Instructor in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry (Research)


Research Instructor, Brown University School of Medicine                                                     08/2018-Present

  • Identification of Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput (CLOCK) activity-dependent protein regulation and synaptic alteration in the epileptic circuit developmental process and specific inhibitory neurocircuit deficiency caused by human focal epileptogenesis.

Research Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine                                         02/2016-03/2018

  • Identified the mechanisms that regulate mRNA translation in perisynaptic astrocyte processes (PAPs) during synaptic development in mouse model of developmental disorder (Fragile X Syndrome).
  • Investigated microRNA-mediated astroglial GLT1 dysregulation in Fragile X Syndrome.
  • Development and characterization of human dental pulp stem cell-derived astrocyte cell culture.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Tufts University School of Medicine                                       09/2010-01/2016

  • Conducted in vivo and in vitro studies investigating novel therapies for autism (Fragile X syndrome), and other CNS disorders (ALS).

Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgia Health Science University                                    03/2008-08/2010

  • Investigated neuro-glia-vascular coupling mechanisms associated with novel astrocytic and neuronal ion channels to decipher the mechanism and potential treatment for hypertension and other vasculature-associated disorders.