Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

The mission of the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) is to support and broaden the relationship between mathematics and computation: specifically, to expand the use of computational and experimental methods in mathematics, to support theoretical advances related to computation, and address problems posed by the existence and use of the computer through mathematical tools, research and innovation.  

An important part of the institute’s mission is to capitalize on the growing power of computers. To do that, its visiting researchers seek to expand the use of computational and experimental methods in mathematics, support theoretical advances related to computation, and address problems posed by the existence and use of the computer through mathematical tools, research and innovation. Much of these advances come from regular conferences and semester‐long research programs featuring the brightest minds in mathematics and computation. The institute hosts as many as three dozen visiting faculty, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students to study and teach. During the summer months, ICERM hosts the eight‐week Summer@ICERM program for undergraduate summer researchers, as well as a week‐long early‐career researcher IdeaLab.


Faculty Administrative Positions

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Hassett, Brendan EDirector of the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

Faculty Positions

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Borysenko, OleksandrSenior Research Associate in Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

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Gortler, StevenFellow in Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

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La Porta, AlisonICERM Research Fellow in Mathematics

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Lowry-Duda, David JSenior Research Associate in Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics