Associate Professor of Pediatrics


Dr. Sarbattama “Rimi” Sen is a neonatologist, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Vice Chair of Pediatric Clinical Research at Women and Infants Hospital. She trained in pediatrics and neonatal-perinatal medicine at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and during this time developed a research focus in early life programming of cardiometabolic health.

The overarching mission of her research is to develop mechanism-driven interventions and improve equitable care access to improve the metabolic health of mothers and infants. Dr. Sen and her team work towards this goal by conducting translational and observational studies related to lactation and milk composition, neonatal hypoglycemia and brain neurophysiology, and maternal metabolism. In addition, she leads clinical trials and quality improvement projects, aimed directly at implementing and evaluating clinical practice changes. Recently, she has co-created interventions to foster equitable pathways for perinatal nutrition, lactation, and mental health support, with the goal of nurturing the health of the mother-infant dyad. Her research is supported by foundations, state and national funding agencies.

Dr. Sen has also mentored numerous trainees, many of whom have embarked on academic careers, and finds great joy in sustaining and creating pathways to support, nurture, and diversify future generations of physician-scientists.   

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas