1975-1990: Studies in Leuven, Cincinnati, Jerusalem, Tuebingen, and New Haven, as well as Providence and Middlebury. Yale PhD. '90. Senior Lector Yale (1989-1991). 1991-2022: Professor, Assistant, Associate, Full; visiting at Yale and Harvard. 10+ books and 200+ peer-reviewed articles and reviews.
For details, see CV.
For some recent lines of research, see "The Boole Manifesto" (2022) and "The Thalamus Manifesto" (2024) on researchgate.net and academia.edu.
Implied in recent lines of research, especially on mathematical infinity (see CV): The Big Bang Theory is a total farce. It is easy to see what led to it in the 1920s. Just read the sources of that time. A quickie hack job. Everyone agrees that there is no evidence for it. The same with "singularity." No one even knows what a singularity is supposed to be. Big bang and singularity are to physics what alchemy is to chemistry.
Depuydt, Leo. "Apropos 1+2+3+4+5+...=<img src="http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?-frac{1}{12}" title="-frac{1}{12}" />: Mapping Infinity in Light of the Number Circle (or Cycle), in L. Euler’s Footsteps and with the Aid of Two Dimensional Infinite Series, and Replacing Negative Infinity and Positive Infinity with Just Infinity." Advances in Pure Mathematics, vol. 07, no. 01, 2017, pp. 75-133. |
Depuydt, Leo. "A Retrospective." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 31-86. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Book Acknowledgments." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 177-186. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Chapter Abstracts." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 163-170. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Chapter Acknowledgments." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 171-176. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Contents." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 11-30. |
Depuydt, Leo. "FRONT MATTER." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 1-10. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Preface." Prolegomena to the Complete Physical and Mathematical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence in Boolean, Lagrangian, and Maxwellian Mode, 2015, pp. 87-162. |
Depuydt, Leo. "The Literature of the Copts and the Contributions of Monsignor Hyvernat to the Study of the Subject (Fourth Annual Henri Hyvernat Lecture)." Advances in Historical Studies, vol. 04, no. 04, 2015, pp. 320-335. |
Depuydt, Leo. "The Alleged Gospel of Jesus's Wife: Assessment and Evaluation of Authenticity." Harvard Theological Review, vol. 107, no. 02, 2014, pp. 172-189. |
Depuydt, Leo. "The Prime Sequence: Demonstrably Highly Organized While Also Opaque and Incomputable—With Remarks on Riemann’s Hypothesis, Partition, Goldbach’s Conjecture, Euclid on Primes, Euclid’s Fifth Postulate, Wilson’s Theorem along with Lagrange’s Proof of It and Pascal’s Triangle, and Rational Human Intelligence." Advances in Pure Mathematics, vol. 04, no. 08, 2014, pp. 400-466. |
Depuydt, Leo. "The Mathematical and Physical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence: Complete Empirical-Digital Properties; Full Electrochemical-Mechanical Model (Part I: Mathematical Foundations)." Advances in Pure Mathematics, vol. 03, no. 05, 2013, pp. 491-561. |
Depuydt, Leo, Gill, Richard D. "Higher Variations of the Monty Hall Problem (3.0, 4.0) and Empirical Definition of the Phenomenon of Mathematics, in Boole’s Footsteps, as Something the Brain Does." Advances in Pure Mathematics, vol. 02, no. 04, 2012, pp. 243-273. |
Depuydt, Leo. "To Comma or Not to Comma: The Mathematics of the Relative Clause, All Types, via Boole and Venn." International Journal of Intelligence Science, vol. 02, no. 04, 2012, pp. 106-114. |
Depuydt, Leo. "The Monty Hall Problem and beyond: Digital-Mathematical and Cognitive Analysis in Boole’s Algebra, Including an Extension and Generalization to Related Cases." Advances in Pure Mathematics, vol. 01, no. 04, 2011, pp. 136-154. |
Depuydt, Leo. "New Date for the Second Persian Conquest, End of Pharaonic and Manethonian Egypt: 340/39 B.C.E." Journal of Egyptian History, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, pp. 191-230. |
Depuydt, Leo. "From Twice Helix to Double Helix: A Comprehensive Model for Egyptian Calendar History." Journal of Egyptian History, vol. 2, no. 1, 2009, pp. 115-147. |
Depuydt, Leo.
"Function and Significance of the Ebers Calendar's Lone Feast-Hieroglyph (Gardiner Sign-List W3)." Journal of Egyptian History, vol. 1, no. 1, 2008, pp. 117-138. |
Depuydt, Leo. "Unexpected links between Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics." The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 30, no. 3, 2008, pp. 72-74. |
Depuydt, Leo. ":Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deîr el‐Médînéh, Tome IX – N os 831–1000." Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 66, no. 4, 2007, pp. 296-298. |
See CV.
See CV.
See CV.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1990 | PhD | Yale University |
1987 | MA | Yale University |
See CV.
EGYT 0200 - Egypt in the Time of Cleopatra |
EGYT 1410 - Ancient Egyptian Literature |
EGYT 1440 - History of Egypt II |
EGYT 1490 - Calendars and Chronology in Ancient Egypt and the Ancient World |
EGYT 1495 - The Science and the Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians |
EGYT 2210 - Introduction to Coptic |
EGYT 2300 - Readings in Ancient Egyptian |
EGYT 2410 - Late Egyptian |
EGYT 2610 - Introduction to Demotic |
EGYT 2620 - Demotic Texts |