Associate Professor of Classics


Jeri DeBrohun received her B.A. with Honors in Classics from The University of Cincinnati and completed her Ph.D. in Classical Studies at The University of Michigan. She taught for three years in the Department of Classics at Florida State University before joining the Brown faculty in 1995.

At Brown, she served as the Graduate Adviser and Director of Graduate Studies in Classics from 1997-2007 and as Chair of the Department from 2012-2018. She also advises undergraduates regularly. She has directed the Classics Department's Latin Carol Celebration since 2005; and since 2009, she has regularly participated in the Classical Association of New England's Summer Institute (serving as Director in 2013 and 2014).

Prof. DeBrohun was awarded the John Rowe Workman Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Humanities in 2004; and in 2018, she received the Barlow-Beach Award for Distinguished Service from the Classical Association of New England.

Brown Affiliations