and bias; medical error; plagiarism, Suicide prevention initiatives, disparities in care; fostering student involvement in scientific writing for publication and presentation at scientific meetings, including over 125 student / trainee presentations at regional or national meetings and more than 125 publications with medical students or other trainees as co-authors
MD- PUBLICATIONS (medical students in bold, post-MD trainees underlined/italicized)
- Feller, E.R. and Schumacher, H.R.: Osteoarticular changes in Wilson's disease. Arthritis Rheum, 15: 259-266, 1972
- Feller, E.R.: Bleeding and perforation in a single Meckel's diverticulum. J. Newark Beth Isr. Med. Center, 23:32-36, 1973
- Feller, ER, Mishkin, S.: Binding of Vit K to cytoplasmic proteins. Clin. Research, 22: 357, 1974
- Isselbacher, KJ, Feller, ER: Natural history and management of alcoholic liver disease. In, Hepatology - Research and Clinical Issues, Vol. 3.MM Fisher and JG Rankin, Eds. NY, Plenum Press, pp/ 349-61, 1977
- Feller, E.R., Pont, A., Wands, J.R., Carter, E.A. Foster, G. and Isselbacher, K.J.: Familial hemo-chromatosis: Physiologic studies in the precirrhotic phase. N. Engl. J. Med., 296:1422-1426, 1977
- Warshaw, A.W., Feller, E.R., Lee, K.H.: On the cause of raised serum amylase in diabetic ketoacidosis. Lancet, 1:927-929, 1977
- Feller, E.R., Weiser, M.M. and Schapiro, R.H.: Endoscopic diagnosis of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 24:37-38, 1977
- Alpert, E. and Feller, E.R.: Normal liver regeneration does not induce human alpha-fetoprotein synthesis. Gastroenterology, 74: 856-858, 1978
- Wands, J.R., Dienstag, J.L., Bhan, A.K., Feller, E.R., Isselbacher, K.J.: Primary biliary cirrhosis: Complement activation and characterization of unique circulating immune complexes. N.Engl. J. Med., 298: 233-237, 1978
- Feller, E.R., Warshaw, A.W., Schapiro, R.H.: Observations on Management of choledochoduodenal fistula due to penetrating peptic ulcer. Gastroenterology, 78: 126-131, 1980
- Feller, E.R.: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the diagnosis and management of idiopathic pancreatitis.Arch of Int Med, 144: 1797-1799, 1984
- Feller, E.R., Schiffman F.: Intestinal obstruction as the initial manifestation of ovarian carcinoma. Am J. Gastroenterol 82: 25-28, 1987
- Feller, E.R.: Stenosis of the main pancreatic duct in acute pancreatitis of unknown etiology. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 34: 131-133, 1988
- Feller, E.R.: Therapeutic endoscopy of the biliary tract. RI Med J 1989; 72:99-102,
- Feller, E.R., Schiffman, F.: Lymphoma and extrahepatic biliary obstruction: Role of ERCP. Arch Surg 125:1507-9,1990
- Lin A, Feller, E.R.: Pancreatic carcinoma as a cause of unexplained pancreatitis. Ann Int Med 113:166-7,1990
- Frisch M., Meng C., Wolek R., DeOrchis, D., Feller, E.R.: Biliary scintography in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis: A review of 100 cases. RI Med 77:103-4, 1994
- Lee P, Sutherland D, Feller, ER: Massive gastrointestinal bleeding as the initial manifestation of pancreatic carcinoma. Int J Pancreatol 15:223-7, 1994
- Shah M, Tager D, Feller ER.: Intestinal endometriosis masquerading as common digestive disorders. Arch Int Med 155:977, 1995
- Ahmed A, Feller ER.: Rupture of the spleen as the initial manifestations of Wilson's disease. Am J. Gastro 1996;91:1454-5
- Mechrefe A, Wexler B, Feller E:Anemia, GI bleeding in endurance athletes. RI Med1997;80:216-8,
- Ribaudo S, Feller ER.Psychosocial aspects of Crohn’s disease. Med and Health/RI 82:31-33, 1999
- Smith J, Vance M, Aaron R, Feller E. Hip pain as the presenting feature of psoas abscess due to Crohn’s disease Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95(9): 2608A
- Feller ER, Ribaudo S, Jackson, N.: Gynecologic manifestations of Crohn’s disease. Amer Fam Phys, 2001;64:1725-8
- Feller ER, Taylor L: Ten things you may not know about hepatitis C.Med/Health RI 2002; 85:180-1.
- Berzin T, Taylor L, Allen S, Rich J, Feller ER. Hepatitis C and prisoners Med/Health RI 2002; 85.
- Parekh, S., Safran, H., Feller, E.R: Gastrointestinal bleeding as the presenting feature of an ovarian lymphoma masquerading as adenocarcinoma. Amer J Gastroenterol 2001;96:A306
- Slidell M, Feller ER, Shah S. Sigmoid volvulus in college-age teenagers: report of 3 cases. Amer J Gastroenterol 2002; 98: 411
- Lombardi DA, Feller ER, Shah SA. Medical management of inflammatory bowel disease in the new millenium. Comp Ther 2002; 28: 39-49.
- Myung P, Mallette C, Taylor L, Allen C, Feller ER. Sexual transmission of hepatitis C .Med/Health RI 2003; 86 : 168-171.
- Horn S, Feller ER. GI bleeding in endurance runners J Am Med Athletic Assoc 2003; 16 : 5-6,11.
- Ng D, Feller ER. Occupational exposure to HCV infection. Med/Health RI 2003; 86 : 165-7.
- Taylor LE, Schwartzapfel BA, Costello T, Allen S, Feller E, Reinert MS, Tashima K. Barriers to HCV Treatment in HIV-HCV Coinfected Individuals. J Healthcare Poor Underserved. 2003; 14:
- Mintz R, Bahr R, Shah S, Feller ER. Ocular manifestations of IBD. Inflam Bowel Dis (9/2003)
- Gardner A, Gardner G, Feller ER. Severe colonic complications of pancreatic disease J Clin Gastroenterol (published 11/2003)
- Pell T, Feller ER. A collaborative management model of mental health care at the Rhode Island Free Clinic. Medicine/Health RI 2005;88:265-7
- Ross T, Feller ER. Communication: Deaf patients and physicians. Med Health/ RI 2005;88:262-4.
- Squire S, Chan M, Feller E,et al. Gemcitabine-induced radiation recall J Clin Oncol 2006;29:636-7.
- Teeple E, Shalvoy RM, Feller ER. Overtraining in young athletes (in press)
- Feller AA, Lepore T, Aronson SM, Feller ER . The Nantucket Native American Sickness of 1763-1764 . Medicine Health / RI 2007; 87.
- .Shimuzu I, Gold R, Feller ER . Ocular melanoma. Med health / RI 2007;90:197.
- Brim N, Zaller N, Taylor LE, Feller E. Twinrix vaccination schedules among injection drug users: A Review. Expert Opinions in Biological Therapies. 2007: 7(3);379-389.
- Kahle E, Kim DS, Feller ER, Anderson A, Luks F. Linear increase in risk of appendiceal rupture with prolonged duration of symptoms. Ped Emerg Care 2007;23: 766-770.
- Moon CS, Turalba A, Anderson K, Feller ER. Reducing the public health burden of low vision in the RI elderly. Med Health / RI 2007; 90.:283-286.
- Ain D, Patrozou E, Feller E, et al Intracerebral Aspergillosis. Med Health / RI 2008; 91:23-24.
- Nazareth S, Metz Y, Shah SA, Feller E Incarcerated inguinal hernia as the presenting feature of carcinoma of unknown primary site. Medicine Health/Rhode Island
- Strawbridge LM, Howard M, Nolan P, Feller ER. Increasing Post-partum depression detection in Rhode Island: Targeting pediatric providers. Med Health / Rhode Island 2008; 91: 255-257.
- Harris A, Feller ER, Shah SA. Medical management of inflammatory bowel disease Medicine and Health / Rhode Island 2011; 92 78-81
- Skolnick A, Feller ER, Nanda A: Evaluation of acute pancreatitis in the older patient Ann Long Term Care 2008: 16(5): 30-35.
- Aneja S, Gottlieb A, Feller E. Physician intervention in intimate partner violence. Medicine and Health/ Rhode Island 2009; 92: 310-313.
- Harris A, Feller E, Shah S. Medical therapy of inflammatory bowel disease in 2009. Medicine and Health/ Rhode Island 2009; 92(3): 82-5
- Lam M, Feller E,et al. Inflammatory bowel disease potpouui. Med / Health/ RI 2009; 92(4) :121-4
- Chew K, Feller E, Allen S, Taylor, L, Rich J …Treatment outcomes with pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin for male prisoners with hepatitis C infection J Clin Gastroenterol 2009;43:686-691
- Ronai C, Taylor J, Dugan E, Feller ER Identifying and counseling of breastfeeding women by pharamacists Breastfeeding Med 2009;4:91-6
- Chang M, Feller E, Nimmagadda J. Barriers to healthcare access in the Southeast Asian community in Rhode Island. Med Health / Rhode Island 2009; 92:307-309
- Aaron RK, Vosinet A, Racine J, Ali Y, Feller ER. Corticosteroid-associated avascular necrosis: Dose relationships and early diagnosis. Ann NY Acad Sci 2011;1240;38-46.
- Schwarz D, Ponder K, Feller E. Delayed diagnoses: Nonspecific findings and diagnostic challenges in eating disorders. Case Reports Med. Vol. 2009; 1-3
- Cheung N, Greenberg P, Anderson K, Feller ER. Effectiveness of a medical student-organized community vision screening initiative. Med / Health. RI. 2010; 93: 239-243.
- Van Wieren A, Roberts M, Arellano N, Feller E, Dias J. Acculturation and cardiovascular behaviors among Latinos in California by country/region of origin. J Immigr Minority Health. 2011; 13:975-81
- Deren M, Feller E, DiGiovanni C. Web-based portrayal of platelet-rich plasma injections for Orthopaedic therapy. Clin J Sports Med. 2011;21: 428-432.
- Mao E, Clements A, Feller E. Clostridia Septicum septicemia and colon cancer: Report of 4 cases. Case Reports Med. Volume 2011, ID 248453,1-3
- Patel CK, Beland M, Feller E. Acute renal failure from a pelvic A-V malformation Med Health / RI 2011; 94: 144-145.
- Lam MY, Feller ER, Lonks JR, Shah SA. Inflammatory bowel disease potpourri: Vignette-based discussion Med Health / Rhode Island. 2009; 92: 121-124.
- Vasconcellos A, Feller E. Knowledge , attitudes and behaviors regarding the bone marrow registry among college and medical students in Rhode Asland Med Health / Rhode Island 2011;94:300-302.
- Simon T, Feller E, “Diverse Presentation of Secondary Aortoenteric Fistulae,” Case Reports in Medicine, vol. 2011, Article ID 406730, 3 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/406730
- Gosselin M, Mulcahey MK, Feller E, Hulstyn MJ. Examining internet resources on gender differences in ACL injuries: What patients are reading. Knee.2012.
- Lim K, Davidson A, Harwell J, Thay S, Boardman L, Feller E, Cu-Uvin S. J Intern Assoc Phys AIDS Care.2011.doi: 10.1177/1545109710390216.
- Taylor LE, Schwartzapfel BA, Costello T, Allen S, Feller E, Reinert MS, Tashima K. Barriers to HCV Treatment in HIV-HCV Coinfected Individuals. J Healthcare Poor Underserved. 2003; 14:
- Bedoya A, Hudson M, Song JH, Feller E. Fever and expanding pancreatic fluid collection. Med Health / RI.2011;94:81-82
- Ladak F(*MPH student), Montague B, Gjelsvik, A, Feller E, Rosenthal S(MPH student*). Hepatitis B in theUSA: Ongoing missed opportunities for hepatitis B vaccination, evidence from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 2007. Infection 2012; doi 10.1007/s15011-0241-2
- Davidson A , Zaller N, Dukhovlinova E, Toussova O, Feller E , Heimer R , Kozlov A Speaking the truth: Serostatus disclosure among HIV infected male and female patients in St. Petersburg, Russia. Int J STD & AIDS 2012; 23: 685–688
- Dean AL, Lambrese J, Dollase D, Feller E, Taylor JS. Successful Implementation of an LGBTQI health elective into a medical school curriculum. Int J Person Cent Med 2012; 1: 830-838
- Macnamara M, Wilhelm A, Dy G, Andiman S, Landau C, Poshkus M, Feller E. Promoting quality care for recently resettled populations: curriculum development for Internal Medicine residents. J Grad Med Education. 2014 (June) D-13-00170.1
- Jamborabo D, Feller ER. Splenic rupture due to colonoscopy. Case Reports Med. Jan., 2014
- Nguyen J, Ha A, Doyle R, Feller ER. Knowledge, perceptions and hepatitis B serology in Southeast Asians in Rhode Island. 2015… Med Health/RI
- Gandhi M, Feller E, El Rayess F. Art and movement in medical education. Med Ed 2016;90:1160.
- Zhang J, Sochat M, Feller E. Anorectal melanoma: case series. Med Forum 2017; 17:19-23.
- Parillo A, Feller E. Menstrual hygiene plight of homeless woman, a public health disgrace. RI Med J. 2017; 100: 14-15.
- Negbenebor N, Feller E. Amelanotic anorectal melanoma. RI Med J. 2017;100: 74-78.
- Klyce W, Feller E. Junk science for sale. RI Med J. 2017; 100; 28-31
- Hall N, Grenier N, Shah S, Gold R, Feller E. Metastatic gallbladder melanoma presenting as acute emphysematous cholecystitis. Case Rep Med. 2018; Article ID 5726570.4 pages https//
- Voruganti IS, Godwin JL,Adrain A, Feller E A Woman with Black Beads in Her Stomach: Severe Gastric Ulceration Caused by Yttrium-90 Radioembolization Case Rep Med. 2018; Article ID 1413724, 4 pages
- Carr AV, Feller E, Zakka FR, Griffith RC, Schechter S A case report of basal cell carcinoma in a non-sun exposed area: a rare presentation mimicking recurrent perianal abscess, Case Rep Surg 2018; Article ID 9021289.
- Anand RS, Stey P, Jain S, Biron DR, Bhatt H, Monteiro C, Feller, E, Ranney ML, Sarkar IN, Chen ES. Predicting Mortality in Diabetic ICU Patients Using Machine Learning and Severity Indices. AMIA Summits on Transl Sci Proc. 2018; 2017: 310-319
- Wawryznski J, DeLeon L, Goldstein LJ, Shah SA, Feller E. Gastric heterotopic pancreas presenting as abdominal pain with acute and chronic pancreatitis in the resected specimen. Case Rep Gastrointest. Med
- Feller ER. Why do doctors overprescribe antibiotics. Rhode Island Medical Journal. 2019;102:8-10
- Feller ER. Deceit, lies and plagiarism in residency applications . Rhode Island Medical Journal
- Hampton C, Feller ER. Imposter syndrome and Medicine. RI Medical Journal. 2019; 102:8-10
- Nissen N, Feller ER Suicide in Physicians. Why don’t those at risk seek help ? RI Medical Journal. 2019;102:8-10
- McLeod K, Feller ER “Groupthink. What’s so good about teamwork ? RI Medical Journal.2019;102:8-10
- Janopaul-Naylor E, Feller ER. Cyberbullying. Harassment at your fingertips. RI Medical Journal 2019; 102:8-10
- Woods MS, Feller E Is “burnout” a dangerous, misleading label ? RI Med J Nov,2020
- Aghagoli G, Siff EJ, Tillman AC, Feller ER COVID-19: Misinformation Can Kill RI Med J .2020
- Feller ER Why don’t people wear masks? RIMJ Oct.2020
- Hampton C, Feller E Stereotype Threat: racial Microaggression Undermines Performance of Black health Professionals RIMJ August 2020;14-16
- Lam JA, Feller E Are We Right When We’re Certain? Overconfidence in Medicine RI Med J March 2020 11-12
- Feller, ER Covid’s unexpected gifts- reflection of 2020. RI Med J Dec 2020
- Choi A, Feller ER Misrepresentation of mild traumatic brain injury research in press releases. PM&R. J injury, function, rehab; 2021:1-10.
- Roldan G, Jamot S, Kopec K, Amporn A, Leffler D, Feller E, Shah S Celiac Disease Presenting in a Community-Based GI practice: Obesity / Bone Disease are Common Dig Dis Sci 2022;
100.O’Connell E, Levine K, Feller ER News media and psilocybin research- What is the public told ? J Psychedelic Psych. 2022; 4: 1-16
101. Bhaskar N, Feller ER Is the Internet ruining your memory ? MedPage Today. 2024
102. Selig T, Reagan J, Feller E ,Shah SA Coexisting Collagenous Sprue and Celiac Disease: A Case Report. Case Rep Gastro (in press) 2025
Journal volume editor : Shah SA, Harris A, Feller E. Co-editors. Evaluation of Inflammatory bowel disease in Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. 2012; volume 41.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS- Op Ed pieces Medical students in Bold
- Levy C, Feller E, Riggs S. Enabling Anorexia on the Internet. Providence Journal. essay. Nov.5, 2007
- Cinelli C, Feller E. Is reading bad for breast health ? Providence Journal op ed essay
- Levy C, Feller E, Riggs S Brown Medicine. Media issues and eating disorders
- Thompson A, Feller ER. A lot more to school bullying than a few bad apples. Op ed essay Providence Journal. June 18, 2010
- Chaudhry R, Feller E. Behind the male steroid-use epidemic. Prov Journal Op ed essay.. Jan. 6, 2009
- Chang M, Feller E. Poor English can hurt you. Providence Journal Op ed essay. Aug., 22, 2010
- Feller ER, Flanagan P. Heat vs eat is the poor’s dilemma. Prov Journal Op ed essay. Jan 5,2012
- Feller ER. Cyberbullying: more than just mean girls. Prov Journal Op ed essay.May 25, 2014
- Wu S, Feller ER. Press releases mislead the public on health issues.Prov Jour.Op ed essay.Feb 4,2015
- Feller ER. Hospitals’ dangerous revolving door. Providence Journal op ed essay. May 14, 2015
TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS – medical students in BOLD; post-MD trainees italicized, underlined
Feller E Bullying. In: Domino FJ, Baldor RA, Barry KA, Golding J, Stephens MB. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2025. 33rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2025
- Janopaul-Naylor E, Feller E. Cyberbullying. 5 Min Clin Consult. 23rd ed.2016; 25th.2018; 26th.2020; 27th 2022
- Janopaul-Naylor E, Feller. Traditional bullying 5 Min Clin Consult.24th ed. 2017; 26th 2020; 27th 2022 (in press)
- Janopaul-Naylor.E, Feller E. Cyberbullying. In 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, ed. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 22nd edition. 2015
- Godwin L, Feller E. In 5-minute clinical consult. Frank Domino, editor. 21st edition. 2009
- Simon T, Shah SA, Feller E. “ Crohn disease”. 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, ed.) 21st ed 2013.
- DeLeon L, Feller E.” Primary biliary cirrhosis” In 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, ed. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 21st, 22nd edition 2013, 2015
- Lee S, Feller E. “ Pancreatic cancer”. In 5-minute clinical consult. F Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. (Phila, PA).20th edition. 2010
- Patel N, Feller E.” Fatty liver syndrome” In 5-min. clinical consult. F Domino, ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (Phila, PA) . 21st edition
- Thompson K, Feller E “ Esophageal varices”. In 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 20th ed. 2010
- Wu W, Feller E. “ Acute cholangitis” In 5-minute clinical consult. F Domino, editor. 21st edition
- Mao E. “Radiation enteritis”. 5-minute clinical consult. F Domino, ed. LWW. 20th edition
- Dy G, Feller E. “ Hereditary polyposis syndromes” In 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, edit. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. ( 2013 )
- DeLeon L, Feller E.”Laxative abuse” In 5-minute clinical consult. Frank Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. 20th,21st, 22nd ed.2011, 2013, 2015 ( in press)
- Kaitz M, Feller E. “ Injury prevention” In 5-minute clinical consult. F Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 2oth, 21st editions, 2011, 2013.
- Gao J, Feller E. “ Vit B12 deficiency”. In 5-min clinical consult. F Domino, ed.. 21st ed. 2013
- Lakhani, A, Feller E.” Fatty liver syndrome” In 5-min. clinical consult. F Domino, ed. (Phila, PA)
- Feller E. Hepatitis A virus infection. 5-min clinical consult. 21st, 22nd edition. 2015, 2016
- Feller E, Shah S. Co-editors. “Inflammatory bowel disease” Med / Health. RI. Sept, 2009 issue
- Patel S, Feller E. “ Salivary gland tumors”. In 5-minute clinical consult. Frank Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 20th ed. 2011
- Kaitz M, Feller E. “Injury and violence”. In 5-minute clinical consult. Frank Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 20th, 21st ed. 2011, 2013.
- Shah D, Feller E. “ Fatty liver syndrome”. In 5-minute clinical consult. 20th ed. 2010.
- Mao E, Feller E. Radiation enteritis. In 5-minute clinical consult. 20th ed. 2011.
- Patel C, Mao E, Feller E. Radiation enteritis. In 5-minute clinical consult. Frank Domino, editor. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. (Phila, PA) 21st ed. 2013.
- Jamorabo D, Mao E, Feller E. Radiation enteritis. In 5-minute clinical consult. 22nd ed. 2014.
- Sinha A, Feller E. Esophageal Varices,” In 5-minute clinical consult. 2013 2016
- Lakhani A, Feller E Fatty Liver In 5-minute clinical consult. F. Domino, ed.. 21st ed. 2013.
- Kirsch B, Feller E. Acute cholangitis. 5-minute clinical consult. 21st, 22nd ed. 2013, 2015
- Kethu S, Feller ER. "Gallstones and cholecystitis"(textbook chapter),Primary Care for Women, J. Peipert, ed. (Lippincott Williams& Wilkins) ( 2002).
- Kethu S. Feller ER. "Esophageal disease" Primary Care for Women, J. Peipert, editor (2002)
- Kethu S, Feller ER. "Peptic ulcer disease" Primary Care for Women, J. Peipert,editor ( 2002)
- Fefferman D, Feller ER. "Acute and chronic pancreatitis" (textbook chapter),Primary Care for Women, J. Peipert,editor.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) ( 2002))
- Feller ER. "Gastrointestinal bleeding" (textbook chapter )Primary Care for Women, ( 2002)
- Alpert E, Feller ER, . "Liver Physiology and Disease" Liver74.5 (1978)
Julia Noreck, (MD’26) Edward Feller, MD. “Misinformation, Misreporting, and Spin in Glioma-related Press Releases from Academic Medical Centers” American Academy of Neurology 2025 Annual Meeting, April 5–9th, 2025, in San Diego, CA.
Sasha Raman, (MD ’25), Edward Feller, MD Lost in translation: Improving quality of care for hospitalized patients by leveraging interpreter perspectives. Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. May, 2025, Hollywood, FL
Chanbin Lee (MD’26), Edward Feller, MD. “Misrepresentation of transcatheter/surgical aortic valve replacement research in press releases” Oral Presentation : 21st Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology International Conference. Jan. 2025; Seoul, South Korea.
- Feller E. Suicide and Physicians.Why doctors at risk don’t seek help. 1st annual Suicide in Medicine Symposium. Brown University 2022
- Schroeder C, Shah SA, Feller E. Press releases in inflammatory bowel disease are frequently misleading Am Coll Gastro annual scientific meeting ( Charlotte, NC) 2022
- Selig TM, Siddique A, Reagan JL, Feller E, Shah SA Collagenous Sprue and POEMS Syndrome: Association or Coincidence ? Am J Gastro 2022; 117 (10S):e2142-e2143 Amer Coll Gastro national meeting
- O’Connell E, Levine K, Feller ER News media and psilocybin research- What is the public told ? RI Amer Coll Phys. 2022
- Choi A, Feller ER.Media misrepresentation of press releases on concussion.American Assoc of Physical Medicine, Rehab. (San Antonio, TX.Nov.2019)
- Xiong M, Feller ER. Misrepresentation of melanoma research by media. Summer Research Symposium. Alpert Medical School. Nov., 2019
- Nissen N, Feller ER Suicide in Physicians. RI ACP Annual Meeting (Providence, RI March.2018)
- Carter V, Shah S, Feller E, Dreisbach V Unexpected cause of abdominal pain: Cocktail parasol. Amer Coll Gastroenterol national meeting October, 2018
- Negbenebor N, Feller E. Herpes gladiatorum in Fitzgerald type 2 skin: case report. National Medical Association Student Research Symposium (Philadelphia, PA) May, 2017
- Reddy S, Shah SA, Feller ER. Lymphocutic esophagitis and dysphagia. American College of Gastroenterology national meeting.Phila, PA. October, 2014
- Ha A, Nguyen J, Doyle R, Feller ER. HBV perceptions of Asian Americans in RI. American College of Gastroenterology national meeting.Phila, PA. October, 2014
- Fleming J, Greenspan N, Feller ER, Shah SA .Successful repair of duodenal perforation by over-the-scope clip after failed surgical repair.Annual Meeting. Am Coll Gastro Oct., 2013.San Diego, CA
- Austin Y. Ha, Richard J. Doyle, Edward Feller Correlating Perceived Hepatitis B Status with Actual Status in Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Rhode Island APAMSA (Asian Pacific American Medical Students Association.New York, NY, Oct.2013)
- Patel C, Feller E. Exaggeration and omission in press releases from proton therapy centers. American Public Health Association annual meeting, 2013.(Boston, MA)
- Jamborabo D, Feller E . Splenic rupture caused by colonoscopy American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting ( San Francisco, CA 2013)
- Fleming J, Feller E, Shah SA. Treatment of endoscopic perforation with over-the-scope clips . American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting,( San Francisco, CA, 2013)
- Jacobs L*, Feller E. Analysis of expressed and latent content of popular internet pornography;:potential effects on adolescent development. American Assoc of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry( San Francisco, CA )Oct., 2012
- Coughlin KA*, Hunt J, Feller E. Understanding MMOG video game engagement in Psychiatric adolescent inpatients. American Assoc of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry( San Francisco, CA )Oct., 2012
- MacNamara M*,Wilhelm A*, Dy G*,Landau C, Poshkus M, Feller E. Cross-cultural communication: Curriculum development for internal medicine residents. NEGEA Annual Retreat(Boston, MA)March, 2012.
- Hussain RS*, Gentilesco B, Feller E. Altered mental status and a neurosarcoidosis flare. New England Society of General Internal Medicine meeting.(New haven, CT) March,2013
- Dy G*, Feller E Celebrating collaborations: lessons in refugee health outreach. Family Medicine Global Health Workshop (San Diego, CA) Oct., 2011
- Patel C*, Feller E> EXaggeration and Omission in press releases from proton therapy centers. MIT-Sloan Bioinnovations Conference.(Cambridge, MA)March, 2012.
- Karlik J*, Machan JT, Bancroft B, Suorza K, Lidofsky S, Shah S, Feller E, LeLeiko N. Adolescents with IBD: Characteristics of Transition of Care in Rhode Island. American Gastroenterology Association national scientific session.(San Diego, CA. May, 2010)
- Dy G*, Feller E. A woman with a broken heart. Causation or association ? American College of Physicians annual scientific session (Toronto, Ontario, Canada. April, 2010)
- Kalasapudi B*, Feller E Neurolyme disease: A woman with an insensitive tongue. NE Society of General Internal Medicine annual meeting ( Providence, RI. April, 2010)
- Kochar A*, Feller E, Schiffman F. Lactic Acidosis due to B-cell lymphoma. NE Society of General Internal medicine annual meeting ( Providence, RI , April, 2010)
- Feller R*, Feller E Unusual cause of diagnostic delay in metastatic cancer . NE Society of General Internal medicine annual meeting ( Providence, RI , April, 2010)
- Notoff N*, Feller E. Ceftriazone: Cure or cause ? American College of Physicians annual scientific meeting ( Phila., PA. April, 2009)
- Dean AL*, Lambrese J*, Dollase R, Feller E, Taylor J. Gender and sexuality in healthcare: Student-led elective to address curricular deficiencies. National American Medical Student Association annual meeting (Washington, DC. March, 2009)
- Garg S*, Shah S, Mega A, Feller E . GI bleeding due to small bowel metastases of renal cell carcinoma. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Larson A*, Pradhan D, Feller E. Shunting in orthodeoxia platypnea syndrome. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Lam M*, Feller E, Alexander N. Sexual tourism: A cause of traveler's diarrhea. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Rommel J*, Feller E. A weightlifter with a headache. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Lakin J*, Feller E. Are patients with patent foramen ovale at increased risk for paradoxical cerebrovascular emboli ? Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- De Leon L*, Shah S, Adrain A, Feller E. An exceptional case of pancreatitis…of the stomach. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Schwarz D*, Ponder K*, Feller E. Delayed diagnosis: Non-specific findings and diagnostic challenges in eating disorders. Society of General Internal Medicine regional meeting. (Boston, MA. March, 2009)
- Tshieh T*, Morrissey P, Christian J, Feller E. Public health implications of renal transplant candidates on the Expanded Donor Criteria waiting list. American Public Health Association national scientific meeting. ( San Diego, CA Oct, 2008)
- Kemble A*, Marmor MF, Feller ER, Bahr R, Anderson KL . " Through the artist's lens: The role of art in teaching ophthalmology to medical students.New England Ophthalmology Society (Boston, MA; May, 2008)
- Hermann L*, Feller ER. A school-based initiative to improve health encounters for deaf teenagers. American Public Health Association national scientific meeting. ( San Diego, CA Oct, 2008)
- Kovacic K*, Taylor J, Feller E. Breastfeeding advocacy through legislation. Thirteenth Annual International meeting of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. (Dearborn, MI, Oct 23-28, 2008`
- Dagostino ML*, Feller ER. Design of algorithms for rapid identification of CDC category A bioterrorism agents. American Public Health Association national meeting. ( San Diego, CA Oct, 2008)
- Kuroki L*, Stuckey A(resident), Feller E, Dizon D, Granai CO Gynecologic oncology tumor board recommendations: patient eligibility vs actual enrollment New England Society of Gynecologic Oncology.(Boston, MA June, 2008 )
- Dean A*, Lambrese J*, Taylor J, Dollase, R, Feller E. Gender and society in healthcare: a preclinical elective course.Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. (Pittsbugh, PA .Spring, 2008)
- Kopec K (resident), Shah S, Feller ER Eosinophilic esophagitis presenting with dyspepsia and anorexia American College of Gastroenterology annual scientific session San Diego, CA ( October, 2008.)
- Latif S*, Feller E, Spector J, Shah SA. Fever and sepsis as an unusual presentation of erosion of an IVC filter into the duodenum. Amer College of Gastroenterology annual scientific session (Nov, 2007; Philadelphia, PA.)
- Modi R*, Feller E, Shah SA. Small bowel melanoma presenting as occult GI bleeding. American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting (Nov., 2007.Philadelphia, PA)
- Lam MB*, Feller E, Shah SA Narrow band imaging in the identification of sessile serrated adenomas. Amer. College of Gastroenterology annual scientific meeting.( Nov., 2007.Phila., PA)
- Ly EJ*, Feller E, Schiffman F. Recurrent lymphoma presenting as incarcerated umbilical hernia. American College of Gastroenterology annual scientific meeting( Nov,,2007.Phila., PA)
- Wolf F*, Feller E, Nolan P, Anh SH. Screening for peripheral arterial disease.Public health Implications. American Public Health Association meeting (Nov, 2007.Wash., DC)
- Levy C*, Edward Feller, Suzanne Riggs. Public health implications of the Internet-based pro- anorexia movement. Am. Public Health Asssoc. annual meeting ( Nov., 2007.Wash, DC)
- Chew K*, Allen S, Taylor L, Rich J, Feller E Hepatitis C treatment outcomes at the RI Correctional Institution. Amer Assoc for the Study of Liver Diseases (Oct. 2007.Boston, MA)
- Kim W*, Kerzer M, Feller ER, Moss SF. High prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in ethnic Cambodians in New England. Massachusetts American College of Physicians Scientific session.
- Kahle E*, Kim DS(resident), Feller ER, Anderson AC, Luks FI. Linear increase in risk of appendiceal rupture with prolonged duration of symptoms. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference (San Francisco, CA; October, 2007)
- Flynn S*, Kislak RM, Feller E. Pediatric legal consults: A medico-legal collaborative to improve the health of low-income children. APHA Scientific Session (Boston, MA; Nov., 2006)
- Nee J*, Shiffman F, Feller E. American College of Physicians Annual Scientific Session (San Diego, CA; 2006)
- Denucci S*, Denucci T, Feller E. HCV-associated lymphoma presenting as splenic vein thrombosis. American College of Gastro. (ACG) Scientific Session (Las Vegas, NV; Nov., 2006)
- Won E*, Feller J, Feller E. Sebaceous gland carcinoma as the initial clue to occult colon carcinoma (Muir-Torre Syndrome) ACG Scientific Session .2006(Las Vegas,NV)
- Farooqi S*, Carino G, Feller E. Elevated intra-abdominal pressure and organ failure in abdominal lymphoma. ACG Scientific Session. 2006 ( Las Vegas, NV)
- Belgrave S*, Feller J, Feller E. Hemobilia with gallbladder necrosis: Report of 2 cases
- Young W*, Shah SA, Feller E. Budd-Chiari Syndrome due to IVC obstruction by leiomyosarcoma.
- Kim I*, Feller E. Anorexia nervosa and athletes : A primer for primary care physicians. NE Society of Teachers of Family Medicine ( Danvers, MA; 2006)
- Horowitz A*, Feller ER, Caldamone A. Testicular self-exam: Education and tutorial. American Urologic Society - New England section. (Providence, RI Sept, 2006)
- Yu E*, Feller ER, Allen S, Rich J. Silent epidemic: Competitive exercise-induced rhabdomyolosis and acute renal failure in male prisoners. National Scientific Session- American College of Physicians (San Francisco, CA, 2005)
- Metz Y*, Selo D(resident), Shah SA, Feller ER. Incarcerated hernia as the initial manifestation of adenocarcinoma of unknown primary. American College of Gastroenterology ( Honolulu, HA, 2005)
- Chu G*, Tom A*, Feller ER. Mental status changes as the presenting feature of Clostridium difficile – induced toxic megacolon. American College of Gastroenterology national meeting , 2005
- Grenier NL*, Shah SA, Gold G, Feller, ER. Metastatic melanoma of the gallbladder presenting as acute emphysematous cholecystitis. American College of Gastroenterology national meeting, 2005
- Dadekian G*, Feller ER. Pneumatosis intestinalis caused by Mycobacterium avium intracellulaire (MAI) in an AIDS patient. American College of Gastroenterology national meeting, 2005.
- Dubowitz N*, Lally M, Feller ER, Mitty J. Creation of a visual card illustrating the importance of adherence to anti-retroviral therapy. Infectious Disease Society of America ( San Francisco, CA, 2005)
- Abu Dayyeh B*, Frances M*, Paek I*, Feller ER, Taylor L, Rich J, Allen S. Hepatitis C virus in a correctional facility: Characteristics of 172 HCV RNA- positive male prisoners. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Annual Scientific Session (Boston, MA, 2004)
- Chaguturu S*, Huang J*, Feller ER, Greenspan N, Myers J. Another golf hazard: golf-swing induced rupture of a pancreatic pseudocyst into the pleural space. American College of Physicians National Scientific Session( New Orleans, LA, 2004)
- Metz J*, Feller ER, Rakatansky H, Shah SA. Metastatic Crohn's disease presenting as a breast mass. Am Coll. of Gastro. national meeting (Orlando, FL, 2004)
- Law K*, Shah SA, Feller ER. Intestinal obstruction as a feature of metastatic breast carcinoma.Am Coll. of Gastro. National meeting(Orlando, FL, Nov., 2004)
- Clements A*, Feller ER, Schiffman F, Shah SA. Clostridia septicum as the presenting feature of colon carcinoma. American College of Gastroenterology. National meeting (Orlando, FL, 2004)
- S Stipho (resident), MD Hein, ER Feller, SA Shah. Subacute Thyroiditis Induced by IFN-alpha Therapy. Poster presentation ACG 2004, Orlando, FL.
- S Stipho(resident), R Welch, ER Feller, SA Shah. Hidradenitis Suppurativa in Crohn's Disease Responding to Infiximab. Poster presentation ACG 2004, Orlando, FL.
- Zipser B*, Shah SA, Feller ER. Metastatic carcinoid tumor causing biliary obstruction(, national American College of Gastroenterology meeting, 2003)
- Zipser BD*, Feller ER, Shah SA. Resolution of lymphocytic gastritis following treatment for H. pylori national American College of Gastroenterology meeting, 2003
- Silvia JM*, Gardner G*, Shah SA, Feller ER. Double duct sign due to pancreatic lymphoma in AIDS , national American College of Gastroenterology meeting, 2003)
- Shah P*, Mascarenhas J(resident), Silversmith W, Feller ER. Severe acute pancreatitis in systemic lupus erythematosis , national American College of Gastroenterology meeting, 2003)
- McBean J*, Feller ER, Goldstein L, Lapidus C. Melanoma presenting as rectal bleeding. Annual Scientific Session, American College of Physicians (San Diego, CA, 2003)
- Myung P*, Feller ER, Taylor L. Sexual transmission of hepatitic C : A primer for clinicians. American Academy of Family Practice national meeting 2003
- Fukudome E*, Sheth A*, Shah SA, Feller ER. Splenic abscess due to pancreatic disease:report of 4 cases. Annual Scientific Session, American College of Gastroenterology ( Baltimore, MD, 2003)
- Shirazian T*, Feller ER, Shah S : The spectrum of entero-vaginal fistula in Crohn's disease: report of 8 cases. Annual Scientific Session, American College of Gastroenterology (Seattle,WA, 2002)
- Skolnick A*, Stone A(resident), Marcoux D, Feller ER: Pernicious vomiting and eosinophilia. Annual Scientific Session, American College of Gastroenterology 2002
- Green G* , Coronado B(resident), Feller ER. Utility of plain abdominal radiographs in the emergency room : review of 500 consecutive cases. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Scientific Session (Chicago, IL, 2002)
Fishman G, Chodock R, Feller E Amer J Gastroenterol 2000; 95: 2572; doi:10.1111/j.1572-0241.2000.02915.x Hemospermia as the presenting manifestation of colon carcinoma