Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research)


Charlene Collibee, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor (Research) at the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School and Staff Psychologist with Rhode Island Hospital Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Bradley/Hasbro Children's Research Center. She is also a consulting clinical psychologist at the Rhode Island Family Court supervising mental health evaluations as well as dating violence interventions. Her research focuses on developmental psychopathology and interpersonal relationships. She specifically aims to understand variation in risk and resilience as a function of individual characteristics, context, and development. She is currently funded on a K01 award from NICHD. Her K01 uses naturalistic methods (e.g., social media extraction, EMA) to examine proximal and distal associations between romantic partner, parent, and peer interpersonal interactions and dating violence among child welfare involved adolescents. 

Dr. Collibee earned her graduate degree in Child Clinical Psychology at the University of Denver and completed her predoctoral internship as well as her postdoctoral fellowship here at Brown before joining the faculty in 2019.