Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2014. In preparation .
Sood R, Makalowska I, Carpten JD, Robbins CM, Stephan DA, Connors TD, Morgenbesser SD, Su K, Pinkett HW, Graham CL, Quesenberry MI, Baxevanis AD, Klinger KW, Trent JM, Bonner TI. The human RGL (RalGDS-like) gene: cloning, expression analysis and genomic organization. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2000 Apr 25;1491(1-3):285-8.
Stephan D A, Gillanders E, Vanderveen D, Freas-Lutz D, Wistow G, Baxevanis A D, Robbins C M, VanAuken A, Quesenberry M I, Bailey-Wilson J, et al. Progressive juvenile-onset punctate cataracts caused by mutation of the gammaD-crystallin gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1999;96:1008–1012.
Quesenberry MI, Hudak C, Extranodal Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma presenting with Involvement of the Myocardium and Large Intestine Case Report. In preparation
Quesenberry MI, Williams ME, Prognostic Markers and Frontline Therapy of Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Progress and Controversy. In preparation
Stephan DA, Bonner TI, Robbins CR, Teslovich T, Sood R, Carpten JD, Schmeltz M, Quesenberry M, Malechek L, Vogel B, Isaacs W, and Trent JM. The Human Z47 Gene is A novel intermediate filament binding protein with high functional homology to plectin. In preparation
Physical/transcript map of the hereditary prostate cancer locus at Xq27.3-q28. D.A. Stephan, L. Malechek, D Gildea, J Smith, M. Heiskanen, M.I. Quesenberry, J Schleutker, R. Sood, H. Pinket, C.M. Robbins, N. Scott, J.D. Carpten, P. Meltzer, o. Kallioniemi, W.B. Isaacs, JM Trent. 1) Lab of Cancer Genetics, NIH/NHGRI, Bethesda, MD; 2) Department of Urology, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.