Algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, and algebraic K-Theory
I work on special values of zeta and L-functions, and relating them to arithmetic and cohomological invariants. The eventual goal of the program is to provide cohomological descriptions of zeta and L-functions in the case of varieties over number fields (including the Riemann zeta-function) analogous to what is known in the case of varieties over finite fields.
Funded by NSF 1964-2002, 2005 - present
Current grant:
Title: Weil-etale Cohomology of Arithmetic Schemes
Amount: $105, 350
Dates: 7/1/05 - 6/30/08
Previous grants:
Title: Motives, Motivic Cohomology, and Values of Zeta-functions
Amount: $220,623
Dates: 9/1/99 - 8/31/02
Title: Mathematical Sciences: Research in Algebra and Algebraic Number Theory
Amount: $159,750
Dates: 7/1/93 - 12/31/96
Title: Mathematical Sciences: Research in Algebra and Algebraic Number Theory
Amount: $146,883
Dates: 7/1/91 - 6/30/93