Yvette Yatchmink, MD, PhD graduated from Yale University in 1977 and Cornell University Medical College in 1986. She received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from the University of Michigan. She completed her residency in general pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital and a fellowship in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Following her fellowship training, she joined the faculty of U Mass where she directed several clinics for young children with a variety of developmental and behavioral problems. Prior to coming to Brown, she was Associate Medical Director for the MA Division of Medical Assistance (Medicaid), where she was actively involved in statewide policy for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Dr. Yatchmink joined the Division of DBP at HCH/Brown in 2003, where she provides clinical care and direct supervision of fellows in the CNDC, directs the medical student elective “Child Development and Developmental Disabilities,” mentor’s residents during their DBP rotation, and fellows in their research pursuits. Dr. Yatchmink was a member of the editorial board of Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics and co-chair of the Society for Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Autism Special Interest Group. She currently serves on the editorial board of Pediatrics. Her primary clinical and research interests include children with complex developmental and health care needs, autism spectrum disorders, neonatal outcomes, and Rhode Island policies for Children with Special Health Care Needs.