Professor Emeritus of Sociology


Professor Suchman studies the sociology of organizations, markets, law, and professions. His research focusses on the relationship between law, innovatien, and entrepreneurship, particularly during periods of rapid political, economic, and technological change. 

Within this general domain, Professor Suchman has conducted major externally-funded empirical projects on: (a) the coevolution of entrepre­neurship, finance, and law in Silicon Valley; (b) the organizational, professional, and legal implications of advanced information tech­nolo­gies in American health care; and (c) the sequencing of business activities in entrepreneurial start-ups. He has also written influential theoreti­cal pieces on organiza­tional legitimacy, on business disputing practices, on the organizational “internalization” of law, and on sociological and economic depictions of lawyers, contracts, and other legal phenomena.

Professor Suchman holds an AB in Sociology from Harvard (1983), a JD from Yale Law School (1989), and a PhD in Sociology from Stanford (1994). Before joining Brown in 2008, Professor Suchman taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1993-2006) and at Cornell Law School (2006-2007). From 1999 to 2001, he was a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research at Yale, and in 2002-2003 he was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He has also served as a Program Officer for Virtual Organizations and Learning and Workforce Development in the National Science Foundation's Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (2012-2013).

Starting in September 2023, he will be on leave from Brown, serving as the Executive Director of the American Bar Foundation, a leading socio-legal research institute located in Chicago, Illinois.

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