Welner, Michael, DeLisi, Matt, Baglivio, Michael T., Guilmette, Thomas J., Knous-Westfall, Heather M.
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Guilmette TJ, Sweet JJ, Hebben N, Koltai D, Mahone EM, Spiegler BJ, Stucky K, Westerveld M, Conference Participants.
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Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y., & Guilmette, T.J.
"Assessing adaptive functioning in death penalty cases after Hall and DSM-5." Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, vol. 44, 2016, pp. 96-105.
Hagan, Leigh D., Guilmette, Thomas J.
"DSM-5: Challenging diagnostic testimony." International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol. 42-43, 2015, pp. 128-134.
Drogin, E. Y., Hagan, L. D., Guilmette, T. J., & Piechowski, L. D.
"Personal injury and other tort matters." APA handbook of forensic psychology: Vol 1. Individual and situation influences in criminal and civil contexts , edited by B. L. Cutler & P.A. Zapf, Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, 2015, pp. 471-509.
Bishop, D., Miller, I., Weiner, D., Guilmette, T., Mukand, J., Feldmann, E., Keitner, G., & Springate, B.
"Family intervention: Telephone tracking (FITT): A pilot stroke outcome study." Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, vol. 21, no. Suppl 1, 2014, pp. S63-S74.
Guilmette, T.J.
"The role of clinical judgment in symptom validity assessment." Mild traumatic injury: Symptom validity assessment and malingering , edited by D.A. Carone & S.S. Bush, New York, Springer Publishing, 2013, pp. 31-43.
Guilmette, T.J., & Giuliano, A.J.
"Brain injury and work performance." Work accommodation and retention in mental health , edited by I.Z. Schultz & E.S. Rogers, new york, new york, Springer Science+Business Media, 2011, pp. 141-161.
Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y., & Guilmette, T.J.
"IQ scores should not be adjusted for the Flynn effect in capital punishment cases." Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, vol. 28, 2010, pp. 474-476.
Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y., & Guilmette, T.J.
"Science rather than advocacy when reporting IQ scores." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, vol. 41, 2010, pp. 420-423.
Guilmette TJ, Hagan LD, Giuliano AJ.
"Assigning qualitative descriptions to test scores in neuropsychology: forensic implications." The Clinical Neuropsychologist, vol. 22, no. 1, 2008, pp. 122-39.
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"The relationship between early life stress and microstructural integrity of the corpus callosum in a non-clinical population." Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, vol. 4, no. 1, 2008, pp. 193-201.
Guilmette TJ, Kennedy ML, Weiler MD, Temple RO.
"Investigation of biases in the general public in evaluating mild head injury using neuropsychological and CT scan results: forensic implications." The Clinical Neuropsychologist, vol. 20, no. 2, 2006, pp. 305-14.
Guilmette TJ, Paglia MF.
"The public's misconception about traumatic brain injury: a follow up survey." Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, vol. 19, no. 2, 2004, pp. 183-9.
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"Restoration of competency to stand trial: a training program for persons with mental retardation." The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, vol. 31, no. 2, 2003, pp. 189-201.
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"Comparison of time and error rates on the trail making test among patients with head injuries, experimental malingerers, patients with suspect effort on testing, and normal controls." The Clinical Neuropsychologist, vol. 14, no. 2, 2000, pp. 223-30.
Guilmette, T.J., Dabrowski, J., Kennedy, M.L., Gnys, J.
"A comparison of nine WAIS-R short forms in individuals with mild to severe traumatic brain injury." Assessment, vol. 6, 1999, pp. 33-41.
Guilmette, T.J. & Krupp, B.H.
"The role of mental status measures in civil competency determinations." Journal of Forensic Neuropsychology, vol. 1, 1999, pp. 1-16.
Guilmette, T.J., & Hagan, L.D.
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Kennedy, M.L., & Guilmette, T.J.
"The relationship between the WRAML Memory Screening and General Memory Indices in a clinical population." Assessment, vol. 4, 1997, pp. 69-72.
Guilmette, T.J., Whelihan, W.M., Hart, K.J., Sparadeo, F.R., & Buongiorno, G.
"Order effects in the administration of a forced-choice procedure for detection of malingering in disability claimants’ evaluations." Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 83, 1996, pp. 1007-1016.
Beetar, J.T., Guilmette, T.J., & Sparadeo, F.
"Sleep and pain complaints in symptomatic traumatic brain injury and neurologic populations." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 77, 1996, pp. 1298-1302.
Grace J, Nadler JD, White DA, Guilmette TJ, Giuliano AJ, Monsch AU, Snow MG.
"Folstein vs modified Mini-Mental State Examination in geriatric stroke. Stability, validity, and screening utility." Archives of Neurology, vol. 52, no. 5, 1995, pp. 477-84.
Guilmette TJ, Kennedy ML.
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Guilmette, T.J., Tsoh, J.Y., & Malcolm, C.D.
"Orientation and three-word recall in predicting memory: Age effect and false-negative errors." Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral , vol. 8, 1995, pp. 20-25.
Guilmette, T.J., & Rasile, D.
"Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of three verbal memory measures in mild brain injury." Neuropsychology, vol. 9, 1995, pp. 338-344.
Guilmette, T.J., Hart, K.J., Giuliano, A.J., & Leininger, B.
"Detecting simulated memory impairment: A comparison of the Rey Fifteen-Item Test and the Hiscock Forced-Choice Procedure." The Clinical Neuropsychologist,, vol. 8, 1994, pp. 283-294.
Guilmette, T.J., Whelihan, W., Sparadeo, F.R., & Buongiorno, G.
"Validity of neuropsychological test results in disability evaluations." Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 78, 1994, pp. 1179-1186.
Guilmette, T.J., Hart, K.J., & Giuliano, A.J.
"Malingering detection: The use of a forced-choice method in identifying organic versus simulated memory impairment." The Clinical Neuropsychologist,, vol. 7, 1993, pp. 59-69.
Guilmette, T.J., Snow, M.G., Grace, J., & Giulinao, A.J.
"Emotional dysfunction in a geriatric population: Staff observations and patients’ reports." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 73, 1992, pp. 587-593.
Guilmette, T.J., & Faust, D.
"Characteristics of neuropsychologists who prefer the Halstead-Reitan or the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, vol. 22, 1991, pp. 80-83.
Guilmette, T.J., & Giuliano, A.J.
"Taking the stand: Issues and strategies in forensic neuropsychology." The Clinical Neuropsychologist, vol. 5, 1991, pp. 197-219.
Guilmette, T.J., Faust, D., Hart, K., & Arkes, H.R.
"A national survey of psychologists who offer neuropsychological services." Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, vol. 5, 1990, pp. 373-392.