Bentkover J, Beresford J, Preblick R, Rogers B, Schachtner A, Swensen A. (2008, May). Unmet medical needs in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Toronto, ON.
Bentkover J, Beresford J, Rogers B, Schachtner A, Swensen A, Dastani H. (2008, May). Patient, caregiver, and physician perceptions of management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Findings from qualitative research. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Toronto, ON
Bentkover JD, Dorian P, Thibault B, Gardner M. Economic analysis of a randomized trial of biventricular pacing in Canada. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 2007; 30(1):38-43.
Bentkover JD, Thomas SK, Shaka EC, et al. Diagnosis of bone metastases and utilization of bisphosphonates among advanced prostate cancer patients. Presented at the 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) – Prostate Symposium; February 2006.
Gaugris S, Heaney RP, Boonen S, Kurth H, Bentkover JD, Sen SS. Vitamin D inadequacy among post-menopausal women: a systematic review. QJM 2005;98(9):667-676.
Bloom MA, Barghout V, Kahler KH, Bentkover J, Kurth H, Gralnek IM, Spiegel BMR. Budget impact of tegaserod on a managed care organization formulary. Am J Manag Care 2005;11:S27-S34.
Kurth H, McKiernan J, Thomas SK, Bentkover JD. (2005, May). Resource utilization among prostate cancer patients with bone pain. Presented at the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 10th Annual Meeting.
Bloom MA, Barghout V, Kahler KH, Bentkover JD, Kurth H, Gralnek IM, Spiegel B. (2005, May). The budget impact of tegaserod on a managed care organization formulary. Presented at the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 10th Annual Meeting.
Martinez-Murillo C, Quintana S, Ambriz R, Benitez H, Berges A, Collazo J, Esparza A, Pompa T, Taboada C, Zavala S, Larochelle MR, Bentkover JD, on behalf of the Comite Mexicano de Hemostasia y Trombosis (CMHT) Economic Model of Haemophilia in Mexico Research Team. An economic model of haemophilia in Mexico. Haemophilia 2004;10:9-17.
Bentkover JD, Larochelle MR, Russell PM. Managing price throughout the life cycle of a pharmaceutical product: tools, timing and strategies. In: The pharmaceutical pricing compendium. London: Urch Publishing; 2003. p. 39-47.
Wagner TH, Hu T-W, Bentkover J et al. Health-related consequences of overactive bladder. Am J Mgd Care 2002 Dec;8 (19 Suppl):S598-607.
Lemons J, Fanaroff A, Steward EJ, Bentkover JD, Murray G, Diefendorf A. Newborn Hearing Screening: Costs of Establishing a Program. Journal of Perinatology 2002; 22:120-124.
Bentkover J, Dhawan R, Kulseng-Hansen S, Corey R, Bachleda M, Kurth H. An economic model of overactive bladder in Norway. Presented at the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Seventh Annual International Meeting; May 2002.
Bentkover J, Bachleda M, Kulseng-Hansen S, Corey R, Kurth H. An economic model of overactive bladder in Norway. Value in Health 2002; 5(3):289-294.
Bentkover JD, Corey R. Effective utilization of pharmacoeconomics for decision makers. Dis Manage Health Outcomes 2002; 10(2)75-80.
Kurth H, Pieters R, Bentkover J, Bhattacharyya S, Dhawan R, Sloesen B. An economic model of unstable bladder in Belgium. Value in Health 2002;5(6).
Coyne K, Revicki T, Hunt T, Corey R, Stewart W, Bentkover J, Kurth H, Abrams P. Psychometric validation of an overactive bladder symptom and health-related quality of life questionnaire: The OAB-q. Quality of Life Research 2002; 11:563-574.
Quintana GS, Martinez Murillo C, Ambriz FR, Benitez AH, Berges A, Collazo JJ, Esparza A, Pompa T, Taboada C, Zavala S, Larochelle MR, Bentkover JD. Economic Model of Haemophilia in Mexico. Presented at WFH World Hemophilia Congress; Seville, 2002.
Langman M, Kahler KH, Kong SX, Zhang Q, Finch E, Bentkover JD, Stewart EJ. Drug switching patterns among patients taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: A retrospective cohort study of a general practitioners database in the United Kingdom. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2001; 10:1-8.
Chapple CR, Hill S, Corey R, Bentkover J, Kurth H. Tolterodine: The cost-effective choice for treating unstable bladder in the UK. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of International Continence Society; September 2001.
Annoni G, Corey R, Bachleda M, Bentkover J, Stewart EJ, Kurth H. An economic model of unstable bladder in Italy. Presented at the Fourth Annual European Congress of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research; November 2001.
Chapple CR, Hill S, Corey R, Bentkover J, Stewart EJ, Kurth H. An economic model of Unstable Bladder in the United Kingdom. Presented at the International Consultation on Incontinence; July 2001.
Bentkover JD, Larochelle M. Developing optimal global pharmaceutical pricing strategies. Training course presented in London, UK; Sept 2001 and Feb 2002.
Vohr BR, Oh W, Stewart EJ, Bentkover JD, Gabbard SA, Lemons J, Papile LA, Pye R. A comparison of costs and referral rates of three universal newborn hearing screen protocols. Journal of Pediatrics 2001; 139(2):238 244.
Stewart EJ, Bentkover JD, Frech FH, Doan QD, Bedigian MP. Symptomatology and quality of life assessment in hypertensive patients following a change in treatment regimen. Presented at the Third International Symposium on Angiotensin II Antagonism, London; February 2000.
Vohr BR, Oh W, Stewart EJ, Bentkover JD, Gabbard SA, Lemons J, Papile LA, Pye R. An economic evaluation of universal infant hearing screening. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Academy of Pediatrics. Washington, DC. October, 1999.
Bentkover JD, Field C, Greene EM, Plourde V, Casciano J. The economic burden of irritable bowel syndrome in Canada. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology (Canada) 1999; 13(Suppl. A):89A-96A.
Bentkover JD, Stewart EJ, Magar RM, Saffar JM, Greene EG, Parison D. An economic evaluation of hypertension in Ontario. Presented at the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research International Meeting, Washington, DC; May 1999.
KPMG. Biopharmaceutical Industry Key Issues Survey 1996.
Bentkover JD, Minnear M. Is managed care friend or foe? Scrip Magazine 1996.
KPMG. Integrated Patient Care: Managing Health Care Costs, Maximizing Health Care Value and Quality 1996.
Bentkover JD, Feighner JP. Cost Analysis of paroxetine versus imipramine in major depression. PharmacoEconomics (New Zealand) 1995; 8(3):223 232.
Lapierre Y, Bentkover JD, Schainbaum S, Manners S. Direct cost of depression: analysis of treatment costs of paroxetine versus imipramine in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 40(7):370-377.
Bentkover JD, Baker AM. Health care policy reform: implications for the pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Economics 1994; 5(3):17-35.
Bentkover JD, Baker AM, Kaplan H. Nabumetone in elderly patients with osteoarthritis: economic benefits versus ibuprofen alone or ibuprofen plus misoprostol. Pharmacoeconomics 1994; 5(4):335-342.
Bentkover JD, Champion A. Economic evaluation of alternative methods of treatment for diabetic foot ulcer patients: Cost-effectiveness of platelet releasate and wound care clinics. Wounds 1993; 5(4):207-215.
Bentkover JD. Health economics – Current practices in Europe and the US. Talking Points. Scrip 1993.
Bentkover JD, Lash C. Health care reform under the Clinton administration: A Stakeholder's Guide. Spectrum 1993 Mar; 44-1–44-13.
Bentkover JD, Sheshinski RH, Hedley-Whyte JH, Warfield CA, Mosteller F. Low back pain: Laminectomies, spinal fusions, demographics and socioeconomics. International Journal of Technology Assessment on Health Care (England) 1992; 8(2):309-317.
Bentkover JD, Baker AM. Prosperous changes: New pricing plans spell success. Pharmaceutical Executive 1992 Nov.
Getz KA, Bentkover JD. The impact of AIDS on the insurance industry. Journal of the American Society of CLU & CHFC 1992; 54-60.
Bentkover JD, Baker AM. Achieving a competitive edge in the more-challenging U.S. health care regulatory and delivery environment. Spectrum 1991; 22:1-9.
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Bentkover JD, Stason WB. Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis in the evaluation of treatment for cardiovascular disease. Costs of Illness and Benefits of Drug Treatment 1989; 35-44.
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Bentkover J. CBA/CEA of pharmaceuticals: methods and applications. Drug Information Journal. 1988; 22:291-309.
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Willer J. Multi hospital systems and access to health care. In: Rossiter L, Wilensky G, eds. In: Advances in health services research. JAI Press, 1986.
Harvard Medicare Project. Medicare: Coming of Age. Cambridge, MA:Division of Health Policy Research and Education, 1986.
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Blumenthal D, Schlesinger M, Drumheller P. The Harvard Medicare Project. The Future of Medicare. New England Journal of Medicine. 1986; 314:722-728.
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Bentkover JD, Schroeder RE, Lee AJ. Effects of rate review on the financial viability of New York hospitals: a retrospective assessment. Hospital and Health Service Administration 1985; 30(3):94-105.
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Bentkover J, Lee AJ, Vakalis N. Medical manpower for Ontario. Toronto, Canada: The Ontario Council of Health, 1983.
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Sloan F, Bentkover J. Access to Ambulatory Care and the U.S. Economy. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health & Company, 1979.
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