Dr. Stein, Professor of Medicine, Health Services, Policy & Practice is an internationally-acclaimed authority on the interaction of HIV disease, drug use disorders, and primary care, and the author of over 275 medical papers.
Stein, Michael D., Herman, Debra S., Moitra, Ethan, Hecht, Jacki, Lopez, Rosalie, Anderson, Bradley J., Brown, Richard A. "A preliminary randomized controlled trial of a distress tolerance treatment for opioid dependent persons initiating buprenorphine." Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 147, 2015, pp. 243-250. |
Stein, Michael D., Herman, Debra S., Bailey, Genie L., Straus, John, Anderson, Bradley J., Uebelacker, Lisa A., Weisberg, Risa B. "Chronic Pain and DepressionAmong Primary Care Patients Treated with Buprenorphine." J GEN INTERN MED, vol. 30, no. 7, 2015, pp. 935-941. |
Stein, Michael D., Anderson, Bradley J., Thurmond, Portia, Bailey, Genie L. "Comparing the life concerns of prescription opioid and heroin users." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 48, no. 1, 2015, pp. 43-48. |
Moitra, Ethan, Christopher, Paul P., Anderson, Bradley J., Stein, Michael D. "Coping-motivated marijuana use correlates with DSM-5 cannabis use disorder and psychological distress among emerging adults." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, vol. 29, no. 3, 2015, pp. 627-32. |
Stein, Michael D., Caviness, Celeste M., Grimone, Kristin, Audet, Daniel, Borges, Allison, Anderson, Bradley J. "E-cigarette Knowledge, Attitudes, and Use in Opioid Dependent Smokers." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 52, 2015, pp. 73-77. |
Conroy, Deirdre A., Kurth, Megan E., Brower, Kirk J., Strong, David R., Stein, Michael D. "Impact of marijuana use on self-rated cognition in young adult men and women." The American Journal on Addictions, vol. 24, no. 2, 2015, pp. 160-165. |
Crooks, Denise, Tsui, Judith, Anderson, Bradley, Dossabhoy, Shernaz, Herman, Debra, Liebschutz, Jane M., Stein, Michael D. "Differential Risk Factors for HIV Drug and Sex Risk-Taking Among Non-treatment-seeking Hospitalized Injection Drug Users." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 19, no. 3, 2014, pp. 405-411. |
Caviness, Celeste M., Tzilos, Golfo, Anderson, Bradley J., Stein, Michael D. "Synthetic Cannabinoids: Use and Predictors in a Community Sample of Young Adults." Substance Abuse, vol. 36, no. 3, 2014, pp. 368-373. |
Stein, Michael, Thurmond, Portia, Bailey, Genie. "Willingness to Use HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Opiate Users." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 18, no. 9, 2014, pp. 1694-1700. |
224. Caviness CM, Anderson BJ, De Dios MA, Kurth M, Stein MD. Prescription medication exchange patterns among methadone maintenance patients. Drug Alc Depend 2013; 127: 232-238.
220. Phillips KT, Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Corso KF. Skin and needle hygiene intervention for injection drug users: results from a randomized, controlled Stage 1 pilot trial. J Sub Abuse Treat 2012; 43: 313-321.
217. Stein MD, Kurth ME, Sharkey KM, Anderson BJ, Corso RP, Millman RP. Trazodone for sleep disturbance during methadone maintenance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Drug Alc Depend 2012; 120: 65-73.
216. De Dios MA, Herman DS, Britton WB, Hagerty CE, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Motivational and mindfulness intervention among young adult female marijuana users. J Sub Abuse Treat 2012; 42: 56-64.
219. Safren SA, O'Cleirgh CM, Bullis JR, Otto MW, Stein MD, Pollack MH. Cognitive behavior therapy for adherence and depression (CBT-AD) in HIV-infected injection drug users: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Consult Psych 2012; 80: 404-415.
218. Caviness CM, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Prevalence and predictors of sexually transmitted infections in hazardously-drinking incarcerated women. Women & Health 2012; 52:1-16.
223. Strong DR, Brown RA, Sims M, Herman DS, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Persistence on a stress-challenge task prior to initiating buprenorphine treatment was associated with successful transition to early opioid abstinence. J Addict Med 2012; 6: 219-225.
222. Stein MD, Caviness CM, Anderson BJ. Incidence Of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Hazardously-Drinking Women Following Incarceration. Women's Health Issues 2012, 22, e1-e7.
221. De Dios MA, Anderson BJ, Stanton CA, Audet DA, Stein MD. Project IMPACT: A pharmacotherapy pilot trial investigating the abstinence and treatment adherence of Latino light smokers. J Sub Abuse Treat 2012; 43: 322-330.
214. Markowitz S, O'Cleirgh, C, Hendriksen ES, Bullis J, Stein MD, Safren S. Childhood sexual abuse and health risk behaviors in patients with HIV and a history of injection drug use. AIDS & Behavior 2011; 15: 1554-1560.
210. Taylor LE, Bowman SE, Chapman S, Zaller N, Stein MD, Cioe PA, Maynard MA, McGovern BH. Treatment for hepatitis C genotype 1 infection in HIV-infected individuals on methadone maintenance therapy. Drug Alc Depend 2011; 116: 233-237.
207. Hayaki J, Herman DS, Hagerty CE, de Dios MA, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Expectancies and self-efficacy mediate the effects of impulsivity on marijuana use outcomes: an application of the Acquired Preparedness Model. Addict Behav. 2011; 36(4): 389-396.
204. Stein MD, Hagerty CE, Herman DS, Phipps MG, Anderson BJ. A brief marijuana intervention for non-treatment seeking young adult women. J Sub Abuse Treat 2011;40: 189-198.
206. Clarke JG, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Hazardously-drinking women leaving jail: Time to first drink. J Correct Health Care. 2011;17(1):61-8.
205. Sharkey KM, Kurth ME, Anderson BJ, Corso RP, Millman RP, Stein MD. Assessing sleep in opioid dependence: a comparison of subjective ratings, sleep diaries and home polysomnography in methadone maintenance patients. Drug Alc Dep 2011; 113:245-248.
209. Ramsey SE, Engler PA, Stein MD, Brown RA, Cioe P, Kahler CW, Promrat K, Rose J, Anthony J, Solomon DA. Effect of CBT on depressive symptoms in methadone maintenance patients undergoing treatment for hepatitis C. J Addic Res Ther 2011; 2: 109-115.
208. Tsui JI, Herman DS, Kettavong M, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Chronic pain and hepatitis C virus infection in opioid dependent injection drug users. J Addict Dis 2011; 30: 91-97.
213. Brower KJ, Conroy DA, Kurth ME, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Ramelteon and improved insomnia in alcohol-dependent patients: a case series. J Clin Sleep Med 2011; 7: 274-275.
212. Anderson BJ, Stein MD. A behavioral decision model testing the association of marijuana use and sexual risk among young adult women. AIDS & Behavior 2011; 15: 875-884.
211. Schonbrun YC, Strong DR, Anderson BJ, Caviness CM, Brown RA, Stein MD. Alcoholics Anonymous and hazardously drinking women returning to the community after incarceration: Predictors of attendance and outcome. Alcoholism: Clin Exper Res 2011; 35: 532-539.
215. Tsui JI, Herman DS, Kettavong M, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Escitalopram is Associated with Reductions in Pain Severity and Pain Interference in Opioid Dependent Patients with Depressive Symptoms. Pain 2011; 152: 2640-2644.
201. Tsui JI, Herman DS, Kettavong M, Alford D, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Physician introduction to opioids for pain among patients with opioid dependence and depressive symptoms. J Sub Abuse Treat 2010; 39: 378-383.
198. Dedios MA, Anderson BJ, Herman DS, Hagerty CE, Caviness C, Budney AJ, Stein M. Marijuana use subtypes in a community sample of young adult females. Women's Health Issues 2010; 20: 201-210.
195. Stein MD, Herman DS, Kettavong M, Cioe PA, Friedmann PD, Tellioglu T, Anderson BJ. Antidepressant treatment does not improve buprenorphine retention among opioid-dependent persons. J Sub Abuse Treat 2010; 39: 157-166.
192. Ramsey SE, Engler PA, Harrington M., Smith RJ, Fagan MJ, Stein MD, Friedmann P. Brief alcohol intervention among at-risk drinkers with diabetes. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2010; 4:1-8.
191. Merchant RC, DePalo DM, Liu T, Rich JD, Stein MD. The development and initial performance of a system to predict laboratory-confirmed chlamydial and/or gonococcal urethritis among adult emergency department patients. Postgrad Med 2010; 122 (1): 52-60.
190. Kiene SM, Bateganya M, Wanyenze R, Lule H, Nantaba H, Stein MD. Effect of provider-initiated routine HIV-testing and counseling during outpatient care on risky sexual behavior, partner HIV-testing, disclosure and HIV-care seeking at a rural Ugandan hospital. AIDS Patient Care & STDs 2010; 24: 1-10.
194. Sharkey KM, Kurth ME, Anderson BJ, Corso RP, Millman RP, Stein MD. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common than central sleep apnea in methadone maintenance patients with subjective sleep complaints. Drug Alc Depend 2010; 108:77-83.
193. Stein MD, Caviness CM, Anderson BA, Hebert M, Clarke JG. A brief alcohol intervention for hazardously-drinking incarcerated women. Addiction 2010; 105: 466-475.
197. Strong D, Caviness CM, Anderson BJ, Brown R, Stein MD. Assessing the severity of hazardous drinking and related consequences among incarcerated women.Alcoholism: Clin Exper Res 2010; 34: 907-914.
196. Phillips KT, Stein MD. Risk practices associated with bacterial infections among injection drug users in Denver, CO. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2010; 36: 92-97.
200. Dedios MA, Hagerty CE, Herman DS, Hayaki J, Anderson BJ, Budney AJ, Stein MD. General anxiety disorder symptoms, tension reduction and marijuana use among young female adults. J Women's Health 2010; 19(9): 1635-42.
199. Cioe PC, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Erectile dysfunction in opioid users: lack of association with serum testosterone. J Add Dis 2010; 29: 455-460.
203. Hayaki J, Hagerty CE, Herman DS, de Dios MA, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Expectancies and marijuana use frequency and severity among young females. Addictive Behav 2010; 35:995-1000.
202. Hennessey KA, Stein MD, Rosengard C, Rose JS, Clarke JG. Childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance use, and adult functioning among incarcerated women. J Attention Disorders 2010; 14: 273-280.
186. Stein MD, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. A trial to reduce hepatitis C seroincidence in drug users. J Addic Dis 2009;28: 389-398.
183. Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Caviness CM, Rosengard C, Kiene S, Friedmann P, Clarke JG. The relationship of alcohol use and sexual risk-taking among hazardously drinking incarcerated women: an event-level analysis. J Studies of Alcohol & Drugs 2009; 70(4):508-15.
180. Stein MD, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. A motivational intervention trial to reduce cocaine use. J Substance Abuse Treatment 2009;36:118-125.
182. Kurth ME, Sharkey KM, Millman RP, Corso RP, Stein MD. Insomnia among methadone-maintained individuals: The feasibility of collecting home polysomnographic recordings. J Addic Dis 2009; 28:219-225.
181. Sharkey KM, Kurth ME, Corso RP, Brower KJ, Millman RP, Stein MD. Home polysomnography in methadone maintenance patients with subjective sleep complaints. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2009; 35(3): 178-182.
185. Barta WD, Kurth ME, Stein MD, Tennen H, Kiene SM. Craving and self-efficacy in the first five weeks of methadone maintenance therapy: a daily process study. J. Studies of Alcohol & Drugs 2009; 70:735-740.
184. Merchant RC, DePalo DM, Stein MD, Rich JD. Adequacy of testing, empiric treatment, and referral for adult male emergency department patients with possible Chlamydia and/or gonorrhea urethritis. Int J STD and AIDS. 2009;20: 534-539.
188. Kiene, S. M., Bateganya, M., Wanyenze, R., Lule, H., Mayer, K. H. & Stein, M. D. Provider-initiated HIV testing in health care settings: Should it include client-centered counseling? J Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Res Alliance 2009; 6: 115-119.
187. Caviness CM, Hatgis C, Anderson BJ, Rosengard C, Kiene SM, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Three brief alcohol screens for detecting hazardous drinking in incarcerated women. J Studies of Alcohol & Drugs 2009;70: 50-54.
177. Willers DM, Peipert JF, Allsworth JE, Stein MD, Rose JS, Clarke JG. Prevalence and predictors of sexually transmitted infection among newly incarcerated females. Sex Trans Dis 2008;35:68-72.
173. Sears D, Cabrera CSR, Ortiz FM, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Sexual risk behavior among HIV positive patients at an urban clinic in Santiago, Dominican Republic. AIDS Care 2008;20(2):191-197.
171. Phillips KT, Anderson BJ, & Stein MD. Predictors of bacterial infections among HCV-negative injection drug users in Rhode Island. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2008;34:1-8.
172. Raj A, Rose J, Decker MR, Clarke JG, Rosengard C, Hebert M, Stein M. Prevalence andpatterns of sexual assault across the lifespan among incarcerated women. Violence Against Women 2008;14:528-541.
175. Hebert MR, Caviness CM, Bowan SE, Chowdhury SD, Loberti BG, Stein MD. Backpack needle exchange: background, design & pilot testing of a program in Rhode Island. J Addict Dis 2008; 27(3):7-12.
174. Hebert MR, Clarke JG, Caviness CM, Ray, MN, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Feasibility of gaining access to women in jail for health interventions. Women & Health 2008; 47(3):79-93.
Exp Res 2008;32: 1652-1660.
179. Anthony JL, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Social phobia, alcohol, and marijuana use in a methadone-maintained population. J Dual Diagnosis 2008;1:75-88.
178. Hayaki J, Anderson BA, Stein MD. Drug use expectancies among non-abstinent community cocaine users. Drug Alc Depend 2008;94:109-115.
168. Peipert JF, LaPane KL, Allsworth JE, Redding CA, Blume JL, Lozowski F, Stein MD. Women at risk for STDs: Correlates of intercourse without barrier contraception.Am J Obstetrics & Gynecology 2007;197(5):474.
165. Stein MD, Herman DS, Bishop D, Trisvan E, Lopez R, Anderson BA, Flanigan T, Miller I. A telephone-based intervention for depression in HIV patients: Negative results from a randomized clinical trial. AIDS and Behavior 2007;11(1):1-16.
162. Hebert MR, Rose JS, Rosengard C, Clarke JG, Stein MD. Level of trauma among women inmates with HIV risk and alcohol use disorders: behavioral and emotional impacts. J Trauma Disassociation 2007; 8: 27-46.
160. Rose JS, Herman DS, Hagerty C, Phipps MG, Peipert JF, Stein MD. Marijuana use among young women in a primary care setting. JGIM 2007;22(6):826-9.
157. Stein MD, Weinstock MC, Anderson BJ, Anthony JL. Relationship of depression to smoking outcomes in a methadone-maintained population. J Add Dis 2007;26:35-40
156. Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Niaura R. Smoking cessation patterns in methadone-maintained smokers. Nic Tob Res 2007;9:1-8.
159. Stein MD, Dubyak P, Herman D, Anderson BJ. Perceived barriers to safe injection practices among drug injectors who remain HCV-negative Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2007;33:517-525.
158 Stein MD, Friedmann PD. Optimizing opioid detoxification: rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. J Addict Dis 2007;26(2):1-2.
161. Rose JS, Chassin L, Preson CC, Sherman SJ, Stein M, Col, N. A latent class typology of young women smokers. Addiction 2007; 102:1310-1319.
164. Miller IW, Bishop DS, Herman DS, Stein MD. Relationship quality among HIV patients and their caregivers. AIDS Care 2007;19(2):203-211.
163. Lloyd-Richardson EE, Stanton CA, Papandonatos GD, Betancourt RM, Stein M, Tashima K, Morrow K, Niaura R. HIV-Positive Smokers Considering Quitting: Differences by Race/Ethnicity. Am J Health Beh 2007;32(1):3-15.
167. Bonney LE, Rose J, Hebert M, Rosengard C, Clarke J, Stein M. Correlates of acceptance of a hypothetical gonorrhea vaccine by incarcerated women. Sex Trans Diseases 2007;34(10):778-782.
166. Piepert JF, Lapane KL, Allsworth JE, Redding, CA, Blume J, Stein MD. Bacterial vaginosis and incident sexually transmitted infections: Does race modify the association? Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007;197(5):474.e1-474.e8.
170. Rothman G, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Gender, drug use, and perceived sexual support among HIV+ patients. AIDS & Behavior 2007; 12: 695-704.
169. Ramsey SE, Engler PA, Stein MD. Addressing HIV risk behavior among pregnant drugabusers: An overview. Prof Psychology Res Prac 2007; 38:518-522.
154. Hayaki J, Anderson BJ, & Stein MD. Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Substance Users: Relationship To Impulsivity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2006;20:328-332.
152. Schleinitz M, DePalo D, Blume J, Stein M. Can differences in breast cancer utilities explain disparities in breast cancer care? JGIM 2006;21:1253-1260.
149. Clarke JG, Rosengard C, Rose J, Hebert MR, Phipps MG, Stein MD. Pregnancy attitudes and contraceptive plans among women entering jail. Women & Health. 2006;43(2):111-130.
147. Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Lassor J, Friedmann PD. Receipt of disability payments by substance abusers: mental & physical health correlates. Am J Addict. 2006;15:160-165.
144. Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Niaura R. Nicotine replacement therapy: patterns of use after a quit attempt among methadone-maintained smokers. JGIM. 2006;21: 753-757.
142. Raj A, Clarke JG, Silverman JG, Rose J, Rosengard C, Hebert M, Stein M. Violence against women associated with arrests for sex trade but not drug charges. Int J Law and Psychiatry. 2006;29: 204-211.
139 Clarke JG, Hebert MR, Rosengard C, Rose JS, DaSilva KM, Stein MD. Reproductive health care control and family planning needs among incarcerated women. Am J Pub Health 2006;96(5):834-839.
137. Stein MD, Solomon DA, Anderson BJ, Herman DS, Anthony JL, Brown RA, Ramsey SE, Miller IW. Persistence of antidepressant treatment effects in a pharmacotherapy plus psychotherapy trial for active injection drug users. Am J Addict. 2006;14:346-357.
138. Friedmann PD, Henderickson JC, Gerstein DR, Zhang Z, Stein MD. Do mechanisms that link addiction patients to primary care influence subsequent utilization of emergency and hospital care? Med Care. 2006; 44(1):8-15.
141. Stein MD, Weinstock MC, Herman DS, Anderson BJ, Anthony JL, Niaura R. A smoking cessation intervention for the methadone maintained. Addiction. 2006;101:599-607.
140. Lagu T, Anderson B, Stein M. Overdoses Among Friends: Drug Users are Willing to Administer Naloxone to Others. J Sub Abuse Treat 2006;30:129-133.
143. Clarke JG, Rosengard C, Rose JS, Hebert MR, Piepert J, Stein MD. Improving birth control service utilization by offering services prerelease vs postincarceration. Am J Pub Health. 2006;96(5):840-845.
146. Bonney LE, Lally M, William D, Stein MD, Flanigan T. Where to begin human papillomavirus vaccination? Lancet Inf Diseases. 2006;6:389-390.
145. Costello BJ, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Heavy Episodic Drinking Among Adolescents: A Test of Hypotheses Derived from Control Theory. J Alchol Drug Edu. Mar 2006; 50(1): 35-55.
148. Herman DS, Bishop D, Anthony JL, Chase W, Trisvan E, Lopez R, Stein MD. Feasibility of a telephone intervention for HIV patients and their informal caregivers. J Clin Psych Med Settings. 2006;13(1):78-88.
151. Rosengard, C., Anderson, B. A., & Stein, M. D.. Correlates of condom use and reasons for condom non-use among drug users. Am J Drug Alc Abuse. 2006;32(4):637-644.
150. Friedmann PD, Rose J, Hayaki J, Ramsey S, Charuvastra A, Dube C, Herman D, Stein M. Training primary care clinicians in maintenance care for moderated alcohol use. JGIM. 2006;21:1269-1275.
153. Pugatch D, Anderson BJ, O'Connell JV, Elson LC, Stein, MD. HIV and HCV Testing for Young Drug Users in Rhode Island. J Adolescent Health 2006;38:302-304.
155. Engler P, Anderson B, Herman D, Bishop D, Miller I, Pirraglia P, Hayaki J, Stein M.Coping and burden among HIV caregivers. Psychosom Med 2006;68:985-992.
134. Stein MD, Friedmann PD. Disturbed sleep and its relationship to alcohol use. Sub Abuse 2005; 26(1): 1-13.
132. Stein MD, Weinstock MC, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. Respiratory symptom reliefrelated to reduction in cigarette use. JGIM 2005;20:889-894.
129. Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Solomon DA, Herman DS, Ramsey SE, Brown RA, Miller IW.Reductions in HIV risk behaviors among depressed drug injectors. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2005; 31:417-432.
127. Charuvastra A, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Physician attitudes regarding the prescription of medical marijuana. J Addictive Dis 2005;24(3):87-93.
125. Hayaki, J, Stein MD, Lassor JA, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. Adversity among drug users: relationship to impulsivity. Drug Alc Depend 2005;78:65-71.
122. Rosengard C, Clarke JG, DaSilva, K, Hebert M, Rose J, Stein MD. Correlates of partner-specific condom use intentions among incarcerated women in Rhode Island. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 2005; 37(1):32-38.
124. Hayaki J, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Perceptions of health risk susceptibility among methadone maintained smokers. J. Addictive Dis 2005;24:73-84.
123. Shadel WG, Stein MD, Anderson BJ, Herman DS, Bishop S, Lassor JA, Weinstock M, Anthony JL, Niaura R. Correlates of motivation to quit smoking in methadone-maintained smokers enrolled in a smoking cessation trial. Addictive Behav 2005;30:295-300.
126. Ramsey SE, Engler PA, Stein MD. Alcohol use among depressed patients: the need for assessment and intervention. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2005; 36(2), 203-207.
128. Pirraglia, PA, Bishop D, Herman DS, Trisvan E, Lopez RA, Torgersen CS, Van Hof AM,Anderson BJ, Miller I, Stein MD. Caregiver burden and depression among informalcaregivers of HIV-infected individuals. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 Jun;20(6):510-4.
131. Lally M, MacNevin R, Sergie Z, Hitt R, DiSpigno M, Cenedella C, Stein MD. A model to provide comprehensive testing for HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections at a short term drug treatment center. J AIDS Patient Care STDs 2005;19(5):298-305.
130. Stein MD, Herman DS, Trisvan E, Pirraglia P, Engler P, Anderson B. Alcohol use and sexual risk among immunodeficiency virus-positive persons. Alc Clin Exp Res 2005;29(5):837-843.
133. Rich JD, Anderson BJ, Schwartzadfel B, Stein MD. Sexual risk for hepatitis B virusinfection among Hepatitis C virus-negative heroin and cocaine users. Epidem Infect 2005;6:1-7.
136. Paasche-Orlow M, Clarke JG, Herbert MR, Ray MK, Stein MD. Educational attainment but not literacy is associated with HIV risk behavior among incarcerated women.J Women's Health 2005;14: 852-859.
135. Stein MD, Cioe P, Friedmann, PD. Buprenorphine retention in primary care. JGIM.2005;20:1038-1041.
120. Stein MD, Herman DS, Bishop S, Lassor JA, Weinstock M, Anthony J, Anderson BJ. Sleep disturbances among methadone maintained patients. J Sub Abuse Treat 2004;26:175-180.
118. Rich JD, McKenzie M, Macalino GE, Taylor LE, Sanford-Colby S, Wolf F, McNamaraS, Mehrotra M, Stein MD. A syringe prescription program to prevent infectious diseaseand improve health of injection drug users. J Urban Health 2004;81(1):122-134.
117. Stein MD, Solomon DA, Herman DS, Anthony JL, Ramsey SE, Anderson BJ,Miller I. Pharmacotherapy plus psychotherapy for treatment of depression in active injection drug users. Arch Gen Psych 2004;61:152-59.
119. Stein MD, Herman DS, Solomon DA, Anthony JL, Anderson BJ, Ramsey SE,Miller I. Adherence to treatment of depression in active injection drug users: The Minerva Study. J Sub Abuse Treat 2004;26:87-93.
121. Rosengard C, Anderson B, Stein MD. Intravenous Drug Users' HIV-Risk Behaviors with Primary/Other Partners. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2004;30(2):225-236.
116. Friedmann PD, Lemon S, Anderson BJ, Stein MD. Predictors of follow-up healthstatus in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS). Drug Alc Depend. 2003;69:243-51.
113. Friedmann PD, Lemon S, Stein MD, D'Aunno TA. Accessibility of addiction treatment: results from a national survey of outpatient substance abuse treatment organizations. Health Serv Res. 2003; 38(3): 887-903.
111. Lemon SC, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. The Impact of Smoking Cessation On Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome. Addictive Behavior, 2003;28(7):1323-1331.
109. Stein MD, Anderson BJ. Injection frequency mediates health service use amongpersons with a history of drug injection. Drug Alcohol Depend, 2003;70:159-68.
107. Friedmann PD, Herman DS, Freedman S, Lemon SC, Ramsey S, Stein MD. Treatment of sleep disturbance in alcohol recovery: A national survey of addiction medicine physicians. J Addict Dis 2003;22(2):91-103.
106. Manheimer E, Anderson BJ, Stein, MD. Use and assessment of complementary and alternative therapies by intravenous drug users. Am J Drug Alc Abuse 2003;29(2):401-13.
108. Friedmann PD, Lemon SC, Stein MD, D'Aunno TA. Community referral sources and entry of treatment-naïve clients into outpatient addiction treatment. Am J Drug Alc Abuse, 2003;29(1):105-15.
110. Samet J, Freedberg K, Savetsky J, Sullivan LM, Padmanabhan L, Stein MD. Discontinuation from Medical Care among HIV-Infected Persons: Squandering Treatment Opportunities. J Poor Underserved, 2003;14(2):244-55.
112. Stein MD, Anderson BJ. Nicotine and drug interaction expectancies among methadone maintained cigarette smokers. J Sub Abuse Treatment, 2003;24:357-61.
115. Friedmann PD, Zhang Z, Hendrickson J, Stein MD, Gerstein DR. The effect of primary medical care on addiction and medical severity in substance abuse treatment programs. J Gen Intern Med 2003;18:1-8.
114. Stein MD, Solomon DA, Herman DS, Anderson BJ, Miller I. Depression severity and HIV injection risk behavior. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160:1659-62.
105. Stein MD, Charuvastra A, Anderson BJ. Social support and zero sharing risk among hazardously drinking injection drug users. J Sub Abuse Treat 2002;23:225-30.
103. Shue M, Hogan J, Allsworth J, Stein MD, Vlahov D, Schoenbaum EE, Schuman P, Gardner L, Flanigan T. Continuity of medical care and risk of incarceration in HIV-positive and high-risk HIV-negative women. J Women's Health 2002;11(8):743-50.
100. Stein MD, Charuvastra A, Maksad J, Anderson BJ. A Randomized Trial of a Brief Alcohol Intervention for Needle Exchangers. Addiction 2002;97:691-700.
98. Ballard Lubelczyk RA, Friedmann PD, Lemon SC, Stein MD, Gerstein DR. HIV Prevention Services in Correctional Drug Treatment Programs: Do They Change Risk Behaviors? AIDS Education & Prevention 2002;14(2):117-25.
96. Brienza RS, Stein MD, Fagan MJ. Delay in Obtaining Conventional Health Care by Female Internal Medicine Patients Who Use Herbal Therapies. J Women's Health and Gender Based Medicine 2002;11;79-87.
94. Stein MD, Anderson B, Charuvastra A, Maksad J, Friedmann PD. A Brief Intervention For Hazardous Drinkers in a Needle Exchange Program. J Sub Abuse Treat 2002;22:23-31.
95. McGarry KA, Stein MD, Clarke JG, Friedmann PD. Utilization of Preventive Health Services by HIV-Seronegative Injection Drug Users. J Addict Dis 2002:21;93-102.
97. Kilbourne, AM, Andersen RM, Asch S, Nakazono T, Crystal S, Stein MD, GiffordAL, Bing EG, Bozzette SA, Shapiro MF, Cunningham WE. Response to Symptoms among a U.S. National Probability Sample of Adults Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Medical Care Research Review 2002;59:36-59.
99. Brienza RS, Stein MD. Alcohol Use Disorders in Primary Care: Do Gender Specific Differences Exist? JGIM 2002;17:387-97.
102. Stein MD, Charuvastra A, Anderson B, Sobota M, Friedmann F. Alcohol and HIV Risk-Taking Among Intravenous Drug Users. Addict Behav 2002; 27:727-36.
101. Charuvastra A, Anderson BJ, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Perceived Addiction Treatment Needs Among Alcohol Using Injection Drug Users. J Addictive Dis 2002;21(4):93-107.
104. Stein MD, Friedmann P. Need for medical and psychosocial services among injection drug users: A comparative study of needle exchange and methadone maintenance. Am J Addict 2002;11:262-70.
92. Stein MD, Anderson B, Charuvastra A, Friedmann PD. Alcohol Use & Sexual Risk Taking Among Injection Drug Users. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res 2001;25:1487-93.
90. Stein MD, Friedmann PD. Generalist Physicians and Addiction Care – From Turfing to Sharing Turf. JAMA 2001;286(14):1764-5.
88. Friedmann PD, Lemon SC, Stein MD. Transportation and Retention in Outpatient Drug Abuse Treatment Programs. J Subst Abuse Treat 2001;21:97-103.
86. Gogineni A, Stein MD, Friedmann PD. Social Relationships and Intravenous Drug Use Among Methadone Maintenance Patients. Drug Alc Depend 2001;64:47-53.
84. Schoenbaum EE, Chang CJ, Moore J, Stein MD, Warren D, Schuman P, Soloman L, Duerr AC. Use of Condoms and Other contraceptive Methods by HIV-Infected and At-Risk Women. Clin.J Womens Health 2001;1(3):115-22.
82. Clarke JG, Stein MD, Hanna L, Sobota M, Rich JD. Active and Former Injection Drug Users Report of HIV Risk Behaviors During Periods of Incarceration. Substance Abuse 2001;22:209-16.
80. Friedmann PD, Saitz R, Gogineni A, Zhang JX, Stein MD. Validation of the screening strategy in the NIAAA. Physicians' guide to helping patients with alcohol problems. J Stud Alcohol 2001;62:234-8.
78. Anderson BJ, Gogineni A, Charuvastra A, Longabaugh R, Stein MD. Adverse drinking consequences among alcohol abusing intravenous drug users. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res 2001;25:41-5.
76. Friedmann PD, Lemon SC, Stein MD, Etheridge RM, D'Aunno TA. Linkage tomedical services in the drug abuse treatment outcome study (DATOS). Medical Care 2001;39:284-95.
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89. Turner BJ, Fleishman JA, Wenger N, London AS, Burnam A, Shapiro MF, BingEG, Stein MD, Longshore D, Bozzette S. Relative Effects of Drug Abuse and Mental Disorders on Use and Type of Antiretroviral Therapy in a National Sample of HIV-Infection Persons. J Gen Int Med 2001;16(9):625-33.
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72. Stein MD, Cunningham WE, Nakazono T, et al. Care of Vaginal Symptoms Among HIV-infected Women. J AIDS 2000:25;51-5.
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65. Katz MH, Cunningham WE, Mor V, Andersen RM, Kellogg T, Zierler S, CrystalSC, Stein MD, Cylal K, Bozzette SA, Shapiro MF. Prevalence and Predictions of Unmet Need for Supportive Services Among HIV-Infected Persons: Impact of Case Management. Med Care 2000;38:58-69.
64. Zierler S, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Shapiro MF, Bozzette SA, Nakazono, T., Morton S, Crystal S, Stein MD, Turner B, St. Clair P. Violence victimization after HIV infection in a US probability sample of persons in HIV primary care. Am J Pub Health 2000;90:208-15.
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73. Turner BJ, Cunningham WE, Duan N, Andersen RM, Shapiro MF, Bozzette SA,Nakazono T, Morton S. Crystal S, St. Clair P, Stein MD, Zierler S. Delayed Medical Care After Diagnosis in a U.S. National Probability Sample of HIV-Infected Persons. Arch Int Med 2000;160:2614-22.
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Year | Degree | Institution |
1985 | MD | Columbia University |
1981 | BA | Harvard University |
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Mid Career Research Award recipient 2001, 2006
Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) Mentor of the Year, 2005
National Institutes of Health (NIH) AA-2 Review Committee member
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Chair, "Advancing Exceptional Research on HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse," 2015