Dr. Laws has studied the patient experience of illness and health care for 15 years. He has been particularly influenced by his studies under the late Irving Kenneth Zola, a pioneer in the sociology of chronic illness and disability. As evaluator of numerous federally funded behavioral health services for people with HIV, he developed a commitment to clinical research based in the patient's perspective. He has focused particularly on physician-patient communication, including the construction and measurement of patient agency in medical encounters. He developed the Generalized Medical Interaction Analysis System, which has been the basis of several published studies. The long-term goal of his research is to support the continuing transformation of medicine and health care more broadly into an institution built around patients' needs physical, psychological, and social; which meets those needs effectively; and in which patients have ultimate agency and authority.
Laws MB, Magill M, Mastroleo NR, Gamarel KE, Howe CJ, Walthers J, Monti PM, Souza T, Wilson IB, Rose GS, Kahler CW. "A sequential analysis of motivational interviewing technical skills and client responses." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 92, 2018, pp. 27-34. |
Wachira, Juddy, Genberg, Becky, Kafu, Catherine, Braitstein, Paula, Laws, Michael Barton, Wilson, Ira. "Experiences and expectations of patients living with HIV on their engagement with care in Western Kenya." Patient Preference and Adherence, vol. Volume 12, 2018, pp. 1393-1400. |
Laws MB, Lee Y, Taubin T, Rogers WH, Wilson IB. "Factors associated with patient recall of key information in ambulatory specialty care visits: Results of an innovative methodology." PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018, pp. e0191940. |
Beach MC, Laws MB, Rose G, Roter D, Lee Y, Chander G, Woodson T, Moore RD, Rogers W, Wilson IB. "Effects of Minimal Versus Intensive Intervention to Enhance Motivational Interviewing in HIV Care." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 276-286. |
Adu-Boahene AB, Laws MB, Dapaah-Afriyie K. "Health-Needs Assessment for West African Immigrants in Greater Providence, RI." Rhode Island medical journal (2013), vol. 100, no. 1, 2017, pp. 47-50. |
Callon W, Beach MC, Saha S, Chander G, Wilson IB, Laws MB, Sharp V, Cohn J, Moore R, Korthuis PT. "Assessing Problematic Substance Use in HIV Care: Which Questions Elicit Accurate Patient Disclosures?." J GEN INTERN MED, vol. 31, no. 10, 2016, pp. 1141-7. |
Laws MB. "Explanatory Models and Illness Experience of People Living with HIV." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 20, no. 9, 2016, pp. 2119-29. |
Callon W, Saha S, Wilson IB, Laws MB, Massa M, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Cohn J, Moore RD, Beach MC. "How does decision complexity affect shared decision making? An analysis of patient-provider antiretroviral initiation dialogue." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 100, no. 5, 2016, pp. 919-926. |
Kahler, Christopher W., Caswell, Amy J., Laws, M. Barton, Walthers, Justin, Magill, Molly, Mastroleo, Nadine R., Howe, Chanelle J., Souza, Timothy, Wilson, Ira, Bryant, Kendall, Monti, Peter M. "Using topic coding to understand the nature of change language in a motivational intervention to reduce alcohol and sex risk behaviors in emergency department patients." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 99, no. 10, 2016, pp. 1595-602. |
Barton Laws, M., Yeh, Yating, Reisner, Ellin, Stone, Kevin, Wang, Tina, Brugge, Doug. "Gender, Ethnicity and Environmental Risk Perception Revisited: The Importance of Residential Location." Journal of Community Health, vol. 40, no. 5, 2015, pp. 948-955. |
Laws MB, Danielewicz M, Rana A, Kogelman L, Wilson IB. "Health Literacy in HIV Treatment: Accurate Understanding of Key Biological Treatment Principles is Not Required for Good ART Adherence." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 19, no. 4, 2015, pp. 635-644. |
Barton Laws, Michael, Rose, Gary S., Beach, Mary Catherine, Lee, Yoojin, Rogers, William S., Velasco, Alyssa Bianca, Wilson, Ira B. "Patient-provider concordance with behavioral change goals drives measures of motivational interviewing consistency." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 98, no. 6, 2015, pp. 728-33. |
Brooks, Katherine, Laws, Michael Barton, Wilson, Ira. "Allocating HIV treatment to the adherent: a qualitative study of patient perceptions of their HIV care in the Dominican Republic." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 25, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1748-62. |
Brooks K, Laws MB, Wilson I. "Allocating HIV treatment to the adherent: a qualitative study of patient perceptions of their HIV care in the Dominican Republic." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 25, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1748-62. |
Wallace BC, Laws MB, Small K, Wilson IB, Trikalinos TA. "Automatically annotating topics in transcripts of patient-provider interactions via machine learning." Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, vol. 34, no. 4, 2014, pp. 503-12. |
Mayfield E, Laws MB, Wilson IB, Penstein Rosé C. "Automating annotation of information-giving for analysis of clinical conversation." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, vol. 21, no. e1, 2014, pp. e122-8. |
Laws MB, Lee Y, Rogers WH, Beach MC, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Cohn J, Moore R, Wilson IB. "Provider-Patient Communication About Adherence to Anti-retroviral Regimens Differs by Patient Race and Ethnicity." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 18, no. 7, 2014, pp. 1279-87. |
Fuller CH, Patton AP, Lane K, Laws MB, Marden A, Carrasco E, Spengler J, Mwamburi M, Zamore W, Durant JL, Brugge D. "A community participatory study of cardiovascular health and exposure to near-highway air pollution: study design and methods." Reviews on environmental health, vol. 28, no. 1, 2013, pp. 21-35. |
Flickinger TE, Berry S, Korthuis PT, Saha S, Laws MB, Sharp V, Moore RD, Beach MC. "Counseling to reduce high-risk sexual behavior in HIV care: a multi-center, direct observation study." AIDS Patient Care and STDs, vol. 27, no. 7, 2013, pp. 416-24. |
Flickinger TE, Rose G, Wilson IB, Wolfe H, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Massa M, Berry S, Laws MB, Sharp V, Moore RD, Beach MC. "Motivational interviewing by HIV care providers is associated with patient intentions to reduce unsafe sexual behavior." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 93, no. 1, 2013, pp. 122-9. |
Laws MB, Taubin T, Bezreh T, Lee Y, Beach MC, Wilson IB. "Problems and processes in medical encounters: the cases method of dialogue analysis." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 91, no. 2, 2013, pp. 192-9. |
Laws MB, Beach MC, Lee Y, Rogers WH, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Wilson IB. "Provider-patient adherence dialogue in HIV care: results of a multisite study." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 17, no. 1, 2013, pp. 148-59. |
Bezreh T, Laws MB, Taubin T, Rifkin DE, Wilson IB. "Challenges to physician-patient communication about medication use: a window into the skeptical patient's world." Patient preference and adherence, vol. 6, 2012, pp. 11-8. |
Laws MB, Rose GS, Bezreh T, Beach MC, Taubin T, Kogelman L, Gethers M, Wilson IB. "Treatment acceptance and adherence in HIV disease: patient identity and the perceived impact of physician-patient communication." Patient preference and adherence, vol. 6, 2012, pp. 893-903. |
Laws MB, Bradshaw YS, Safren SA, Beach MC, Lee Y, Rogers W, Wilson IB. "Discussion of sexual risk behavior in HIV care is infrequent and appears ineffectual: a mixed methods study." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 15, no. 4, 2011, pp. 812-22. |
Laws, M. Barton, Reisner, Ellin, Dávila, Mario, Brugge, Douglas. "Sociodemographic Characteristics and Perception of Risk From Near Highway Pollution." Epidemiology, vol. 22, 2011, pp. S111-S112. |
Laws MB, Epstein L, Lee Y, Rogers W, Beach MC, Wilson IB. "The association of visit length and measures of patient-centered communication in HIV care: a mixed methods study." Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 85, no. 3, 2011, pp. e183-8. |
Rifkin DE, Laws MB, Rao M, Balakrishnan VS, Sarnak MJ, Wilson IB. "Medication adherence behavior and priorities among older adults with CKD: a semistructured interview study." American Journal of Kidney Diseases, vol. 56, no. 3, 2010, pp. 439-46. |
Wilson IB, Laws MB, Safren SA, Lee Y, Lu M, Coady W, Skolnik PR, Rogers WH. "Provider-focused intervention increases adherence-related dialogue but does not improve antiretroviral therapy adherence in persons with HIV." JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 53, no. 3, 2010, pp. 338-47. |
Brugge D, Edgar T, George K, Heung J, Laws MB. "Beyond literacy and numeracy in patient provider communication: focus groups suggest roles for empowerment, provider attitude and language." BMC Public Health, vol. 9, 2009, pp. 354. |
White K, Laws MB. "Role exchange in medical interpretation." Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health, vol. 11, no. 6, 2009, pp. 482-93. |
Laws MB, Heckscher R, Mayo SJ, Li W, Wilson IB. "A new method for evaluating the quality of medical interpretation." Medical Care, vol. 42, no. 1, 2004, pp. 71-80. |
Laws, M B. "Adverse drug reactions as cause of admission to hospital: Definition of adverse drug reactions needs to include overdose." BMJ, vol. 329, no. 7463, 2004, pp. 459-460. |
Flores G, Laws MB, Mayo SJ, Zuckerman B, Abreu M, Medina L, Hardt EJ. "Errors in medical interpretation and their potential clinical consequences in pediatric encounters." Pediatrics, vol. 111, no. 1, 2003, pp. 6-14. |
Laws MB, Carballeira N. "Use of nonallopathic healing methods by Latina women at midlife." American Journal of Public Health, vol. 93, no. 4, 2003, pp. 524-5; author reply 525. |
Laws MB, Heckscher RA. "Racial and ethnic identification practices in public health data systems in New England." public health reports, vol. 117, no. 1, 2002, pp. 50-61. |
Laws MB, Whitman J, Bowser DM, Krech L. "Tobacco availability and point of sale marketing in demographically contrasting districts of Massachusetts." Tobacco Control, vol. 11 Suppl 2, 2002, pp. ii71-3. |
Laws MB. "Race and ethnicity in biomedical and health services research." Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, vol. 155, no. 8, 2001, pp. 972-3; author reply 973-4. |
Laws, M. Barton, Wilson, Ira B., Bowser, Diana M., Kerr, Sarah E. "Taking antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection." J GEN INTERN MED, vol. 15, no. 12, 2000, pp. 848-858. |
Laws MB, Wilson IB, Bowser DM, Kerr SE. "Taking antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection: learning from patients' stories." J GEN INTERN MED, vol. 15, no. 12, 2000, pp. 848-58. |
Laws MB, Mayo SJ. "The Latina Breast Cancer Control Study, year one: factors predicting screening mammography utilization by urban Latina women in Massachusetts." Journal of Community Health, vol. 23, no. 4, 1998, pp. 251-67. |
Evaluation of the Comprehensive Opportunity Resources and Employment program. Justice Assistance Corporation. 7/1/2023-6/30/2026
This is a pre-trial diversion and re-entry program that provides comprehensive services under one roof including case management, psychological conseling, employment and educational support, and supervision of conditions of release.
R01 MH 083595-01A1 (Wilson PI) 7/1/08-6/30/11
Analyzing Patient-Provider Communication to Understand Disparities in HIV Care.
This project will use a new method to analyze audiotapes of routine office visits to understand how patient-provider dialogue differs by race and ethnicity.
Role: Co-Investigator
5R01 ES 015462-02 (Brugge PI) 6/13/08-3/31/13
Community Assessment of Freeway Pollution and Health
To study the relationship between air pollutants emitted from motor vehicles on major highways and chronic health effects in individuals living in nearby communities.
Role: Co-Investigator
5P30 AI 042853-12 (Carpenter PI) 7/1/09-6/30/11
CFAR Development Award Sub-Project ID: 9010
Physician and Patient Perspectives on Motivational Interviewing to Support ART Adherence
(Subcontract from Brown University)
Role: PI for Developmental Award
R34 PAR-06-248 (Laws) 08/13/10 04/30/12 4.8 calendar months
NIH/AIDS $53,271
Improving ARV Adherence through Enhancement of HIV Providers' Counseling Skills
(Subcontract from Johns Hopkins University)
Role: PI of Subcontract
2K24 MH-092242-06 (Wilson) 07/01/10 - 06/30/15 0.36 calendar months
NIH/NIMH $180,591
Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Medication Adherence Problems in HIV
To improve adherence to prescribed medication regimens and thereby long-term health outcomes of persons with chronic conditions.
Role: Investigator
VA, RRP 10-195 (Bokhour, PI) 01/01/11 12/31/11 1.20 calendar months
ENRM VA Hospital 16,605
Evaluating implementation of an HIV adherence informatics intervention.
R01 AG 0022521 (Wilson PI) 7/1/04-6/30/09
Explaining Disparities in the Care of Older Patients
To identify how the communication process mediates the relationship among patient factors, physician factors, and diagnosis and treatment of theses two common clinically significant conditions.
Role: Co-Investigator
DHHS/CDC/NCHSTP U65/CCU123858 07/01/2004-01/19/09
Evaluation of HIV counseling, testing and referral program
Role: Project Evaluator
DHHS/HRSA 2 H1 2HA 23060 09/30/2001-01/19/09
Evaluation of HIV clinical case management program
Role: Project Evaluator
DHHS/SAMHSA/CSAT 1 H79 TI018952 09/30/2007-01/19/09
Evaluation of outpatient substance abuse treatment program
Role: Project Evaluator
DHHS/SAMHSA/CMHS 1 H79 TI017778 09/30/2007-01/19/09
Evaluation of adolescent and family outpatient substance abuse treatment program
Role: Project Evaluator
DHHS/SAMHSA/CSAT 1 U79 SM058196 09/30/2007-01/19/09
Evaluation of outpatient child traumatic stress treatment program
Role: Project Evaluator
DHHS/HRSA 5/H4AHA 00050 6099979/MAI3 07/01/2008-01/19/09
Evaluation of HIV clinical case management program
Role: Project Evaluator
20. Flickinger TE, Rose G, Wilson IB, Wolfe H, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Massa M, Berry S, Laws MB, Sharp V, Moore RD, Beach MC. Motivational interviewing by HIV care providers is associated with patient intentions to reduce unsafe sexual behavior. Patient Education and Counseling. (In press).
22. Mayfield E, Laws MB, Wilson IB, Rosé, CP. Automating Annotation of Information-Giving for Analysis of Clinical Conversation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2013; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24029598
21. Flickinger TE, Berry S, Korthuis PT, Saha A, Laws MB, Sharp V, Moore RD, Beach MC. Counseling to reduce high-risk sexual behavior in HIV care: a multi-cetner, direct observation study. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2013;27(7):415-24. PMID:23802144
18. Fuller CH, Patton AP, Lane K, Laws MB, Marden A, Carrasco E, Spengler J, Mwamburi M, Zamore W, Durant JL, Brugge D. A Community Participatory Study of Cardiovascular Health and Exposure to Near-highway Air Pollution: Study Design and Methods. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2013;28(1):21-35.PMID: 23612527
17. Laws MB, Bezreh T, Taubin T, Lee Y, Beach MC, Wilson I. Problems and Processes in Medical Encounters: The CASES method of dialogue analysis. Patient Education and Counseling. 2013;91(2):192-9.PMID: 23391684
15. Laws MB, Beach MC, Lee Y, Rogers WH, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Wilson IB. Provider-patient Adherence Dialogue in HIV Care: Results of a Multisite Study. Aids and Behavior. 2013: 17:1;148-159. PMID: 22290609
19. Galárraga O, Genberg BL, Martin RA, Laws MB, Wilson IB. Conditional economic incentives to improve HIV treatment adherence: literature review and theoretical considerations. Aids and Behavior. 2013;17:2283-2292.
23. Wallace B, Laws MB, Small K; Wilson IB, Trikalinos, T. Automatically Annotating Topics in Transcripts of Patient-Provider Interactions via Machine Learning. Medical Decision Making. 2013; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24285151
3. Laws, MB Substance Abuse. Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. Sage. 2012.
2. Laws, MB Health policy. Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. Sage. 2012.
1. Laws, MB Physician-Patient Communication. Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. Sage. 2012.
16. Laws MB, Rose GS, Bezreh T, Beach MC, Taubin T, Kogelman L, Gethers M, Wilson IB. Treatment acceptance and adherence in HIV disease: patient identity and the perceived impact of physician-patient communication. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2012;6:893-903. PMID: 23271898
14. Bezreh T, Laws MB, Taubin T, Rifkin DE, Wilson IB. Challenges to physician-patient communication about medication use: a window into the skeptical patient's world. Patient Preference and Adherence. 2012:6 11-18. PMID: 2272065
13. Laws MB, Epstein L, Lee Y, Rogers W, Beach MC, Wilson IB. The Association of Visit Length and Measures of Patient-Centered Communication in HIV Care: A Mixed Methods Study. Patient Educ Couns. 2011: 85:e183-e188. PMID: 21592716
12. Laws, MB, Bradshaw YS, Safren SA, Beach MC, Lee Y, Rogers W., Wilson IB. Discussion of Sexual Risk Behavior in HIV Care is Infrequent and Appears Ineffectual: A Mixed Methods Study. AIDS and Behavior 2011: 14(4): 812-822. PMID: 20981480
11. Rifkin DE, Laws MB, Rao M, Balakrishnan VS, Sarnak MH, Wilson IB. Medication Adherence Behavior and Priorities Among Older Adults with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Semistructured Interview Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2010 Sep;56(3):439-46. PMID: 20674113
10. Wilson IB, Laws MB, Safren SA, et al. Provider focused intervention increases HIV antiretroviral adherence related dialogue, but does not improve antiretroviral therapy adherence in persons with HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Mar 1;53(3):338-47. PMID: 20048680
9. White K, Laws MB. Role Exchange in Medical Interpretation. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 11(6): 482-493, 2009. PMID: 18975091
4. Laws, MB, O'Connor J. Review of State Policy to Address Health Disparities in New England. New England Coalition for Health Equity, 2008.
5. Laws, MB Proceedings of Everybody Counts: State Policy to Address Health Disparities. New England Coalition for Health Equity, 2005
7. Dryden EM, Barrett A, Bhandary K, Laws MB. Report of Disproportionate Minority Contact: Phase II, Assessment. For the State of New Hampshire. Latin American Health Institute, 2004.
7. Laws MB, Heckscher R, Mayo SJ, Wilson IB. A new method for evaluating the quality of medical interpretation. Medical Care, 42(1):71-80, 2004. PMID: 14713741
6. Flores G, Laws MB, Mayo SJ, Zuckerman B, Abreu M, Medina L, Hardt EJ. Errors in medical interpretation and their potential clinical consequences in pediatric encounters. Pediatrics,111(1):6-14, 2003. PMID: 12509547
5. Laws MB, Carballeira NP. Use of non-allopathic healing methods by Latina women at mid-life. Am Journ Pub Health [Research Letter], 93(4): 524, 2003. PMID: 12660185
4. Laws MB, Krech L, Whitman J, Bowser DM. Tobacco availability and point of sale marketing in demographically diverse districts of Massachusetts. Tobacco Control, 11:ii71-ii73, 2002. PMID: 12034986
3. Laws MB, Heckscher R. Racial and ethnic identification practices in public health data systems in New England. Public Health Reports, 117(1):50-61, 2002. PMID: 12297682
8. Laws, MB, Sastre F. Report of Disproportionate Minority Confinement: Phase I, Identification. Report to the State of New Hampshire, Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2002.
2. Race and Ethnicity in Biomedical and Health Services Research [letter] Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2001. 155:972-973
1. Is "globalization" in health care simply a euphemism for Americanization? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2001. 6;3:190
10. Laws MB, Krech L. The Latino Tobacco Control Study. Report to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Tobacco Control Program. 2000.
9. Laws MB, Cabiya MA, Carballeira NP, Miranda F, Zanini L, Aguilú-Semidey E. Luchando por Nuestro Futuro: The Boston Latino Health Assessment. Report to the Boston Public Health Commission. 2000.
12. Laws MB, Armas C, Whitman J. Latino identifiers in public health data systems in New England. Report for the New England Coalition for Health Equity. 1999.
11. Laws MB, Armas C, Carballeira NP. Project Data Link: racial and ethnic identification in public health data systems. Report to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Minority Health. 1999.
14. Laws, M.B.Health Vs. Medicine: The Real Struggle for Health Care Reform. Z Magazine, July/August 1998:77-89
1. Laws MB, Mayo SJ. The Latina Breast Cancer Control Study. Journal of Community Health, 23;4:251-267, 1998. PMID: 9693984
3. The special challenges of medicine in a diverse society. The Boston Globe, April 6, 1998, p. A-16
13. Laws MB, Goldman L. The Boston AIDS Housing Needs Assessment. Report to the City of Boston, Mayor's AIDS Task Force. 1997.
4. The Real Struggle for Health Care Reform. Peacework. April 1996
15. Laws, MB. The Immigration Wars: The Meaning of American Nationhood in a Shrinking Planet. Z Magazine. 9:2;31-39. November 1996.
6. Laws, MB The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the New England States – 1990 – 2000. New England Coalition for Health Equity, 2004.
17. Laws, MB. This Mighty Dream: Social Protest in North America. Serial publication in USA, spring-summer 1982
16. Laws, MB. La Raza Unida de Cristal. Southern Exposure. 10:2, 1982
8. Brugge D, Edgar T, George K, Heung J, Laws MB. Beyond literacy and numeracy in patient-provider communication: Focus groups suggest roles for empowerment, provider attitude, and language. BMC Public Health, 9:354-365, 2009. PMID: 19772555
2. Laws MB, Wilson I, Bowser DM, Kerr S. Taking anti-retroviral medications for HIV infection: learning from patients' stories. Journal of Gen Internal Medicine, 15;12:848-858, 2000. PMID: 11119181
Other papers presenting primary data or analysis
Refereed papers
Year | Degree | Institution |
1997 | PhD | Brandeis University |
1986 | MA | Tufts University |
Name | Title |
Galarraga, Omar | Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Director of the Center for Global Public Health |
Kahler, Christopher | Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Director of Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Magill, Molly | Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Research) |
Monti, Peter | Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Rana, Aadia | Assistant Professor of Medicine |
Wilson, Ira | Associate Provost for Academic Space, Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Professor of Medicine |
Academy of Communication in Health Care
Academy Health
International Association of Providers in AIDS Care
Supervisor for Tufts University School of Medicine
Combined M.D./M.P.H. practicum
Supervisor for Boston University School of Public Health
M.P.H. practicum
Supervisor for University of Massachusetts School of
Public Health M.P.H. practicum
2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
Preceptor for Applied Learning Experience for TUSM
M.P.H. students
Supervisor for TUSM Master’s in Biological Sciences thesis
Member, Dissertation Committee for Ph.D. in Anthropology, Florida International University
2012 Supervisor for Warren Alpert School of Medicine student
Summer Research Assistantship
2013-2014 Supervisor for Warren Alpert School of Medicine student
scholarly concentration
2015 Supervisor for M.P.H. thesis
Middlesex Community College. Taught course in introductory sociology.
Boston University School of Social Work.
Taught course in research methods.
TUSM. Facilitated section for Patient, Doctor and Society
course; consultant on syllabus and graded final papers for
Patient, Doctor and Society for 2001-2002 academic year.
TUSM. Course Director for Public Health Program Planning, Proposal Writing and Implementation
Thesis advisor and directed study instructor for undergraduates and MPH students.
PHP 0320 - Introduction to Public Health |
PHP 2355 - Designing and Evaluating Public Health Interventions |