Dr. Allen is Professor Emerita of Health Services, Policy and Practice in the School of Public Health. She was Associate Director of the Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research at Brown, and Associate Director of the VA Center on Systems, Outcomes and Quality in Chronic Disease and Rehabilitation. Dr Allen has a long history of studying home care issues, including family caregiving, among people with disabilities. Her research focuses on both formal and family care, as well as technological assistance as a third home care resource. Her research for the Veterans Administration was an extension of her work on many funded NIH and foundation grants awarded while at Brown. She also served as consultant to the Rhode Island Medicaid Program on numerous issues relevant to maintaining community residence among persons with long term care needs.
Meucci MR, Gozalo P, Dosa D, Allen SM. "Variation in the Presence of Simple Home Modifications of Older Americans: Findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 64, no. 10, 2016, pp. 2081-2087. |
Ndumele CD, Mor V, Allen S, Burgess JF Jr, Trivedi AN. "Effect of expansions in state medicaid eligibility on access to care and the use of emergency department services for adult medicaid enrollees." JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 174, no. 6, 2014, pp. 920-6. |
Steinman, B. A., Allen, S. M., Chen, J., Pynoos, J. "Functional Limitations as Potential Mediators of the Effects of Self-Reported Vision Status on Fall Risk of Older Adults." Journal of aging and health, vol. 27, no. 1, 2014, pp. 158-176. |
Allen, S. M., Piette, E. R., Mor, V. "The Adverse Consequences of Unmet Need Among Older Persons Living in the Community: Dual-Eligible Versus Medicare-Only Beneficiaries." GERONB, vol. 69, no. Suppl 1, 2014, pp. S51-S58. |
Duffy C, Allen SM, Dube C, Dickersin K. "Oncologists' confidence in knowledge of fertility issues for young women with cancer." Journal of Cancer Education, vol. 27, no. 2, 2012, pp. 369-76. |
Allen SM, Lima JC, Goldscheider FK, Roy J. "Primary caregiver characteristics and transitions in community-based care." GERONB, vol. 67, no. 3, 2012, pp. 362-71. |
Steinman BA, Allen SM. "Self-reported vision impairment and its contribution to disability among older adults." Journal of aging and health, vol. 24, no. 2, 2012, pp. 307-22. |
Clark MA, Rogers ML, Allen SM. "Conducting telephone interviews with community-dwelling older adults in a state Medicaid program: differences by ethnicity and language preference." Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 21, no. 4, 2010, pp. 1304-17. |
Plow, M. A., Allen, S. M., Resnik, L. "Correlates of Physical Activity Among Low-Income Older Adults." Journal of Applied Gerontology, vol. 30, no. 5, 2010, pp. 629-642. |
Aschbrenner, Kelly A., Greenberg, Jan S., Allen, Susan M., Seltzer, Marsha Mailick. "Subjective Burden and Personal Gains Among Older Parents of Adults With Serious Mental Illness." PS, vol. 61, no. 6, 2010, pp. 605-611. |
Aschbrenner KA, Greenberg JS, Allen SM, Seltzer MM. "Subjective burden and personal gains among older parents of adults with serious mental illness." PS, vol. 61, no. 6, 2010, pp. 605-11. |
Sterns S, Miller SC, Allen S. "The complexity of implementing culture change practices in nursing homes." Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 11, no. 7, 2010, pp. 511-8. |
Miller EA, Allen SM, Mor V. "Commentary: navigating the labyrinth of long-term care: shoring up informal caregiving in a home- and community-based world." Journal of aging & social policy, vol. 21, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-16. |
Allen SM, Wieland S, Griffin J, Gozalo P. "Continuity in provider and site of care and preventive services receipt in an adult Medicaid population with physical disabilities." Disability and Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, 2009, pp. 180-7. |
Plow MA, Resnik L, Allen SM. "Exploring physical activity behaviour of persons with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative pilot study." Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 31, no. 20, 2009, pp. 1652-65. |
Duffy, C.M., Allen, S.M. "Fertility-preservation decision making among breast cancer patients: a qualitative study." Fertility and Sterility, vol. 92, no. 3, 2009, pp. S179-S180. |
Duffy C, Allen S. "Medical and psychosocial aspects of fertility after cancer." Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.), vol. 15, no. 1, 2009, pp. 27-33. |
Duffy, C.M., Allen, S.M. "Oncologists' knowledge of fertility preservation options: a national survey." Fertility and Sterility, vol. 92, no. 3, 2009, pp. S182. |
Resnik L, Allen S, Isenstadt D, Wasserman M, Iezzoni L. "Perspectives on use of mobility aids in a diverse population of seniors: implications for intervention." Disability and Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, 2009, pp. 77-85. |
Clark MA, Rogers ML, Wen X, Wilcox V, McCarthy-Barnett K, Panarace J, Manning C, Allen S, Rakowski W. "Repeat mammography screening among unmarried women with and without a disability." Women's Health Issues, vol. 19, no. 6, 2009, pp. 415-424. |
Lima JC, Allen SM, Goldscheider F, Intrator O. "Spousal caregiving in late midlife versus older ages: implications of work and family obligations." GERONB, vol. 63, no. 4, 2008, pp. S229-S238. |
Resnik LJ, Allen SM. "Using International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to understand challenges in community reintegration of injured veterans." J Rehabil Res Dev, vol. 44, no. 7, 2007, pp. 991-1006. |
Allen S, Resnik L, Roy J. "Promoting independence for wheelchair users: the role of home accommodations." The Gerontologist, vol. 46, no. 1, 2006, pp. 115-23. |
Resnik L, Allen S. "Racial and ethnic differences in use of assistive devices for mobility: effect modification by age." Journal of aging and health, vol. 18, no. 1, 2006, pp. 106-24. |
Hann, D. "Use of Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy: Influence of Patients' Satisfaction With Treatment Decision Making and the Treating Oncologist." Integrative Cancer Therapies, vol. 5, no. 3, 2006, pp. 224-231. |
Hyatt RR Jr, Allen SM. "Disability as a "family affair": parental disability and childhood immunization." Medical Care, vol. 43, no. 6, 2005, pp. 600-6. |
Duffy CM, Allen SM, Clark MA. "Discussions Regarding Reproductive Health for Young Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy." Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 23, no. 4, 2005, pp. 766-73. |
Resnik L, Lapane KL, Allen SM. "Obesity and receipt of personal care assistance for people with mobility impairments." Obesity research, vol. 13, no. 8, 2005, pp. 1307-10. |
Allen, S. M. "When The System Fails." Health Affairs, vol. 23, no. 5, 2004, pp. 275-276. |
Allen SM, Ciambrone D. "Community care for people with disability: blurring boundaries between formal and informal caregivers." Qualitative health research, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 207-26. |
Allen SM, Shah AC, Nezu AM, Nezu CM, Ciambrone D, Hogan J, Mor V. "A problem-solving approach to stress reduction among younger women with breast carcinoma: a randomized controlled trial." Cancer, vol. 94, no. 12, 2002, pp. 3089-100. |
Berg K, Hines M, Allen S. "Wheelchair users at home: few home modifications and many injurious falls." American Journal of Public Health, vol. 92, no. 1, 2002, pp. 48. |
Allen SM. "Canes, crutches and home care services: the interplay of human and technological assistance." Policy brief (Center for Home Care Policy and Research (U.S.)), no. 4, 2001, pp. 1-6. |
Allen SM, Foster A, Berg K. "Receiving help at home: the interplay of human and technological assistance." GERONB, vol. 56, no. 6, 2001, pp. S374-82. |
Lima JC, Allen SM. "Targeting risk for unmet need: not enough help versus no help at all." GERONB, vol. 56, no. 5, 2001, pp. S302-10. |
Allen SM, Ciambrone D, Welch LC. "Stage of life course and social support as a mediator of mood state among persons with disability." Journal of aging and health, vol. 12, no. 3, 2000, pp. 318-41. |
Allen SM, Goldscheider F, Ciambrone DA. "Gender roles, marital intimacy, and nomination of spouse as primary caregiver." The Gerontologist, vol. 39, no. 2, 1999, pp. 150-8. |
Mor V, Allen SM. "Opportunities and dangers in the changing health care system." Medicine and health, Rhode Island, vol. 81, no. 3, 1998, pp. 70-1. |
Allen SM, Fennell M, Laliberte L. "The impact of managed care on chronic care agency providers." Medicine and health, Rhode Island, vol. 81, no. 3, 1998, pp. 87-90. |
Allen SM, Mor V. "The prevalence and consequences of unmet need. Contrasts between older and younger adults with disability." Medical Care, vol. 35, no. 11, 1997, pp. 1132-48. |
Petrisek AC, Laliberte LL, Allen SM, Mor V. "The treatment decision-making process: age differences in a sample of women recently diagnosed with nonrecurrent, early-stage breast cancer." The Gerontologist, vol. 37, no. 5, 1997, pp. 598-608. |
Allen SM. "Gender differences in spousal caregiving and unmet need for care." Journal of gerontology, vol. 49, no. 4, 1994, pp. S187-95. |
Mor V, Fleishman JA, Piette JD, Allen SM. "Developing AIDS community service consortia." Health Affairs, vol. 12, no. 1, 1993, pp. 186-99. |
Allen SM, Mor V, Raveis V, Houts P. "Measurement of need for assistance with daily activities: quantifying the influence of gender roles." Journal of gerontology, vol. 48, no. 4, 1993, pp. S204-11. |
Mor V, Allen SM, Siegel K, Houts P. "Determinants of need and unmet need among cancer patients residing at home." Health Serv Res, vol. 27, no. 3, 1992, pp. 337-60. |
Allen SM, Fleishman J. "Problems encountered in home health service delivery to persons with AIDS." Home Health Care Services Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 1-2, 1992, pp. 129-59. |
Susan M. Allen, PhD, is a sociologist and health policy researcher who studies the community-based long term care of people with chronic conditions and disabilities. Her research focuses on both paid home care as well as home care provided by family members. She has identifed factors related to unmet need for help at home, and has also identified the immediate consequences of unmet need, such as falling and inability to follow physician-prescribed diets. Dr. Allen investigated the influence of unmet need for care in the home on subsequent hospitalizaiton using national survey data linked to Medicare claims data, and found that self-report of unmet need is predictive of hospitalization over a three month follow up period, thus linking the quality of home care with acute care utilization. Within the context of this same study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, she also studied the characteristics of family caregivers that are predictive of caregiving resilience over time and found that current trends in caregiving networks, e.g., an increase in the proportion of caregivers who are men and also in the proportion of caregivers who provide care without the support of secondary caregivers, are associated with caregiving transitions to nursing homes as well as to no care. Dr. Allen has also studied the use of assistive technology and home accommodations as home care resources, and found that use of mobility equipment and home accommodations can reduce levels of human help for some subgroups of the disabled population. Her research is funded by numerous NIH and foundation grants, as well as by the Veterans Health Administration Office of Health Research and Development. Additionally, Dr. Allen conducted research on people with disabilities for the Rhode Island Department of Human Services, including the rebalancing of Medicaid long term care to include expanded options for care in the community.
Principal Investigator, Increasing Veterans’ Use of Community-Based LTC via Timely Discharge from VA CLCs. $962,000. Project 3 in VHA HSR&D CREATE program project: Transforming the Spectrum of Long Term Care for America’s Veterans, 2012-2016.
Core Investigator (Rudolph PI). Center of Innovation in Long Term Services and Supports for Vulnerable Veterans (CIN13-419). Veteran’s Administration HSR&D, $600,000, 2013-2016.
Primary Mentor (Meucci, P.I.), Home Modifications: Access, Funding and Effectiveness. AHRQ R 36 dissertation grant, 2013-2015.
Co-Investigator (Wu, PI) Video-conference Shared Medical Appointments to Improve Rural Diabetes Care. VA HSR&D QUERI Award (RRP 12-452). $100,000, 2012-2013.
Co-Investigator (Wu, PI) Medical center implementation of PCMH model in CHF to reduce rehospitalization rates. VA HSR&D QUERI award. $100,000, 2010-2012.
Principal Investigator. Evaluating change in the characteristics of the RI nursing home population following RCST “rebalancing” initiatives using the RI Minimum Data Set. RI Real Choice System Transformation Project. Contract from NESCO with funding from the U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicare Services. $110,000, 2009-2011.
Investigator (Mor, PI) Rhode Island’s Medicaid Global Waiver: Stakeholder Perspectives. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2009-2011.
Co-Principal Investigator (Peter Friedman, MD, PI). HSR&D Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP): Center on Systems, Outcomes and Quality in Chronic Disease and Rehabilitation. US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2008-2012
Investigator. (Verhoeck-Oftedahl, PI) Improving Estimates of Elder Abuse in RI. R21 from the National Institute on Aging. 2007-2009
Investigator (Resnik, PI). Pilot Studies of the Community Reintegration of OEF/OIF Veterans. Veterans Health Administration. 2007-2009
Investigator (Wasserman, PI) Older Latina Women, Marital Status and Cancer Screening. R03 from the National Institute on Aging.2007-2009
Principal Investigator. Addressing fertility issues with female cancer patients. R21 from the National Cancer Institute, 2006-2009
Co-Principal Investigator (Peter Friedman, MD, PI). HSR&D Targeted Research Enhancement Program (TREP): Center on the Integration of Pychosocial and Health Services in Chronic Disease and Disability. US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2004-2008
Investigator (Melissa Clark, PI). Regular mammography screenings: The realities for women with disabilities. Grant from the Susan G. Komen Foundation, 2005-2008
Principal Investigator. Unmet need: An acute/chronic care link. R01 from the National Institute on Aging, 2004-2008
Investigator (Linda Resnik, PI). Culture and mobility device use in older adults. R21 from the National Institute on Aging, 2005-2008
Principal Investigator. Research support for 6 month planning phase of the RI Real Choice System Transformation Project. Contract from RI DHS with funding from the U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicare Services. 2007
Principal Investigator. Implementation of a needs assessment survey for community-dwelling elderly on Medicaid. Contract from the Rhode Island Department of Human Services, with funding from the U. S. Center for Medicare and Medicare Services. 2006-2007
Principal Investigator. Development of a needs assessment survey for community-dwelling elderly on Medicaid. Subcontract from EDS for the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. 2006-2007
Principal Investigator. Identifying the unmet service needs of soldiers returning from warfare. A pilot study funded under the Pathways to Recovery Initiative by the US Department of the Interior, 2004-2005
Principal Investigator. Access to Affordable Health Insurance in RI, State planning grant to extend health insurance coverage to the uninsured population of RI. Subcontract from Rhode Island Department of Health and Human Services, funded by a grant from the US Health Resources and Service Administration, 2004-2005
Principal Investigator. Rethinking chronic and long-term care in Rhode Island: A concept paper. Contract from RI Department of Health and Human Services, Medicaid Program, 2004
Principal Investigator. Rhode Island Access Project. Subcontract from Rhode Island Department of Health and Human Services, funded by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 2002-2005
Principal Investigator. When your health plan fails: The impact of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care closing on Rhode Island patients and providers. Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2000-2002
Principal Investigator. Development of a chartbook for special needs populations in Medicaid managed care. Subcontract from the Center for Health Care Strategies under a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1999-2000
Principal Investigator. Receiving help at home: The interplay of human and technological assistance. Grant awarded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Home Care Research Initiative, 1998-2000
Principal Investigator. Springfield study of populations with disabilities: Part II. Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1995-1998
Principal Investigator. Home care training for younger breast cancer patients. R01 from the National Cancer Institute, 1994-2000
Principal Investigator. Marital gender roles and the dynamics of spousal care. FIRST Award from the National Institute on Aging,1994-2000
Co-Principal Investigator (Vincent Mor, PhD, PI). Springfield study of populations with disabilities: Part 1. Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1993-1995
Co-Principal Investigator (Frances Goldscheider, PhD, PI). Traditional gender roles and spousal caregiving. Award from the Milbank Memorial Fund, Milbank Health Policy Reviews: Households and Health Services, 1990-1991
Refereed Journal Articles
Tyler DA, Shield RR, Harrison J, Mills WL, Morgan KE, Cutty ME, Cote DL, Allen SM (2018) Barriers to a timely discharge from short-term care in VA Community Living Centers. Journal of Aging and Social Policy 32(2): 141-156.
Thomas KS, Cote D, Makineni R, Intrator O, Kinosian B, Phibbs C, Allen SM. (2018) Change in Community Living Centers 2004-2011: Shifting long term care to the community. Journal of Aging and Social Policy 8: 1-16.
Harrison J, Tyler DA, Shield RR, Mills WL, Morgan KE, Cutty ME, Cote DL, Allen SM. (2017) An unintended consequence of culture change in VA Community Living Centers. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18(4): 320-325.
Meucci M, Gozalo P, Dosa D, Allen SM (2016). Variation in the presence of simple home modifications among older Americans: Findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 64(10): 2081-2087.
Thomas K, Allen SM (2016). Interagency partnership to deliver Veteran-directed home and community-based services. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 53(5): 611-618.
Steinman B, Allen SM, Chen J, Pynoos J. (2015) Functional limitations as potential mediators of the effects of self-reported vision status on fall risk of older adults. Journal of Aging and Health 27(1): 158-76.
Allen SM, Piette E, Mor V. (Nov 2014) The adverse consequences of unmet need among older persons living in the community: Dual-eligible versus Medicare-only beneficiaries. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 69 (Suppl 1): S51-58.
Nduleme CD, Mor V. Allen SM, Burgess JF, Trivedi AN. (2014) Effect of expansions in state Medicaid eligibility on access to care and the use of emergency department services for adult Medicaid enrollees. JAMA Internal Medicine 174(6): 920-926.
Duffy CM, Allen SM, Dube C, Dickersin K. (2012) Confidence in knowledge regarding fertility and fertility preservation among oncologists. Journal of Cancer Education 27: 369-376.
Allen SM, Lima J, Goldscheider F, Roy J. (2012) Primary caregiver characteristics and transitions in community-based care. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 67B(3): 362-71.
Steinman BA, Allen SM. (2012) Self-reported vision impairment and its contribution to disability in older adults. Journal of Aging and Health 24(2): 307-22.
Plow M, Allen SM, Resnik L. (2011) Correlates of physical activity among low-income older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology 30(5): 629-642.
Sterns S, Miller S, Allen SM. (2010) The complexity of implementing culture change practices in nursing homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association,11(7): 511-518.
Allen SM, Wieland S, Gozalo P, Griffin J. (2010) Continuity in provider and site of care and preventive service receipt in an adult Medicaid population with physical disabilities. Journal of Disability and Health, 2(4): 180-187.
Aschbrenner K, Greenberg J, Allen SM, Seltzer M. (2010) Subjective burden and personal gains among older parents of adults with serious mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Services 61(6), 605-611.
Clark MA, Clark ML, Allen, SM. (2010) Conducting telephone interviews with community-dwelling older adults in a state Medicaid program: differences by ethnicity and language preference. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 21(4): 1304-1317.
Resnik L, Allen SM, Isenstadt D, Wasserman M, Iezzoni L. (2009) Perspectives on the use of mobility equipment in a diverse population of seniors: Implications for interventions. Journal of Disability and Health 2(2): 77-85.
Clark MA, Rogers ML, Wen X, Wilcox V, McCarthy-Barnett K, Panarace J, Manning C, Allen SM, Rakowski W. (2009) Repeat mammography screening among unmarried women with and without a disability. Women’s Health Issues 19 (6): 415-424.
Plow M, Resnik L, Allen SM (2009) Exploring physical activity behaviour of persons with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation Research 21:1-14.
Duffy C, Allen, SM. (2009) Medical and psychosocial aspects of fertility after cancer. The Cancer Journal 15(1): 27-33.
Miller E, Allen SM, Mor V. (2009) Navigating the labyrinth of long-term care: Shoring up informal caregiving in a home and community-based world. Journal of Aging and Social Policy 21(1):1-16.
Lima J, Allen SM, Goldscheider F, Intrator O. (2008) Spousal caregiving in mid-life versus older ages: Implications of work and family obligations. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 63B(4): S229-S238.
Resnik L, Allen SM . (2007) Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to understand challenges in community reintegration of injured service members. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 44(7): 991-1006.
Allen SM, Resnik L, Roy J. (2006) Promoting independence for wheelchair users: The role of home accommodations. The Gerontologist 46(1): 115-123.
Hann D, Allen SM, Ciambrone D and Shah A (2006). Use of complementary therapies during chemotherapy: Influence of patients' satisfaction with medical treatment decision-making and the treating oncologist. Integrative Cancer Therapies 5(3): 224-231.
Resnik L, Allen SM. (2006) Racial and ethnic differences in the use of assistive devices for mobility: effect modification by age. Journal of Aging and Health 18(1): 106-124.
Duffy CM, Allen SM, Clark MA (2005). Discussions regarding reproductive health for young women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23(4): 766-773.
Hyatt R, Allen SM (2005). Disability as a “family affair”: Parental disability and childhood immunization. Medical Care 43(6): 6000-6006.
Resnik L, Lapane K, Allen SM (2005). Obesity and receipt of assistance with personal care for people with mobility impairments. Obesity Research 13:1307-1310.
Allen SM, Ciambrone D (2003). Community care for people with disability: Blurring boundaries between formal and informal caregivers. Qualitative Health Research 134(2): 207-226.
Allen SM, Shah AC, Nezu AM, Nezu CM, Ciambrone D, Hogan J, Mor V (2002). A problem-solving approach to stress reduction among younger women with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer 94(12): 3089-3100.
Berg K, Hines M, Allen SM (2002). Wheelchair users at home: Few home modifications and many injurious falls. American Journal of Public Health 92(1): p.48.
Allen SM, Foster A, Berg K (2001). Receiving help at home: The interplay of human and technological assistance. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 56B(6): S374-S382.
Allen SM, Petrisek A, Laliberte L (2001). Problems in communication between physicians and younger women with breast cancer. Critical Public Health 11(1).
Allen SM, Webster P (2001). When wives get sick: Pre-illness predictors of husbands’ contribution to household work. Gender and Society 15(6): 898-916.
Lima J, Allen SM (2001). Targeting risk for unmet need: Not enough help versus no help at all. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 56B(5): S302-S310.
Allen SM, Ciambrone D, Welch L (2000). Stage of life course and social support as a mediator of depressive mood among persons with disability. Journal of Aging and Health 12(3): 318-341.
Baer H, Allen SM, Braun L (2000). Knowledge of human papillomavirus infection among young adult men and women: Implications for health education and research. Journal of Community Health 25(1): 67-78.
Allen SM, Goldscheider F, Ciambrone DA (1999). Gender roles, martial intimacy, and nomination of spouse as primary caregiver. The Gerontologist 39(2), 150-158.
Banaszak-Holl J, Allen SM, Mor V, Schott T (1998). Organizational characteristics associated with agency position in community care networks. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 39(4): 368-385.
Allen SM, Fennell M, Laliberte L (1998). The impact of managed care on chronic care agency providers. Medicine and Health/Rhode Island 81(3): 87-90
Allen SM, Mor V (1997). The prevalence and consequences of unmet need : Contrasts between older and younger adults with disability. Medical Care 35(11): 1132-1148.
Petrisek A, Laliberte L, Allen SM, Mor V (1997). The treatment decision-making process: Age differences in a sample of women recently diagnosed with nonrecurrent early stage breast cancer. The Gerontologist, 37(5): 598-608.
Allen SM, Mor V, Fleishman J, Piette JD (1995). The organizational transformation of advocacy: Growth and development of AIDS community-based organizations. AIDS and Public Policy,10(1): 48-59.
Allen SM (1994). Gender differences in spousal caregiving and unmet need for care. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 49(4):S187-S195.
Brown P, Allen SM (1994). The toxic waste movement: A new type of activism. Society and Natural Resources, 7:269-287.
Mor V, Allen SM, Malin M (1994). The psychosocial impact of cancer on older versus younger patients and their families. Cancer, 74: 2118-2127.
Mor V, Malin M, Allen SM (1994). Age differences in the psycho-social problems encountered by breast cancer patients. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 16:191-197.
Allen SM, Mor V, Raveis V, Houts P (1993). Measurement of need for assistance with daily activities: Quantifying the influence of gender roles. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 48(4): S204-S211.
Mor V, Fleishman JA, Piette JD, Allen SM (1993). Developing AIDS community service consortia. Health Affairs, 12(1): 186-199.
Allen SM, Fleishman J (1992). Problems encountered in home health service delivery to persons with AIDS. Home Health Services Quarterly, 13(1/2): 129-159.
Fleishman JA, Mor V, Piette JD, Allen SM (1992). Organizing AIDS service consortia: Lead agency identify and consortium cohesion. Social Service Review, 66(4): 547-570.
Mor V, Allen SM, Siegel K, Houts P (1992). Determinants of need and unmet need among cancer patients residing at home. Health Services Research, 27(3): 337-360.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S, Houts P, Siegel K (1992). The changing needs of cancer patients at home: A longitudinal view. Cancer, 69:829-8383.
Masterson-Allen S, Brown P (1990). Public reaction to toxic waste contamination: Analysis of a social movement. International Journal of Health Services, 20(3): 485-500.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S (1990). A comparison of hospice care versus conventional care of the terminally ill cancer patient. Oncology, 4(7): 85-91.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S, Goldberg R, Guadagnoli E, Wool M (1990). Pre-diagnostic symptom recognition and help seeking among cancer patients: Implications for educational intervention. Journal of Community Health, 15(4):253-266.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S (1990). Rhode Island patients undergoing outpatient chemotherapy: How are they managing at home? Rhode Island Medical Journal, 73: 457-463.
Mor V, Murphy J, Masterson-Allen S, Willey C, Razmpour A, Jackson ME, Greer D, Katz S (1989). Risk of functional decline among well elders. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 42(9): 895-904.
Mor V, Guadagnoli E, Masterson-Allen S, Silliman R, Glicksman AS, Cummings FJ, Goldberg RJ, Fretwell MD (1988). The relationship between extent of disease and age at initial diagnosis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 36: 873-876.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S (1988). The hospice model of care for the terminally ill. Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine 18: 119-34.
Wachtel T, Masterson-Allen S, Reuben D, Goldberg R, Mor V (1988). The end stage cancer patient: Terminal common pathway. The Hospice Journal, 4(4): 43-80.
Mor V, Guadagnoli E, Masterson-Allen S, Silliman R, Weitberg A, Glicksman AS, Rosenstein R, Cummings FJ, Goldberg RJ, Fretwell MD (1988). The Brown University Cancer and Aging Study: A statewide cooperative investigation. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 71(10):379-386.
Masterson-Allen S, Mor V, Lance MP (1987). Physician screening practices and colorectal cancer screening prevalence among the Rhode Island population. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 70(5): 217-221.
Masterson-Allen S, Mor V, Laliberte L (1987). Turnover in National Hospice Study sites: A reflection of organizational growth. The Hospice Journal, 3(2/3): 147-164.
Masterson-Allen S, Laliberte L, Wright SM, Hepburn K, Veale-Danner W, Mor V, Morris JN (1985). Terminally ill patients' and families' responses to participation in a research study. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 8(1): 83-92.
Masterson-Allen S, Mor V, Laliberte L, Monteiro L (1985). Staff burnout in a hospice setting. The Hospice Journal, 1(3): 1-15.
Mor V, Masterson-Allen S, Goldberg RJ, Cummings FJ, Glicksman AS, Fretwell MD (1985). Relationship between age at diagnosis and treatments received by cancer patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 33: 585-589.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1992 | PhD | Brown University |
1987 | AM | Brown University |
-FIRST Award from the National Institute on Aging, 1994-2000
-Manning Assistant Professor, Endowed Chair, 1997-1998
-Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, Europe's leading forum for promoting global dialogue on issues of pressing international concern, Salzburg, Austria, 1998-present
-Fellow, Gerontological Society of America, Social and Behavioral Sciences Section, 2002-present
-Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Brown University/Women & Infants Hospital National Center of Excellence in Women's Health (Maureen Phipps, MD, PI), US DHHS Office of Women's Health, 2008.
Name | Title |
Duffy, Christine | Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinician Educator |
Gozalo, Pedro | Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice (Research) |
Laliberte-Cote, Linda | Associate Dean of Public Health for Administration and Finance |
Lima, Julie | Associate Professor of the Practice of Health Services, Policy and Practice |
Mor, Vincent | Florence Pirce Grant University Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice |
Resnik, Linda | Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice |
Thomas, Kali | Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice |