Psychiatric ResidencySeminar for 1st year psychiatric residents. 6 sessions. Lecture Discussant (4 students; 2 residents, 2 psychology interns). Topics: communication, interaction, interpersonal relationships, small groups, family interaction and mental illness.
Bio-Med 5Introduction to Behavioral Science Course-Instructor and Lecturer for 6 lectures. Topics: (1) general systems theory, (2) living systems, (3) social behavior, (4) interpersonal interactions, (5) interpersonal relationships, (6) small groups. Student enrollment: 75
Small group discussion leader. 12 students, 10 sessions. Experimental learning group.
Psychiatric ClerkshipProblem Oriented Record in Psychiatry. 6 class hours per clerkship throughout the year. Lecture and workshop format. Additional time spent in giving individualized feedback to students.
Clinical Research and Treatment Evaluation SeminarCoordinator. Psychiatric medical clerks attended. Given twice a month, throughout the year.
Committee MemberDoctoral Dissertation, Jared Hermalin, Ph.D., Sociology candidate. "Stress and support as factors in the recidivism of schizophrenic patients."
Independent Study Students: 2
Bio-Med 5Introduction to Behavioral Science. Course instructor and co-lecturer (with Dr. Monteiro). Lecture topics: (1) social behavior, (2) interpersonal interaction and social exchange, (3) power and dependency, (4) non-verbal behavior, (6) sequential development of cognition, 7) psychological development of cognition, (8) psychological anthropology, (9) interpersonal styles. Student enrollment: 61
Small Group. Experimental Learning Group Facilitator; 3 students, 14 sessions (1-1/2 hours each).
Independent Study Students: 3
Psychiatric ClerkshipProblem Oriented Record in Psychiatry. 6 class hours per clerkship; 7 students per clerkship, throughout the year. Lecture and workshop format. Additional time spent in giving individualized feedback to students.
Supervisor, Psychology Internship ProgramOne trainee at any given time.
Committee MemberDoctoral Dissertation, Jared Hermalin, Ph.D., Sociology candidate.
Lecturer on the "Changing American Family." 1 lecture, Dr. Fink's course.
Lecturer on "Family Interaction and Mental Illness." Psychiatric Residents and Interns.
Clinical Research and Treatment Evaluation Seminar Coordinator. Bi-weekly meeting of Butler staff interested in research evaluation and clinical programs. Open to Psychiatric Residents, Psychology Interns and Medical Clerks.
Group Independent Study Program for University Undergraduates (12), Humanistic Psychology, Faculty Sponsor.
Supervisor, Undergraduate honors thesis in Psychology, Claire Sokoloff, A Comparison of Psychiatric Day Treatment and Inpatient Hospitalization: A Matched Study, Brown Medical School, 1977.
Supervisor, Undergraduate honors thesis in Psychology, Elizabeth Doyne, An Exploratory Study of Depressive Neuroses: The specific problems, their interrelationships and their prognostic significance, Brown Medical School, 1977.
Coordinator and Guest Speaker, Clinical Research and Treatment Evaluation Seminar. (Faculty and graduate students).
Supervisor, NSF sponsored Postdoctoral Fellow in Program Evaluation, John Stevenson, Ph.D.
Coordinator and Guest Speaker, Clinical Research and Treatment Evaluation Seminar.
Co-Leader (with D. Robert Fowler), Problem Oriented Treatment Case Conference for Psychiatric Residents and Psychology Interns (8), (16 weeks, once a week).
Lecturer on Psychiatric Diagnosis, Psychiatric Rotation, Medical Clerkship, one lecture for each rotation.
Lecturer on Couples Therapy, Behavioral Therapy Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Co-leader (with D. Robert Fowler), Problem Oriented Treatment Case Conference for Psychiatric Residents and Psychology Interns (8), (16 weeks, once a week).
Lecturer on Couples Therapy, Behavioral Therapy Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Guest speaker at Workshop on Implementing Problem Oriented Record, Rhode Island Hospital, Psychiatric Unit.
Instructor on Problem Oriented Treatment Case Conference for Psychiatric Residents and Psychology Interns.
Lecturer on Couples Therapy, Behavioral Therapy Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Inservice education, Co-instructor (with George Kriebel), Butler Hospital, Use of the Problem Oriented Record.
Instruction in Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping. Psychology Interns, (six sessions).
Instructor with George Kriebel, In service education Butler Hospital, Use of the Problem Oriented Record.
Doctoral Dissertation Advisor, Leigh McCullough, Ph.D., Boston College.
Clinical Supervisor, Leigh McCullough, Ph.D.
Research Supervisor, John Stevenson, Ph.D., Sabbatical, Leave for Training in Program Evaluation.
Instruction on Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping Psychology Interns (six sessions).
Section leader, Introduction to Human Behavior, Bio-Med B/071.
Instruction in Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping. Psychology Interns (5 sessions).
Clinical Supervisor, Nora Noel, Ph.D.
Instruction in Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping. Psychology Interns (3 sessions).
Research Supervisor and Dissertation Committee Advisor, Chris Peaslee, Ph.D., dissertation in medical sociology, Brown Medical School .
Research Supervision, Lisa Wood, Psychology Intern, Ph.D. Candidate, Washington University.
Research Supervision, Judi Hebert; MSW candidate, Rhode Island College.
Hospital Research Supervisor, Martha Beattie, Ph.D. candidate at Boston University in medical sociology.
Lecturer on Optimizing Cost Effectiveness of Alcoholism Treatment. Clinical Research Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Research Supervisor and Dissertation Committee Advisor, Chris Peaslee, Ph.D. dissertation in medical sociology, Brown Medical School.
Hospital Research Supervisor, Martha Beattie, Ph.D. candidate at Boston University in medical sociology.
Lecturer on Optimizing Cost Effectiveness of Alcoholism Treatment. Clinical Research Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Lecturer in Dwight Heath's course on Alcohol and Culture, Anthropology/135.
Lecturer on Optimizing Cost Effectiveness of Alcoholism Treatment. Clinical Research Seminar for Psychology Interns.
Lecturer in Heath's course on Alcohol and Culture, Anthropology/135.
Instructor, Seminar on Problems and Pitfalls in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment/Intervention Research. Entire Academic year. For Pre and Postdoctoral Trainees in Alcohol/Substance Treatment Intervention Research (7 trainees). Fall semester, 6 Trainees, spring semester, 8 Trainees
Academic Coordinator Postdoctoral Training Program in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment/Intervention Research (one day per week).
Academic Supervisor for Pre and Postdoctoral Trainees in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment/Intervention Research Program. Fall semester, 5 trainees; spring semester, 8 trainees.
Lecturer, Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping, Psychology Internship Clinical Seminar, Van Miller course coordinator.
Lecturer with Steve Maisto, Introduction to Faculty Research. A seminar open to residents at all levels.
Research Supervisor, Post Doctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research Training Program (Susan Cuningham; Mary Ellin Logue)
Research Supervisor, Pre- Doctoral Fellow in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research Training Program Linda Parker)
Lecturer, Problem Oriented Treatment and Record Keeping, Psychology Internship Clinical Seminar, Van Miller course coordinator.
Lecturer, Grantsmanship, Psychology Internship Research Seminar, Van Miller course instructor.
Academic Supervisor for Pre and Postdoctoral Trainees in Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Treatment/Intervention Research Program, 14 Postdoctoral trainees.
Researcher supervisor for Postdoctoral Research Fellows: Susan Cunningham, Ph.D., Mary Ellen Logue, Ed.D.
Research Supervisor for pre-doctoral Fellow, Linda Parker.
Instructor, Research Issues in Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Interventions, Entire academic year, for pre and postdoctoral trainees in Alcohol/Substance Treatment Intervention Research. Fall semester, 14 Fellows, Spring Semester, 13 Fellows.
Course Coordinator, Background Seminar in Treatment for Alcohol and Substance Abuse, 10 sessions, 6 first year postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol and Drug Treatment Intervention Research.
Psychology Internship, Clinical Supervisor, Substance Abuse Rotation, Butler Hospital
Psychology Internship, Clinical Supervisor Kelli Davis Williams, April 15-June 30, 1989.
Psychology Internship, Clinical Supervisor, Three Rotations on ADTS, 1989
Psychology Internship lecture on POR to interns
Supervisor, Research Placement: Michael Kidorf
Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Linda Parker, Craig Love and Pat Clifford
Psychology Internship lectures on Grantsmanship
Psychology Internship lectures on Substance Abuse (core seminar) Coordinator
Psychology Internship ADTS First Rotation Supervisor
Seminar Leader: Research Forum for Postdoctoral Researchers, Postdoctoral Research Training Program, CAAS
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Pat Clifford, Craig Love, Amy Rubin, Maria Syldona
Seminar Leader: Research Issues in Alcohol Early Intervention and Treatment. Postdoctoral Training Program, CAAS
Academic Supervisor: Postdoctoral Training Program in Early Intervention Research and Treatment Research.
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Amy Rubin, Maria Syldona, Craig Love, Pat Clifford, James Mckay
Seminar Coordinator: Background Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Research
Seminar Coordinator: Research Issues in Early Intervention and Treatment
Academic Supervisor: Postdoctoral Training Program in Early Intervention Research and Treatment Research
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Clara Bradizza, Allison Minugh, Leslie Young
Seminar Coordinator: Alcohol Treatment Research for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/ Intervention Research
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Background Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Research
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Allison Minugh, Clara Bradizza, Leslie Young, Paul Stasiewicz
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Scientific Ethics Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research, Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Allison Minugh, Ken Hart.
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research, Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Aruna Gogineni, Susan Ramsey, and Ken Hart.
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research, Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Aruna Gogineni, Susan Ramsey, Ken Hart
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Scientific Ethics Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Assessment Instruments Series for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research for Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellows: Mitchell Karno, and Aruna Gogineni.
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellow: Mitchell Karno.
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Scientific Ethics Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Assessment Instruments Series for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Supervisor: Postdoctoral Fellow: Mitchell Karno.
Seminar Leader: Grantsmanship for Postdoctoral Fellows in Alcohol Treatment/Intervention Research.
Seminar Coordinator: Treatment Review Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Scientific Ethics Seminars for Postdoctoral Fellows
Seminar Coordinator: Assessment Instruments Series for Postdoctoral Fellows
Lecturer in seminar series in alcohol treatment research for Postdoctoral Fellows
Co-Mentor, Tim Apodaca, K23 Awardee, NIAAA