Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences


Robert Rosales, PhD, LCSW, is an Assistant Professor, Research Scholar Track in the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University. He studies the effects of minority stress (e.g., discrimination) and sociocultural protective factors (e.g., community support) on behavioral health issues (e.g., alcohol use), with an emphasis on the disparity racial and ethnic minority’s experience in social problems from substance use. He also studies the multilevel predictors of quality health care access. For instance, he’s published research on how the Affordable Care Act was associated with racial and ethnic minorities’ access to behavioral health and integrated care.

In 2021, he was awarded an NIH Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development (K08) Awards from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and the NIH Office of the Director titled “Socio-Cultural Protective and Risk Factors of Alcohol Use among Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic Sexual Minority Youth.” The award will help build Dr. Rosales’ expertise in sexual minority youth alcohol use, ecological momentary assessment, longitudinal data analysis, and cultural adaptation of measures and intervention.


Brown Affiliations

Research Areas