Professor Emerita of Medicine


Dr. Nici is the Chief of the Pulmonary and Critical Care Section at the Providence Veterans Administration Medical Center and Professor of Medicine at Brown University. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Columbia University in NYC and a Pulmonary/Critical Care fellowship at Yale University. She joined the faculty at Brown University in 1991, intially as a basic scientist investigating the alveolar epithelium's response to injury. She transitioned to the Providence VAMC in 2004 where her focus has been on clinical work and clinical research in COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Dr. Nici is the founder and Medical Director of the Providence VAMC Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.  Through this program, she has investigated multiple patient-centered outcomes in COPD patients including response of depression and anxiety to pulmonary rehabilitation, influence of BMI on program completion, the effects of self-management education of COPD readmissions rates, and the trajectory of activity levels in COPD patients following pulmonary rehabilitation.  She has participated in VA multi-center trials, multi-center trials with the New England consortium of pulmonary rehabilitation programs, pharmaceutical company-sponsored trials, and site specific trials evaluating multiple aspects of the integrated care of the COPD patient. Dr. Nici has mentored several pulmonary/critical care fellows through their research year at the Providence VAMC. 

Dr. Nici has served on the Board of Directors of the American Lung Association of RI; the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the American Thoracic Society, where she was the inaugural Chair of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly. She has played a prominent role within the ATS, serving on the Board of Directors and on multiple committees including the Research Advocacy Committee (Chair 2014- present), the Rhode Island Representative to the Council of Chapter Representatives (2009-present) and  EC member and Chair (2011-2014), and a Presidential Appointee to the Planning and Evaluation Committee (2013-present).  She is currently a Trustee of the ATS Foundation, serving as the Vice Chair.  Dr. Nici has co-authored every major statement, guideline and competency paper in pulmonary rehabilitation in the last 10 years and has authored over 75 peer-review papers, reviews, commentaries, chapters, and books on this subject.

Dr. Nici teaches medical students, residents, and fellows at both at Brown Medical School as well as on the wards and ICU at the Providence VAMC and has been recognized for her teaching with both the Dean's Excellence in Teaching Award and the Beckwith Family Award for Outstanding Teaching.  She regularly receives excellent teaching evaluations from her students and trainees.  Dr. Nici currently serves as Chair of the Clinical Faculty Advisory Committee (CFAC) at Brown University and is an ex officio member of the Medical Faculty Executive Committee (MFEC). 

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas