Director of Academic Assessment and Evaluation, Lecturer in Biology


Dr. Kristina Monteiro is the Director of Academic Assessment and Evaluation for the Program in Biology and Lecturer in Biology. She oversees program evaluation and assessment for training and curricular initiatives within the Program in Biology and develops and leads new evaluation initiatives within curricular affairs ensuring they align with University-wide goals, processes, and best practices. Dr. Monteiro works collaboratively with other areas of the Division of Biology and Medicine to provide evaluation data, analysis, and evidence-based recommendations for program enhancement. This includes leading efforts to develop and publish peer-reviewed publications and present findings associated with Biology Program curricular and training program discoveries and innovations.

In her faculty appointment, Dr. Monteiro is the instructor for BIOL 0946: Research Design and Quantitative Methods for the Health Sciences, BIOL 0100: Living Biology at Brown and Beyond, and BIOL 1000: Quality Improvement Science and Application. She also advises students for BIOL 1950 and BIOL 1960: Independent Study in Biology.

Dr. Monteiro provides consultation support to instructors on course assessment, and faculty and students on research and other scholarly projects. This includes individual support to faculty and students on research design, quantitative methods, and poster/manuscript preparation and submission. 

Dr. Monteiro earned her PhD in 2015 from the University of Rhode Island in Behavioral Science with a track in Research Methods and Statistics. A URI, Kristina worked in the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning in the area of program assessment and evaluation. She also held a statistical consultant position at the Behavioral Change Research Center where she advised faculty, staff, and students on research methods and statistical analyses. Her teaching experience includes assisting in undergraduate statistics (quantitative methods, research methods) and graduate statistics (structural equation modeling, parsimony methods) courses. Outside of statistics, Kristina conducts research in the area of increasing diversity and inclusiveness in undergraduate STEM education. She has presented at conferences, universities, and led workshops to increase diversity in STEM fields from adolescence through young adulthood.

Dr. Monteiro provides consultation to Biology students, faculty, and staff. Please set up an appointment for any assistance, or to see many pictures of her Chihuahua, Stitch.