Global Health Research on Interventions to Improve Neonatal Survival in Developing Countires. Research focuses on novel and cost-effective strategies to decrease neonatal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa and other advancing health care systems.
Diagnosis and Management of Infections in the Newborn and Fetus. Current efforts focus on the prevention, diagnosis and management of 1) congenital Toxoplasma gondii infections, and 2) perinatally acquired bacterial infections.
Global Health Research on Interventions to Improve Neonatal Survival in Developing Countires.
Both randomized-controlled studies and operations research are used to assess efficacy and programatic impact of indivual and packaged interventions to reduce neonatal mortality in developing heath care systems.
Diagnosis and Management of Congenital and Perinatally Acquired Infections of the Newborn and Fetus
In 1986 the Massachusetts State Laboratory Newborn Screening Program initiated screening of all newborn infants for congenital toxoplasma infection trough the detection of toxoplasma-specific IgM (ELISA) in dried blood spot (DBS) specimens. A protocol was developed to confirm infection in screen positive babies, to further evaluate the extent of disease, to provide extended antimicrobial therapy, monitor for side-effects of the treatment, and evaluate longer term outcomes for infected and treated children. The finding and outcomes for the first 50 babies have been published and continue to provide guidance for current recommendations