A native of Massachusetts, Professor Vieira studied in Brazil and Portugal. His teaching and research interests include: 1: contemporary Brazilian literature as well as fiction of the late 19th and the 20th centuries, with emphasis on Machado de Assis, Rubem Fonseca, Clarice Lispector, Sérgio Sant'Anna, Moacyr Scliar, Samuel Rawet, and Dalton Trevisan; 2. cultural studies; 3. metafiction, first-person narration, and narratology; 4. literary translation; 5. race, gender, ethnicity, and alterity. Co-founder and US editor of Brasil/Brazil: A Journal of Brazilian Literature; Vieira was Associate Editor of Modern Language studies (1985-94) and is currently on the Editorial Board of the Latin American Literary Review, Gragoatá, and Gávea-Brown. A member of several professional and scholarly organizations, Professor Vieira was President (1995-2002) of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA); President of the Northeastern Association of Brazilianists (1985-87). Vieira is current research fellow in the Advanced Program for Contemporary Culture (PACC) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. As the Department's Director of Graduate Studies, Professor Vieira was also Director of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at Brown from 1980 to 1991. During Semester II (2000-01) he was Visiting Professor of Brazilian Literature at Harvard University. Some of his earlier publications include Brasil e Portugal: A Imagem Recíproca, Roads to Today's Portugal, ed. and The Promise, a translation of a play by Bernardo Santareno.
The Prophet and Other Stories by Samuel Rawet, intro & trans; Jewish Voices in Brazilian Literature: A Prophetic Discourse of Alterity; Construindo a Imagem do Judeu: Algumas Abordagens Teóricas (ed); A Experiência Cultural Judaica no Brasil: Recepção, Inclusão e Ambivalência. (co-ed.); "Mapeando o Percurso da Ficção Contemporânea Brasileira: Novos Rumos e Inesperadas Perspectivas," "Displacement and Disregard: Brazilian-Jewish Writing and the Search for Narrative Identity;" "Hybridity vs. Pluralism: Culture, Race and Aesthetics in Jorge Amado," and "Clarice Lispector's Jewish Universe: Passion in Search of Narrative Identity."
Contemporary Brazilian Novel: New Pathways and Perspectives
Decolonizing Brazil: The Postcolonial Dilemma of 'Not Being and Being Other'
Clarice Lispector: A Woman of Spirit
Machado de Assis: The Sage of Suspicion
Transgressing Gender: Female Voicing in Modern Brazilian Fiction
Brief Encounters: Brazilian Modernist and Postmodernist Short Fiction
Esthers of the Diaspora: Latin American-Jewish Female Writing
The 'I' of the Beholder: Self-Examination and Self-Display in Brazilian Fiction
Prophets in the Tropics: Latin-American Jewish Writing