Hye-Sook Wang received her Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She teaches all levels of Korean language and culture courses and coordinates Korean Studies and study abroad in Korea. Her primary research interests are in sociolinguistics, cross/intercultural communication and pragmatics, and applied linguistics (mainly acquisition of Korean as a second or foreign language).
Hye-Sook Wang's research primarily focuses on how English learners of Korean acquire Korean as a second or foreign language (KSL/KFL). She is interested in the integration of culture into language teaching, curriculum development and program-related issues, and the gender differences in language learning and usage, especially from a politeness perspective. Wang also investigates cross-cultural and intercultural communication. In addition to conducting research on these topics, she has been actively developing language teaching materials.
a. Books/Monographs
b. Refereed Journal Edited as Editor-in-Chief
Year | Degree | Institution |
1993 | PhD | University of Wisconsin at Madison |
1984 | MA | Sogang University |
1982 | BA | Duksung Women's University |
American Association of Teachers of Korean (AATK)
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
International Association for Korean Language Education (IAKLE)
International Gender and Language Association (IGALA)
Korean Society of Bilingualism (KSB)
National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL)
Sociolinguistic Society of Korea (SSK)
World Association for 'Hallyu' (Korean Wave) Studies (WAHS)
Hye-Sook Wang teaches Korean at all levels, Korean Culture and Society, Media Korean, The Korean Vision:A Debate, Korean Culture and Film, and Language, Culture, and Society: Korea.
EAST 0150 - Language, Culture, and Society: Korea |
EAST 0650 - Language, Culture, and Society: Korea |
EAST 1100 - Korean Culture and Film |
EMSL 2610 - South Korea: Rise of a Technology Leader |
KREA 0500 - Advanced Korean |
KREA 0600 - Advanced Korean |
KREA 0910B - Media Korean |
KREA 0912 - Business Korean |
KREA 0920B - Business Korean |