Professor Emeritus of American Studies


Richard Meckel (Ph.D. American Culture, University of Michigan) is a Professor Emeritus of American Studies at Brown. He is a U.S. social and cultural historian, primarily of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whose research and teaching interests include the histories of immigration and ethnicity, childhood and child welfare, medicine and public health, and epidemiology and demography. He is author of Save the Babies: American Public Health Reform and the Prevention of Infant Mortality, 1850-1929 (1990;1998), Classrooms and Clinics: Urban Schools and the Protection and Promotion of Childhealth, 1870-1930 (2013), and is co-editor of Children and Youth in Sickness and Health (2004). In addition, he is author of variety of book chapters and articles ranging in topic from early twentieth-century Italian-American literature to mid-nineteenth-century urban morbidity and mortality trends.

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