I am an experimental marine community ecologist interested in the ecology and conservation biology of shoreline systems, particularly salt marshes and rocky shores. My current work is focused on reevaluating the role of top down forces in regulating the primary production of salt marsh systems, elucidating the importance of ecosystem engineers and positive interactions in shoreline systems and critically examining the prevalence of alternative community stable states in marine ecosystems. My students and I work on salt marsh and rocky intertidal systems on the east coast of North and South America and on salt marshes in Chile. A large part of our work in South America is focused on empowering South American graduate students.
Altieri, A, B.R. Silliman, and M. D. Bertness. 2006. Whole community facilitation of a rocky intertidal invertebrate assemblage by cobble beach cordgrass. American Naturalist, in press
Van Wessenbrek, B., A. Altieri, C. Crain and M.D. Bertness. 2006. Landscape spatial scale patterns in the organization of halophytic plant communities in Narragansett Bay Ecology, in review
Minchinton, T.E., J.C. Simpson, and M.D. Bertness. 2006 Mechanisms of exclusion of native coastal marsh plants by an invasive grass. Journal of Ecology 94: 342-354.
Crain, C.M. and M.D. Bertness. 2006. Incorporating ecosystem engineering into conservation and restoration biology. BioScience 56
Bertness, M.D. B. R. Silliman, M. C. Bazterrica, M. V. Reyna, F. Hildago and C. M. Crain. 2006. The Community Structure of Western Atlantic Patagonian Rocky Shores. Ecological Monographs. In press
Van De Koppel, B.R. Silliman, A. Altieri and M.D. Bertness. 2005. Scale dependent interactions lead to the spatial patterning of cobble beach assemblages. Ecological Letters 9: 45-50.
Silliman, B.R., J. Van de Koppel. M.D. Bertness, L. Stanton, and I. Mendelssohn. 2005. Drought and herbivory lead to catastrophic salt marsh collapse. Science 310:1803-1805.
Silliman, B.R., M.D. Bertness, C. Mullan, G. Trussell, and P. Ewanchuk. 2005. Mechanisms of consumer control in Gulf of Maine rocky intertidal communities. Oecologia in review
Wolters, M., J.P Bakker, M.D. Bertness, R.L. Jefferies, and I. Moller.2005. Forum: Salt-marsh erosion and restoration in south-east England: squeezing the evidence requires realignment. Invited commentary. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 844-851.
Crain, C.M. and M.D. Bertness. 2005. Community impacts of a tussock forming sedge: Is ecosystem engineering important in benign habitats. Ecology 86: 2695-2704.
Fogel, B*, C. M. Crain, and M. D. Bertness. 2004. Community Level Engineering Effects of Triglochin maritima (seaside arrowgrass) in a Northern New England Salt Marsh. Journal of Ecology 92: 589-597.
Crain, C. M., B.R. Silliman, S. L. Bertness, and M.D. Bertness. 2004. Mechanisms of the spatial segregation of plants across estuarine salinity gradients. Ecology 85: 2539-2549.
Silliman, B. R. and M. D. Bertness. 2004. Shoreline Development Drives the Invasion of Phragmites australis and the Loss of New England Salt Marsh Plant Diversity. Conservation Biology 18: 1424- 1434.
Bertness, MD, BR Silliman and R. Jefferies. 2004. Salt marshes under siege. American Scientist 92:54-61.
Ewanchuk, P. J., and M. D. Bertness.2004. Maintenance of high diversity pans in Northern New England salt marshes. Ecology 85: 1568-1574.
Ewanchuk, P. J., and M. D. Bertness.2004.Structure and Organization of a northern New England salt marsh plant community. J. Ecology 92:72-85.
Bertness, M.D., G. Trussell, P. Ewanchuk and B.R. Silliman. 2004. Do alternate community stable states exist on rocky shores in the Gulf of Maine? A reply. Ecology 85: 1165-1167.
Bertness, M.D., Trussell, G.C., Ewanchuk, P.J., Silliman, B.R. and Mullan, C. 2004. Consumer Controlled Alternate Community States on Gulf of Maine Rocky Shores.
Trussell, G.C., P.J. Ewanchuk, B.R. Silliman, and M.D. Bertness. 2004. Indirect effects mediate consumer control of New England tide pool communities. Oecologia 139: 427-432.
Pennings, S.C., M. Bestor-Grant* and M. D. Bertness. 2004. Plant zonation in low-latitude salt marshes: disentangling the roles of flooding, salinity and competition. Journal of Ecology 93:159-167
Trussell, G.C., P.J. Ewanchuk, and M.D. Bertness. 2003. Trait-mediated effects in rocky intertidal food chains: predator risk cues alter prey feeding rates. Ecology 84: 629-640.
Ewanchuk, P. J. and M. D. Bertness.2003. Recovery of a northern Nre England salt marsh plant community from winter icing. Oecologia 136:616-626
Pennings, S. C., E. Selig*, L. Houser*, and M. D. Bertness. 2003. Geographic variation in positive and negative interactions among marsh plants. Ecology 84:1527-1538.
Bruno, J., J.J. Stackowitz, and M. D. Bertness. 2003. Including positive interactions in ecological theory. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 119-125
Minchinton, Todd E., Bertness, Mark D. 2003: Disturbance-mediated competition and the spread of Phragmites australis in a coastal marsh. Ecological Applications: Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1400–1416.
Bertness, M.D., P. Ewanchuk, and B.R. Silliman. 2002. Anthropogenic modification of New England salt marsh landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 99 (3): 1395-1398.
Trussell, G.C., P.J. Ewanchuk, and M.D. Bertness. 2002. Field evidence of trait-mediated indirect interactions in a rocky intertidal food web. Ecological Letters 5: 1-5.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1979 | PhD | University of Maryland |
1975 | MS | Western Washington University |
BIOL 0455 - Coastal Ecology and Conservation |
BIOL 1440 - Marine Biology |