Maria D. Mileno, MD is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at Brown and has been Director of the Travel Medicine Service at the Miriam Hospital for the past 11 years. She is a graduate of the Bronx HS of Science, Brown University where she attained an AB degree in Biology and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. After training at the New England Medical Center in internal medicine ant then completing a fellowship there in infectious diseases she joined the Division of Infectious Disease at the Miriam Hospital. Dr. Mileno enjoys teaching medical students, housestaff and ID fellows in the clinical management of HIV-infected persons as well as general infectious disease consultations, and has been honored with teaching awards for these activities. Her research interests include returned travelers with illness and care of immunocompromised travelers. She writes on these subjects in numerous publications and is an associate editor of the Travel Medicine Advisor. Her teaching activities include participation in the Pathophysiology of Infectious Disease course at Brown Medical School and she has been guest lecturer for the undergraduate course, Burden of Disease in Developing Countries. She developed an elective course for 1st and 2nd year Brown medical students entitled "Introduction to Tropical Medicine" or "Tropical Topics" which it was more commonly and fondly referred to, in order to bring together a small group of eager students with investigators who have experience working abroad.
She is a member of the review committee for the Foreign Studies Fellowship at Brown, a program which funds students who wish to do research overseas. She is also a longstanding member of ASTMH, ISTM and IDSA.
Dr. Mileno has other leadership roles at the Miriam Hospital as Officer of Quality Management for the Department of Medicine and as newly appointed Chairperson of the IRB, together with her passion to pursue her unique role in the education of clinicians in Tropical and Travel Medicine.