James A. and Julie N. Brown Professor of Computer Science, Chair of Computer Science


Roberto Tamassia is the Plastech Professor of Computer ScienceĀ at Brown University. He
is also the Director of Brown's Center for Geometric Computing. His
research interests include information security, cryptography,
analysis, design, and implementation of algorithms, graph drawing and
computational geometry. He has published six textbooks and more than
250 research articles and books in the above areas and has given more
than 70 invited lectures worldwide. He is an IEEE Fellow and the
recipient of a Technical Achievement Award from the IEEE Computer
Society for pioneering the field of graph drawing. He is listed among
the 360 most cited computer science authors by Thomson Scientific,
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). He serves regularly on
program committees of international conferences. His research has
been funded by ARO, DARPA, NATO, NSF, and several industrial sponsors.
He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Brown Affiliations

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