05/20/91- "Good Guy Award by Women's Political Caucus, Providence, Rhode Island
08/31/91- "Most Outstanding Jibaro of RI" Puerto Rican Parade Annual Banquet
09/01/91- Grand Marshall – Puerto Rican Parade
0927/91- Honorary Chair – First Annual Hispanic Heritage Ball, Providence, Rhode Island
12/30/91- Aguila Dorada Award – Outstanding Health Professional of the Year, by Shoreline Newspaper
12/30/92 Aguila Dorada Award – Outstanding Health Professional of the year, by Chamo's Productions
06/11/93 Roberto Clemente Award for Professional Achievement, by Hispanic Pro Education Committee of RI
06/94 First Community Service Award – Given by the
American Medical Association, Young Physicians Section at the Annual Meeting in Chicago
09/94 Certificate of Appreciation for Invaluable Service and Dedication to Women's Reproductive Health, given by the American Medical Women Association
11/95 Lifetime Achievement Award given by Aspira of Puerto Rico at their 25th Year Anniversary
06/96 "Community Hero Torch Bearer" for the Olympic Torch Relay of the 1996 Olympic Games
10/30/96- Community Service Award given at Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island Annual Meeting
10/28/98 "Leadership Award for Health Professionals" given by Progreso Latino of Rhode Island
10/21/99 1st "Dr. Pablo Rodriguez Community Leadership Award" given by Office of Minority Health, RI Dept of Health
5/1/2000 Bertram Yaffe Award given by RI Public Health Association for public health advocacy and activism
6/16/2000 Voluntary Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award
Dept OBGYN, Women and Infants' Hospital
Brown University Medical School
9/27/2000 Paris Vaughn Sterrett Award given by John Hope Settlement House for community service
1/15/2001 Martin Luther King Service Award given by the Ministers Alliance of Rhode Island
6/15/2001 Voluntary Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award
Dept OBGYN, Women and Infants' Hospital
Brown University Medical School
7/1/2001 Dean's Teaching Excellence Award
Brown University Medical School
6/21/2002- Excellence in Teaching Award
Dept OBGYN, Women and Infants' Hospital
Brown University Medical School
7/1/2002 Dean's Teaching Excellence Award
Brown University Medical School
9/7/2004 Bill Richardson Award for Best Political Radio Program Given to "Hablemos" on 88.1 FM by Rhode Island Latino Political Action Committee
6/15/2005 Civics Advancement Award
National Association of Secretaries of State
11/23/2005 Community Service Award
Wheeler School
Providence, RI
12/08/2005 Volunteer Media Award for best prevention efforts
For "Nuestra Salud" radio show
American Cancer Society
5/13/2008 Profile in Change Award
Fund for Community Progress
Providence, RI
5/20/2009 Urban League Community Leader Award for his commitment to the community and as a role model for youngsters everywhere