Nicole Nugent, PhD is a Professor, Research Scholar in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the Alpert Brown Medical School. Dr. Nugent holds academic appointments in the Departments of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine and is the Founding Director of the Rhode Island Resilience Lab and Associate Director of the Stress Trauma and Resilience (STAR) Initiative. She maintains her clinical involvement in direct clinical care as the Director of Psychological Services at the Hasbro Children’s Hospital Pediatric Refugee Integrated Care Service, a role that informs research efforts that permit translation to intervention across diverse populations. Dr. Nugent has been continuously federally funded since 2009 and has served as the principal investigator or co-investigator on more than two dozen federal grants. Her research is aimed at understanding the interplay of biological and socio-environmental factors on psychological outcomes such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents during times of stress and transition. Dr. Nugent’s work has increasingly focused on the ways that social interactions via digital communication impact adolescent psychological and physical health and wellbeing.
Wani AH, Katrinli S, Zhao X, Daskalakis NP, Zannas AS, Aiello AE, Baker DG, Boks MP, Brick LA, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Fortier C, Geuze E, Hayes JP, Kessler RC, King AP, Koen N, Liberzon I, Lori A, Luykx JJ, Maihofer AX, Milberg W, Miller MW, Mufford MS, Nugent NR, Rauch S, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutten BPF, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Verfaellie MH, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Ware EB, Wildman DE, Wolf EJ, Nievergelt CM, Logue MW, Smith AK, Uddin M. "Blood-based DNA methylation and exposure risk scores predict PTSD with high accuracy in military and civilian cohorts." BMC medical genomics, vol. 17, no. 1, 2024, pp. 235. |
Brown S, Tezanos KM, Nugent NR. "Childhood Maltreatment, Executive Function, and Suicide Attempts in Adolescents." Child Maltreatment, vol. 29, no. 4, 2024, pp. 672-683. |
Grados M, Vergara-Lopez C, Bock BC, Nugent NR, Parade SH, Tyrka AR, Stroud LR. "COBRE Center for Stress, Trauma, and Resilience (STAR COBRE): A Regional and National Hub for Transformative Research to Elucidate and Mitigate the Lasting Imprint of Early Stress and Trauma." Rhode Island medical journal (2013), vol. 107, no. 11, 2024, pp. 42-47. |
Kaplan DM, Tidwell CA, Chung JM, Alisic E, Demiray B, Bruni M, Evora S, Gajewski-Nemes JA, Macbeth A, Mangelsdorf SN, Mascaro JS, Minor KS, Noga RN, Nugent NR, Polsinelli AJ, Rentscher KE, Resnikoff AW, Robbins ML, Slatcher RB, Tejeda-Padron AB, Mehl MR. "Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in observational ambulatory assessment: Recommendations from two decades of Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) research." Behavior research methods, vol. 56, no. 4, 2024, pp. 3207-3225. |
Smith AK, Katrinli S, Cobb DO, Goff EG, Simmond M, Christensen GM, Prusisz T, Garth SN, Brashear M, Hüls A, Wolf EJ, Trapido EJ, Rung AL, Nugent NR, Peters ES. "Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Disparities in Posttraumatic Stress in Women in Southeast Louisiana: NIMHD Social Epigenomics Program." JAMA Network Open, vol. 7, no. 7, 2024, pp. e2421884. |
Katrinli S, Wani AH, Maihofer AX, Ratanatharathorn A, Daskalakis NP, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Núñez-Ríos DL, Zannas AS, Zhao X, Aiello AE, Ashley-Koch AE, Avetyan D, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Boks MP, Brick LA, Bromet E, Champagne FA, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Dennis MF, Fatumo S, Fortier C, Galea S, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Grant G, Michael A Hauser, Hayes JP, Hemmings SM, Huber BR, Jajoo A, Jansen S, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Kleinman JE, Koen N, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Liberzon I, Linnstaedt SD, Lori A, Luft BJ, Luykx JJ, Marx CE, McLean SA, Mehta D, Milberg W, Miller MW, Mufford MS, Musanabaganwa C, Mutabaruka J, Mutesa L, Nemeroff CB, Nugent NR, Orcutt HK, Qin XJ, Rauch SAM, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutembesa E, Rutten BPF, Seedat S, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Toikumo S, Ursano RJ, Uwineza A, Verfaellie MH, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Ware EB, Wildman DE, Wolf EJ, Young RM, Zhao Y, van den Heuvel LL, PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group, Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Smith AK, Logue MW. "Epigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: A meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts." medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences, 2024. |
Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Atkinson EG, Chen CY, Choi KW, Coleman JRI, Daskalakis NP, Duncan LE, Polimanti R, Aaronson C, Amstadter AB, Andersen SB, Andreassen OA, Arbisi PA, Ashley-Koch AE, Austin SB, Avdibegoviç E, Babić D, Bacanu SA, Baker DG, Batzler A, Beckham JC, Belangero S, Benjet C, Bergner C, Bierer LM, Biernacka JM, Bierut LJ, Bisson JI, Boks MP, Bolger EA, Brandolino A, Breen G, Bressan RA, Bryant RA, Bustamante AC, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Bækvad-Hansen M, Børglum AD, Børte S, Cahn L, Calabrese JR, Caldas-de-Almeida JM, Chatzinakos C, Cheema S, Clouston SAP, Colodro-Conde L, Coombes BJ, Cruz-Fuentes CS, Dale AM, Dalvie S, Davis LK, Deckert J, Delahanty DL, Dennis MF, Desarnaud F, DiPietro CP, Disner SG, Docherty AR, Domschke K, Dyb G, Kulenović AD, Edenberg HJ, Evans A, Fabbri C, Fani N, Farrer LA, Feder A, Feeny NC, Flory JD, Forbes D, Franz CE, Galea S, Garrett ME, Gelaye B, Gelernter J, Geuze E, Gillespie CF, Goleva SB, Gordon SD, Goçi A, Grasser LR, Guindalini C, Haas M, Hagenaars S, Hauser MA, Heath AC, Hemmings SMJ, Hesselbrock V, Hickie IB, Hogan K, Hougaard DM, Huang H, Huckins LM, Hveem K, Jakovljević M, Javanbakht A, Jenkins GD, Johnson J, Jones I, Jovanovic T, Karstoft KI, Kaufman ML, Kennedy JL, Kessler RC, Khan A, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Koen N, Kotov R, Kranzler HR, Krebs K, Kremen WS, Kuan PF, Lawford BR, Lebois LAM, Lehto K, Levey DF, Lewis C, Liberzon I, Linnstaedt SD, Logue MW, Lori A, Lu Y, Luft BJ, Lupton MK, Luykx JJ, Makotkine I, Maples-Keller JL, Marchese S, Marmar C, Martin NG, Martínez-Levy GA, McAloney K, McFarlane A, McLaughlin KA, McLean SA, Medland SE, Mehta D, Meyers J, Michopoulos V, Mikita EA, Milani L, Milberg W, Miller MW, Morey RA, Morris CP, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Mufford MS, Nelson EC, Nordentoft M, Norman SB, Nugent NR, O'Donnell M, Orcutt HK, Pan PM, Panizzon MS, Pathak GA, Peters ES, Peterson AL, Peverill M, Pietrzak RH, Polusny MA, Porjesz B, Powers A, Qin XJ, Ratanatharathorn A, Risbrough VB, Roberts AL, Rothbaum AO, Rothbaum BO, Roy-Byrne P, Ruggiero KJ, Rung A, Runz H, Rutten BPF, de Viteri SS, Salum GA, Sampson L, Sanchez SE, Santoro M, Seah C, Seedat S, Seng JS, Shabalin A, Sheerin CM, Silove D, Smith AK, Smoller JW, Sponheim SR, Stein DJ, Stensland S, Stevens JS, Sumner JA, Teicher MH, Thompson WK, Tiwari AK, Trapido E, Uddin M, Ursano RJ, Valdimarsdóttir U, Van Hooff M, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Voisey J, Wang Y, Wang Z, Waszczuk M, Weber H, Wendt FR, Werge T, Williams MA, Williamson DE, Winsvold BS, Winternitz S, Wolf C, Wolf EJ, Xia Y, Xiong Y, Yehuda R, Young KA, Young RM, Zai CC, Zai GC, Zervas M, Zhao H, Zoellner LA, Zwart JA, deRoon-Cassini T, van Rooij SJH, van den Heuvel LL, AURORA Study, Estonian Biobank Research Team, FinnGen Investigators, HUNT All-In Psychiatry, Stein MB, Ressler KJ, Koenen KC. "Genome-wide association analyses identify 95 risk loci and provide insights into the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder." Nature Genetics, vol. 56, no. 5, 2024, pp. 792-808. |
Lee SY, Vergara-Lopez C, Jennings E, Nugent NR, Parade SH, Tyrka AR, Stroud LR. "How can we build structural resilience? Integration of social-ecological and minority stress models." American Psychologist, vol. 79, no. 8, 2024, pp. 1012-1024. |
Au M, Lipschutz R, Mekawi Y, Lathan EC, Dixon HD, Carter S, Hinrichs R, Bradley B, Kaslow NJ, Nugent NR, Powers A. "The effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on PTSD and depression symptoms in trauma-exposed black adults: Pilot randomized controlled trial results." Journal of mood and anxiety disorders, vol. 8, 2024. |
Sadhu S, Solanki D, Brick LA, Nugent NR, Mankodiya K. "Designing a Clinician-Centered Wearable Data Dashboard (CarePortal): Participatory Design Study." JMIR formative research, vol. 7, 2023, pp. e46866. |
Kaplan DM, Hughes CD, Schatten HT, Mehl MR, Armey MF, Nugent NR. "Emotional change in its "natural habitat": Measuring everyday emotion regulation with passive and active ambulatory assessment methods." Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, vol. 33, no. 2, 2023, pp. 123-140. |
Kudinova AY, Brick LA, Armey M, Nugent NR. "Micro‐sequences of anger and shame and non‐suicidal self‐injury in youth: an ecological momentary assessment study." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2023. |
Bublitz MH, Nillni Y, Nugent NR, Sanapo L, Habr N, Bourjeily G. "Posttraumatic stress disorder, diurnal cortisol, and ambulatory blood pressure in early and late pregnancy." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 36, no. 1, 2023, pp. 239-246. |
López G, Bogen KW, Meza-Lopez RJ, Nugent NR, Orchowski LM. "#DomesticViolence During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: An Analysis of Public Commentary via Twitter." DIGITAL HEALTH, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 20552076221115024. |
Marraccini ME, Resnikoff AW, Brick LA, Brier ZMF, Nugent NR. "Adolescent perceptions of school before and after psychiatric hospitalization: Predicting suicidal ideation." School psychology (Washington, D.C.), vol. 37, no. 2, 2022, pp. 119-132. |
Nugent NR, Armey M, Boker S, Brick L, Knopik V, McGeary JE, Spirito A, Mehl MR. "Adolescents hospitalised for suicidality: biomarkers, social and affective predictors: a cohort study." BMJ Open, vol. 12, no. 10, 2022, pp. e056063. |
Orchowski LM, Grocott L, Bogen KW, Ilegbusi A, Amstadter AB, Nugent NR. "Barriers to Reporting Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of #WhyIDidntReport." Violence against women, vol. 28, no. 14, 2022, pp. 3530-3553. |
Grocott LR, Mair A, Galione JN, Armey MF, Huang J, Nugent NR. "Days with and without self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: Impact of childhood maltreatment on adolescent online social networking." Journal of Adolescence, vol. 94, no. 5, 2022, pp. 748-762. |
Short NA, Tungate AS, Bollen KA, Sullivan J, D'Anza T, Lechner M, Bell K, Black J, Buchanan J, Reese R, Ho JD, Reed GD, Platt MA, Riviello RJ, Rossi CH, Martin SL, Liberzon I, Rauch SAM, Kessler RC, Nugent N, McLean SA. "Pain is common after sexual assault and posttraumatic arousal/reactivity symptoms mediate the development of new or worsening persistent pain." PAIN, vol. 163, no. 1, 2022, pp. e121-e128. |
Javanbakht A, Grasser LR, Kim S, Arfken CL, Nugent N. "Perceived health, adversity, and posttraumatic stress disorder in Syrian and Iraqi refugees." The International journal of social psychiatry, vol. 68, no. 1, 2022, pp. 118-128. |
Simonds EA, Gobenciong KAP, Wilson JE, Jiroutek MR, Nugent NR, van Tilburg MAL. "Trauma Functioning and Well-Being in Children Who Receive Mental Health Aid after Natural Disaster or War." Children, vol. 9, no. 7, 2022. |
Goldberg EM, Rosen RK, Dizon DS, Langdon KJ, Davoodi NM, Wray TB, Nugent NR, Dunsiger SI, Ranney ML. "Using Social Media for Clinical Research: Recommendations and Examples From the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health." Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 24, no. 6, 2022, pp. e35804. |
Rodríguez-Guzmán VM, García-Ramírez GM, Bogen KW, Orchowski LM, Nugent N. "#PuertoRicoSeLevanta: A Closer Look at the Language Used on the First-Year Anniversary of Hurricane Maria." Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, vol. 6, no. 2, 2021, pp. 358-364. |
Kutok ER, Dunsiger S, Patena JV, Nugent NR, Riese A, Rosen RK, Ranney ML. "A Cyberbullying Media-Based Prevention Intervention for Adolescents on Instagram: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial." JMIR mental health, vol. 8, no. 9, 2021, pp. e26029. |
Burke, Taylor A., Kutok, Emily R., Dunsiger, Shira, Nugent, Nicole R., Patena, John V., Riese, Alison, Ranney, Megan L. "A national snapshot of U.S. adolescents' mental health and changing technology use during COVID-19." General Hospital Psychiatry, vol. 71, 2021, pp. 147-148. |
Parade SH, Huffhines L, Daniels TE, Stroud LR, Nugent NR, Tyrka AR. "A systematic review of childhood maltreatment and DNA methylation: candidate gene and epigenome-wide approaches." Translational Psychiatry, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021, pp. 134. |
Javanbakht A, Stenson A, Nugent N, Smith A, Rosenberg D, Jovanovic T. "Biological and Environmental Factors Affecting Risk and Resilience among Syrian Refugee Children." Journal of psychiatry and brain science, vol. 6, 2021. |
Allen KJD, Bozzay ML, Armey MF, Nugent NR, Miller Iii IW, Schatten HT. "Childhood Maltreatment, Emotional Response Inhibition, and Suicide in Psychiatric Inpatients." Behavior Therapy, vol. 52, no. 6, 2021, pp. 1529-1542. |
Kim S, Rodríguez-Guzmán VM, Hamm T, Nugent NR. "Childhood trauma and the role of ethnic pride and interpersonal relationships among Latina mothers." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 13, no. 1, 2021, pp. 26-34. |
Powers A, Mekawi Y, Fickenwirth M, Nugent NR, Dixon HD, Minton S, Kim YJ, Gluck R, Carter S, Fani N, Schwartz AC, Bradley B, Umpierrez GE, Pace TWW, Jovanovic T, Michopoulos V, Gillespie CF. "Emotion dysregulation and dissociation contribute to decreased heart rate variability to an acute psychosocial stressor in trauma-exposed Black women." Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 142, 2021, pp. 125-131. |
Kutok ER, Doria N, Dunsiger S, Patena JV, Nugent NR, Riese A, Rosen RK, Ranney ML. "Feasibility and Cost of Using Instagram to Recruit Adolescents to a Remote Intervention." Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 69, no. 5, 2021, pp. 838-846. |
Stenson AF, Nugent NR, van Rooij SJH, Minton ST, Compton AB, Hinrichs R, Jovanovic T. "Puberty drives fear learning during adolescence." Developmental Science, vol. 24, no. 1, 2021, pp. e13000. |
Bublitz MH, Sharp M, Freeburg T, Sanapo L, Nugent NR, Sharkey K, Bourjeily G. "Sleep Disordered Breathing Measures in Early Pregnancy Are Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Late Pregnancy." Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 11, no. 5, 2021. |
García-Ramírez GM, Bogen KW, Rodríguez-Guzmán VM, Nugent N, Orchowski LM. "#4645Boricuas: Twitter reactions to the estimates of deaths by Hurricane María in Puerto Rico." Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 49, no. 3, 2020, pp. 768-790. |
Armey MF, Brick L, Schatten HT, Nugent NR, Miller IW. "Ecologically assessed affect and suicidal ideation following psychiatric inpatient hospitalization." General Hospital Psychiatry, vol. 63, 2020, pp. 89-96. |
Smith AK, Ratanatharathorn A, Maihofer AX, Naviaux RK, Aiello AE, Amstadter AB, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Boks MP, Bromet E, Dennis M, Galea S, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Guffanti G, Hauser MA, Katrinli S, Kilaru V, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Li K, Logue MW, Lori A, Luft BJ, Miller MW, Naviaux JC, Nugent NR, Qin X, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutten BPF, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Wang L, Youssef NA, INTRuST Clinical Consortium., VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgroup., PGC PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup., Uddin M, Nievergelt CM. "Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of PTSD across 10 military and civilian cohorts identifies methylation changes in AHRR." Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020, pp. 5965. |
Dalvie S, Maihofer AX, Coleman JRI, Bradley B, Breen G, Brick LA, Chen CY, Choi KW, Duncan LE, Guffanti G, Haas M, Harnal S, Liberzon I, Nugent NR, Provost AC, Ressler KJ, Torres K, Amstadter AB, Bryn Austin S, Baker DG, Bolger EA, Bryant RA, Calabrese JR, Delahanty DL, Farrer LA, Feeny NC, Flory JD, Forbes D, Galea S, Gautam A, Gelernter J, Hammamieh R, Jett M, Junglen AG, Kaufman ML, Kessler RC, Khan A, Kranzler HR, Lebois LAM, Marmar C, Mavissakalian MR, McFarlane A, Donnell MO, Orcutt HK, Pietrzak RH, Risbrough VB, Roberts AL, Rothbaum AO, Roy-Byrne P, Ruggiero K, Seligowski AV, Sheerin CM, Silove D, Smoller JW, Stein MB, Teicher MH, Ursano RJ, Van Hooff M, Winternitz S, Wolff JD, Yehuda R, Zhao H, Zoellner LA, Stein DJ, Koenen KC, Nievergelt CM. "Genomic influences on self-reported childhood maltreatment." Translational psychiatry, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 38. |
Jovanovic T, Stenson AF, Thompson N, Clifford A, Compton A, Minton S, van Rooij SJF, Stevens JS, Lori A, Nugent N, Gillespie CF, Bradley B, Ressler KJ. "Impact of ADCYAP1R1 genotype on longitudinal fear conditioning in children: interaction with trauma and sex." Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 45, no. 10, 2020, pp. 1603-1608. |
Sheerin CM, Lind MJ, Bountress KE, Marraccini ME, Amstadter AB, Bacanu SA, Nugent NR. "Meta-Analysis of Associations Between Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Genes and Risk of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 33, no. 5, 2020, pp. 688-698. |
Lind MJ, Brick LA, Gehrman PR, Duncan LE, Gelaye B, Maihofer AX, Nievergelt CM, Nugent NR, Stein MB, Amstadter AB, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. "Molecular genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep phenotypes." Sleep, vol. 43, no. 4, 2020. |
Ranney, Megan L., Patena, John V., Dunsiger, Shira, Spirito, Anthony, Cunningham, Rebecca M., Boyer, Edward, Nugent, Nicole R. "A technology-augmented intervention to prevent peer violence and depressive symptoms among at-risk emergency department adolescents: Protocol for a randomized control trial." Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 82, 2019, pp. 106-114. |
Nugent NR, Brick L, Armey MF, Tyrka AR, Ridout KK, Uebelacker LA. "Benefits of Yoga on IL-6: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Depression." Behavioral Medicine, 2019, pp. 1-10. |
Hawn, Sage E., Sheerin, Christina M., Lind, Mackenzie J., Hicks, Terrell A., Marraccini, Marisa E., Bountress, Kaitlin, Bacanu, Silviu-Alin, Nugent, Nicole R., Amstadter, Ananda B. "GxE effects of FKBP5 and traumatic life events on PTSD: A meta-analysis." Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 243, 2019, pp. 455-462. |
Nugent NR, Pendse SR, Schatten HT, Armey MF. "Innovations in Technology and Mechanisms of Change in Behavioral Interventions." Behavior Modification, 2019, pp. 145445519845603. |
Rizzo, Christie J., Collibee, Charlene, Nugent, Nicole R., Armey, Michael F. "Let's Get Digital: Understanding Adolescent Romantic Relationships Using Naturalistic Assessments of Digital Communication." Child Development Perspectives, vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, pp. 104-109. |
Nugent N, Gaston SA, Perry J, Rung AL, Trapido EJ, Peters ES. "PTSD symptom profiles among Louisiana women affected by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A latent profile analysis." Journal of affective disorders, vol. 250, 2019, pp. 289-297. |
Brick LAD, Nugent NR, Kahana SY, Bruce D, Tanney MR, Fernández MI, Bauermeister JA. "Interaction Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Individual Social Support on Frequency of Alcohol Use in Youth Living with HIV." American journal of community psychology, vol. 61, no. 3-4, 2018, pp. 276-284. |
Duncan LE, Ratanatharathorn A, Aiello AE, Almli LM, Amstadter AB, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bierut LJ, Bisson J, Bradley B, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Farrer LA, Galea S, Garrett ME, Gelernter JE, Guffanti G, Hauser MA, Johnson EO, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, King A, Koen N, Kranzler HR, Logue MW, Maihofer AX, Martin AR, Miller MW, Morey RA, Nugent NR, Rice JP, Ripke S, Roberts AL, Saccone NL, Smoller JW, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Sumner JA, Uddin M, Ursano RJ, Wildman DE, Yehuda R, Zhao H, Daly MJ, Liberzon I, Ressler KJ, Nievergelt CM, Koenen KC. "Largest GWAS of PTSD (N=20 070) yields genetic overlap with schizophrenia and sex differences in heritability." Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 23, no. 3, 2018, pp. 666-673. |
van Rooij SJH, Stevens JS, Ely TD, Hinrichs R, Michopoulos V, Winters SJ, Ogbonmwan YE, Shin J, Nugent NR, Hudak LA, Rothbaum BO, Ressler KJ, Jovanovic T. "The Role of the Hippocampus in Predicting Future Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Recently Traumatized Civilians." Biological Psychiatry, vol. 84, no. 2, 2018, pp. 106-115. |
Wolf EJ, Maniates H, Nugent N, Maihofer AX, Armstrong D, Ratanatharathorn A, Ashley-Koch AE, Garrett M, Kimbrel NA, Lori A, Va Mid-Atlantic Mirecc Workgroup, Aiello AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Boks MP, Galea S, Geuze E, Hauser MA, Kessler RC, Koenen KC, Miller MW, Ressler KJ, Risbrough V, Rutten BPF, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Uddin M, Smith AK, Nievergelt CM, Logue MW. "Traumatic stress and accelerated DNA methylation age: A meta-analysis." Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 92, 2018, pp. 123-134. |
Barker, David H., Nugent, Nicole R., Delgado, Jeanne R., Knopik, Valerie S., Brown, Larry K., Lally, Michelle A., McGeary, John E. "A genetic marker of risk in HIV-infected individuals with a history of hazardous drinking." AIDS Care, vol. 29, no. 9, 2017, pp. 1186-1191. |
Lind, Mackenzie J., Marraccini, Marisa E., Sheerin, Christina M., Bountress, Kaitlin, Bacanu, Silviu-Alin, Amstadter, Ananda B., Nugent, Nicole R. "Association of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder With rs2267735 in the ADCYAP1R1 Gene: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 30, no. 4, 2017, pp. 389-398. |
Ratanatharathorn A, Boks MP, Maihofer AX, Aiello AE, Amstadter AB, Ashley-Koch AE, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bromet E, Dennis M, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Guffanti G, Hauser MA, Kilaru V, Kimbrel NA, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Logue MW, Luft BJ, Miller MW, Mitchell C, Nugent NR, Ressler KJ, Rutten BPF, Stein MB, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Youssef NA, VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgroup., PGC PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup., Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Smith AK. "Epigenome-wide association of PTSD from heterogeneous cohorts with a common multi-site analysis pipeline." Am. J. Med. Genet., vol. 174, no. 6, 2017, pp. 619-630. |
Gaston SA, Volaufova J, Peters ES, Ferguson TF, Robinson WT, Nugent N, Trapido EJ, Rung AL. "Individual-level exposure to disaster, neighborhood environmental characteristics, and their independent and combined associations with depressive symptoms in women." Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, vol. 52, no. 9, 2017, pp. 1183-1194. |
Bountress KE, Bacanu SA, Tomko RL, Korte KJ, Hicks T, Sheerin C, Lind MJ, Marraccini M, Nugent N, Amstadter AB. "The Effects of a BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis." Neuropsychobiology, vol. 76, no. 3, 2017, pp. 136-142. |
Sheerin, Christina M, Lind, Mackenzie J, Bountress, Kaitlin E, Nugent, Nicole R, Amstadter, Ananda B. "The genetics and epigenetics of PTSD: overview, recent advances, and future directions." Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 14, 2017, pp. 5-11. |
Palmer, Rohan H. C., Nugent, Nicole R., Brick, Leslie A., Bidwell, Cinnamon L., McGeary, John E., Keller, Matthew C., Knopik, Valerie S. "Evidence of Shared Genome-Wide Additive Genetic Effects on Interpersonal Trauma Exposure and Generalized Vulnerability to Drug Dependence in a Population of Substance Users." Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 29, no. 3, 2016, pp. 197-204. |
Gaston S, Nugent N, Peters ES, Ferguson TF, Trapido EJ, Robinson WT, Rung AL. "Exploring heterogeneity and correlates of depressive symptoms in the Women and Their Children's Health (WaTCH) Study." Journal of affective disorders, vol. 205, 2016, pp. 190-199. |
Brown RC, Nugent NR, Hawn SE, Koenen KC, Miller A, Amstadter AB, Saxe G. "Predicting the Transition From Acute Stress Disorder to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children With Severe Injuries." Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners, vol. 30, no. 6, 2016, pp. 558-568. |
Ranney ML, Patena JV, Nugent N, Spirito A, Boyer E, Zatzick D, Cunningham R. "PTSD, cyberbullying and peer violence: prevalence and correlates among adolescent emergency department patients." General Hospital Psychiatry, vol. 39, 2016, pp. 32-38. |
Spirito, Anthony, Wolff, Jennifer C., Seaboyer, Lourah M., Hunt, Jeffrey, Esposito-Smythers, Christianne, Nugent, Nicole, Zlotnick, Caron, Miller, Ivan. "Concurrent Treatment for Adolescent and Parent Depressed Mood and Suicidality: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Findings." Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, vol. 25, no. 2, 2015, pp. 131-139. |
Palmer, Rohan H. C., Brick, Leslie, Nugent, Nicole R., Bidwell, L. Cinnamon, McGeary, John E., Knopik, Valerie S., Keller, Matthew C. "Examining the role of common genetic variants on alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and illicit drug dependence: genetics of vulnerability to drug dependence." Addiction, vol. 110, no. 3, 2015, pp. 530-537. |
Dunn EC, Brown RC, Dai Y, Rosand J, Nugent NR, Amstadter AB, Smoller JW. "Genetic determinants of depression: recent findings and future directions." Harvard review of psychiatry, vol. 23, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-18. |
Enimil A, Nugent N, Amoah C, Norman B, Antwi S, Ocran J, Kwara A, Barker DH. "Quality of life among Ghanaian adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: a mixed methods study." AIDS Care, vol. 28, no. 4, 2015, pp. 460-4. |
Brehm JM, Ramratnam SK, Tse SM, Croteau-Chonka DC, Pino-Yanes M, Rosas-Salazar C, Litonjua AA, Raby BA, Boutaoui N, Han YY, Chen W, Forno E, Marsland AL, Nugent NR, Eng C, Colón-Semidey A, Alvarez M, Acosta-Pérez E, Spear ML, Martinez FD, Avila L, Weiss ST, Soto-Quiros M, Ober C, Nicolae DL, Barnes KC, Lemanske RF Jr, Strunk RC, Liu A, London SJ, Gilliland F, Sleiman P, March M, Hakonarson H, Duan QL, Kolls JK, Fritz GK, Hu D, Fani N, Stevens JS, Almli LM, Burchard EG, Shin J, McQuaid EL, Ressler K, Canino G, Celedón JC. "Stress and Bronchodilator Response in Children with Asthma." Am J Respir Crit Care Med, vol. 192, no. 1, 2015, pp. 47-56. |
Nugent, Nicole R., Goldberg, Amy, Uddin, Monica. "Topical Review: The Emerging Field of Epigenetics: Informing Models of Pediatric Trauma and Physical Health." J. Pediatr. Psychol., vol. 41, no. 1, 2015, pp. 55-64. |
Knopik VS, Bidwell LC, Flessner C, Nugent N, Swenson L, Bucholz KK, Madden PA, Heath AC. "DSM-IV defined conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder: an investigation of shared liability in female twins." Psychological Medicine, vol. 44, no. 5, 2014, pp. 1053-64. |
Nugent, Nicole R., Sumner, Jennifer A., Amstadter, Ananda B. "Resilience after trauma: from surviving to thriving." European Journal of Psychotraumatology, vol. 5, no. 0, 2014. |
Walsh K, Nugent NR, Kotte A, Amstadter AB, Wang S, Guille C, Acierno R, Kilpatrick DG, Resnick HS. "Cortisol at the emergency room rape visit as a predictor of PTSD and depression symptoms over time." Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 38, no. 11, 2013, pp. 2520-8. |
Delahanty DL, Gabert-Quillen C, Ostrowski SA, Nugent NR, Fischer B, Morris A, Pitman RK, Bon J, Fallon W. "The efficacy of initial hydrocortisone administration at preventing posttraumatic distress in adult trauma patients: a randomized trial." CNS Spectrums, vol. 18, no. 2, 2013, pp. 103-11. |
Tolou-Shams M, Houck CD, Nugent N, Conrad SM, Reyes A, Brown LK. "Alcohol Use and HIV Risk among Juvenile Drug Court Offenders." Journal of social work practice in the addictions, vol. 12, no. 2, 2012, pp. 178-188. |
Nugent NR, Koenen KC, Bradley B. "Heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptoms in a highly traumatized low income, urban, African American sample." Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 46, no. 12, 2012, pp. 1576-83. |
Maccani MA, Delahanty DL, Nugent NR, Berkowitz SJ. "Pharmacological secondary prevention of PTSD in youth: challenges and opportunities for advancement." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 25, no. 5, 2012, pp. 543-50. |
Amstadter AB, Nugent NR, Yang BZ, Miller A, Siburian R, Moorjani P, Haddad S, Basu A, Fagerness J, Saxe G, Smoller JW, Koenen KC. "Corticotrophin-releasing hormone type 1 receptor gene (CRHR1) variants predict posttraumatic stress disorder onset and course in pediatric injury patients." Disease markers, vol. 30, no. 2-3, 2011, pp. 89-99. |
Nugent NR, Tyrka AR, Carpenter LL, Price LH. "Gene-environment interactions: early life stress and risk for depressive and anxiety disorders." Psychopharmacology, vol. 214, no. 1, 2011, pp. 175-96. |
Nugent NR, Lally MA, Brown L, Knopik VS, McGeary JE. "OPRM1 and Diagnosis-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Binge-Drinking Patients Living with HIV." AIDS and Behavior, vol. 16, no. 8, 2011, pp. 2171-80. |
Laing TA, O'Sullivan JB, Nugent N, O'Shaughnessy M, O'Sullivan ST. "Paediatric ride-on mower related injuries and plastic surgical management." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, vol. 64, no. 5, 2011, pp. 638-42. |
Brown, Larry K., Nugent, Nicole R., Houck, Christopher D., Lescano, Celia M., Whiteley, Laura B., Barker, David, Viau, Lisa, Zlotnick, Caron. "Safe Thinking and Affect Regulation (STAR): Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention in Alternative/Therapeutic Schools." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 50, no. 10, 2011, pp. 1065-1074. |
Nugent NR, Sledjeski EM, Christopher NC, Delahanty DL. "The influence of family environment on dissociation in pediatric injury patients." Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, vol. 16, no. 4, 2011, pp. 485-97. |
Nugent N, McGillivary A, Earley MJ. "22q11 chromosome abnormalities and the cleft service." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, vol. 63, no. 4, 2010, pp. 598-602. |
Cornelis MC, Nugent NR, Amstadter AB, Koenen KC. "Genetics of post-traumatic stress disorder: review and recommendations for genome-wide association studies." Current Psychiatry Reports, vol. 12, no. 4, 2010, pp. 313-26. |
Houck CD, Nugent NR, Lescano CM, Peters A, Brown LK. "Sexual abuse and sexual risk behavior: beyond the impact of psychiatric problems." J. Pediatr. Psychol., vol. 35, no. 5, 2010, pp. 473-83. |
Nugent NR, Christopher NC, Crow JP, Browne L, Ostrowski S, Delahanty DL. "The efficacy of early propranolol administration at reducing PTSD symptoms in pediatric injury patients: a pilot study." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 23, no. 2, 2010, pp. 282-7. |
Nugent NR, Brown LK, Belzer M, Harper GW, Nachman S, Naar-King S, Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. "Youth living with HIV and problem substance use: elevated distress is associated with nonadherence and sexual risk." Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill. : 2002), vol. 9, no. 2, 2010, pp. 113-5. |
Amstadter AB, Nugent NR, Koenen KC, Ruggiero KJ, Acierno R, Galea S, Kilpatrick DG, Gelernter J. "Association between COMT, PTSD, and increased smoking following hurricane exposure in an epidemiologic sample." Psychiatry, vol. 72, no. 4, 2009, pp. 360-9. |
Koenen KC, Amstadter AB, Nugent NR. "Gene-environment interaction in posttraumatic stress disorder: an update." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 22, no. 5, 2009, pp. 416-26. |
Amstadter AB, Nugent NR, Koenen KC. "Genetics of PTSD: Fear Conditioning as a Model for Future Research." Psychiatric Annals, vol. 39, no. 6, 2009, pp. 358-367. |
Amstadter AB, Resnick HS, Nugent NR, Acierno R, Rheingold AA, Minhinnett R, Kilpatrick DG. "Longitudinal trajectories of cigarette smoking following rape." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 22, no. 2, 2009, pp. 113-21. |
Nugent NR, Saunders BE, Williams LM, Hanson R, Smith DW, Fitzgerald MM. "Posttraumatic stress symptom trajectories in children living in families reported for family violence." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 22, no. 5, 2009, pp. 460-6. |
Koenen KC, Nugent NR, Amstadter AB. "Gene-environment interaction in posttraumatic stress disorder: review, strategy and new directions for future research." European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 258, no. 2, 2008, pp. 82-96. |
Nugent NR, Amstadter AB, Koenen KC. "Genetics of post-traumatic stress disorder: informing clinical conceptualizations and promoting future research." American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics, vol. 148C, no. 2, 2008, pp. 127-32. |
Nugent NR, Ostrowski S, Christopher NC, Delahanty DL. "Parental posttraumatic stress symptoms as a moderator of child's acute biological response and subsequent posttraumatic stress symptoms in pediatric injury patients." J. Pediatr. Psychol., vol. 32, no. 3, 2007, pp. 309-18. |
Nugent NR, Christopher NC, Delahanty DL. "Emergency medical service and in-hospital vital signs as predictors of subsequent PTSD symptom severity in pediatric injury patients." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 47, no. 9, 2006, pp. 919-26. |
Nugent NR, Christopher NC, Delahanty DL. "Initial physiological responses and perceived hyperarousal predict subsequent emotional numbing in pediatric injury patients." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 19, no. 3, 2006, pp. 349-59. |
Delahanty DL, Nugent NR. "Predicting PTSD prospectively based on prior trauma history and immediate biological responses." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1071, 2006, pp. 27-40. |
Delahanty DL, Nugent NR, Christopher NC, Walsh M. "Initial urinary epinephrine and cortisol levels predict acute PTSD symptoms in child trauma victims." Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 30, no. 2, 2005, pp. 121-8. |
Buckley B, Nugent N, Sledjeski E, Raimonde AJ, Spoonster E, Bogart LM, Delahanty DL. "Evaluation of initial posttrauma cardiovascular levels in association with acute PTSD symptoms following a serious motor vehicle accident." Journal of Traumatic Stress , vol. 17, no. 4, 2004, pp. 317-24. |
Dr. Nugent is involved in a number of exciting investigations aimed at disentangling the neurobiological and enviromental factors that contribute to stress sensitive disorders across the lifespan. In addition to serving as a CoInvestigator and collaborator on a number of projects with colleagues at Brown University and around the country, Dr. Nugent is the Principal Investigator (PI) or Multiple Principal Investigator (MPI) for:
R01MH108641 Nugent (PI)
Understanding the Interplay of Social Context and Physiology on Psychological Outcomes in Trauma-Exposed Adolescents
This investigation involves the rich in vivo assessment of social context and physiological responses in the 2 weeks post trauma as related to development of symptoms of posttraumatic stress in trauma exposed adolescents.
R01MH105379 Nugent (PI)
Biomarkers, social, and affective predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents
This investigation examines adolescent in vivo emotion reactivity as related to social context in the real world during the high-risk post-discharge period for adolescents hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. It is expected that early childhood maltreatment experiences will be associated with alterations in the methylation profile of genes involved in the major stress system and that these epigenetic changes will be associated with increased reactivity to social context in adolescents.
R01HD104187 Nugent and Ranney (MPI)
Social Media, Violence, and Social Isolation Among At-Risk Adolescents: Exploring Ground Truth
This investigation will integrate in vivo social context and experiened emotions to develop nuanced descriptions of at-risk youth’s social connection and isolation. We will then examine the relationship between their social connectedness, peer victimization, and future psychological well-being, and will explore how demographic and other vulnerability factors influence this relationship.
R01 AG069609 Peters/Nugent/Smith (MPI)
The Impact of Environmental Stressors on Chronic Disease Disparities in Women
The overall objective of this project is to determine the impact of social stressors on epigenetic age acceleration and chronic health disparities and to test whether the social environment, individual health behaviors, and race/geography/SES modify or mediate the association between traumatic stress and health (disparities), directly or indirectly through biologic age acceleration.
R01DA054116 Brick/Nugent (MPI)
Cannabis use following trauma exposure: An observational study of the impact of acute stress and fear response on cannabis outcomes
The present investigation examines in vivo momentary and biological processes implicated in the development of negative outcomes of trauma including cannabis misuse and posttraumatic stress disorder among emerging adults during the acute posttrauma period.
R01 MH135499 Nugent (PI)
Social Media Use, Sleep, and Suicidality in Adolescents
This research examines the ways that late night online social messaging contributes to delays in sleep onset. Over time, delays in sleep onset in combination with inability to phase shift the wake time for adolescents, contributes to impairments in cognitive and emotional capacity for managing daily stress, resulting in overall vulnerability throughout the day as well as a shift of vulnerability to the evenings when research has shown increases in adolescent suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The present research longitudinal research will examine these processes in the real world using a combination of text extraction of online social messaging during the intensive sampling period, ecological momentary assessment, and wearable technology in combination with predictive algorithms.
R01MH108641 Understanding the Interplay of Social Context and Physiology on Psychological Outcomes in Trauma-Exposed Adolescents (PI: Nugent)
R01MH105379 Biomarkers, social, and affective predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents (PI: Nugent)
K24HL130451 Pediatric Asthma Disparities: The Role of Sleep and Immune Balance (PI: Koinis-Mitchell)
R01 MH111682 Impact of Trauma Exposure on Critical Periods in Brain Development and Fear Processing in Children (PI: Jovanovic)
R01MH110379 Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Children: Brain/behavior Alterations and Risk for Suicidal Behavior (PI: Dickstein)
R01 DA044131 Novel Approaches to Understanding the Role of Cannabinoids and Inflammation in Anxiety (PI: Bidwell)
R01 HD093655 Intervention to Prevent Peer Violence & Depressive Symptoms Among At-Risk Adolescents (PI: Ranney)
R01 NIH MH115174 The effects of pregnancy on post traumatic symptoms and fear physiology in traumatized African American women (PI Michopoulos)
K23 AT009713-01A1 Primary-Care Based Mindfulness Intervention for Chronically Traumatized Individuals (PI: Lott)
R01 HD095932 Role of Social, Behavioral, and Ecological Processes in Dating Violence (PI: Rizzo)
R01 MH117009-01A1 Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Risk for Trauma Related Psychopathology in Women (PI: Stevens)
1K01HD097218 Proximal and Distal Protective Factors for Dating Violence among Child Welfare Involved Adolescents (PI: Collibee)
R01HD099178-01 Biological and Environmental Factors Affecting Risk and Resilience Among Syrian Refugee Children (PI: Javanbakht)
R01HD104187 Social Media, Violence, and Social Isolation Among At-Risk Adolescents: Exploring Ground Truth (MPI Ranney & Nugent)
CDC R01 Reframing Firearm Injury Prevention Through Bystander Interventions for Youth Shooting Sports Participants (PI Ranney)
R01 MH124832 Dynamic Impacts of Sleep Disruption on Ecologically Assessed Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Risk Factors for Suicide (MPI Armey Bozzay)
R01HL57288 Mechanisms of mindfulness training to prevent hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (PI Bublitz)
R01 AG069609 The Impact of Environmental Stressors on Chronic Disease Disparities in Women (MPI Nugent, Peters, Smith)
R01DA054116 Cannabis use following trauma exposure: An observational study of the impact of acute stress and fear response on cannabis outcomes (MPI Brick/Nugent)
R01 MH095786 Multi-method assessment of emotion reactivity: Translational research in suicide (PIs: Armey & Miller)
R01 HD-071982 Mechanisms of Intergenerational Impact of Maternal Trauma (PI: Bradley)
K01 MH087240 Psychogenetic Factors in Project REACH (PI: Nugent)
Brown Seed Award Automated Sleep Recommendations Over a 10 Year Sleep Study. (PI: Huang)
Buckley, B., Nugent, N.R., Sledjeski, E., Raimonde, A.J., Spoonster, E., & Delahanty, D.L. (2004). Initial cardiovascular predictors are not related to PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17, 317-324.
Delahanty, D.L., Nugent, N.R., Christopher, N.C., & Walsh, M. (2005). Initial urinary epinephrine and cortisol levels predict acute PTSD symptoms in child trauma victims. Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30 (2), 121-128.
Delahanty, D.L., & Nugent, N.R. (2006). Predicting PTSD prospectively based on prior trauma history, trauma severity, and immediate biologic responses. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1071, 27-40.
Nugent, N.R., Christopher, N.C., & Delahanty, D.L. (2006). Initial physiological responses and perceived hyperarousal predicts subsequent emotional numbing in child trauma victims. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19 (3), 349-359.
Nugent, N.R., Christopher, N.C., & Delahanty, D.L. (2006). Emergency medical service and in hospital vital signs and subsequent PTSD symptoms in pediatric injury. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47 (9), 919-926.
Fresco, D.M., Williams, N., & Nugent, N.R. (2006). Flexibility and negative affect: Examining the associations of explanatory flexibility and coping flexibility to each other and to depression and anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 30, 201-210.
Nugent, N.R., Ostrowski, S., Christopher, N.C., & Delahanty, D.L. (2007). Parental symptoms of PTSD as a moderator of child’s acute biological response and subsequent symptoms of PTSD in pediatric trauma patients. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 32, 309-318.
Koenen, K.C., Nugent, N.R., & Amstadter, A. (2008). Gene-environment interaction in posttraumatic stress disorder: Review, strategy and new directions for future research. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience: Special Issue on Gene-Environment Interaction and the Anxiety Disorders, 258, 82-96.
Nugent, N. R., Amstadter, A. B., & Koenen, K. C. (2008). Genetics of PTSD: Informing Clinical Conceptualizations and Promoting Future Research. American Journal of Medical Genetics C Seminars in Medical Genetics, 148, 127-132.
Amstadter, A.B., Resnick, H.S., Nugent, N.R., Acierno, R., Rheingold, A.A., Minhinnett, R., Kilpatrick, D.G. (2009). Predictors of post-rape trajectories of cigarette smoking. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, 113-121.
Koenen, K.C., Amstadter, A.B., & Nugent, N.R. (2009). Gene-environment interactions in PTSD: An update. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, 416-426.
Nugent, N.R., Saunders, B.E., Williams, L.M., Hanson, R., Smith, D.W., Fitzgerald, M.M. (2009). Posttraumatic stress symptom trajectories in children living in families reported for family violence. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, 460-466.
Amstadter, A.B., Nugent, N.R., Koenen, K.C., Ruggiero, K.J., Acierno, R., Galea, S., Kilpatrick, D.G., Gelernter, J. (2009). Association between COMT gene and increased smoking following hurricane exposure in an epidemiologic sample. Psychiatry, 72 (4), 360-369. NIHMSID: NIHMS127405
Amstadter, A.B., Nugent, N.R., Koenen, K.C. (2009). Genetics of PTSD: Fear conditioning as a model for future research. Psychiatric Annals, 39 (6), 358-367. PMCID: PMC2749314
Houck, C.D., Nugent, N.R., Lescano, C.M., Peters, A.A., & Brown, L.K. (2010). Impact of sexual abuse on sexual behaviors, sexual attitudes, and psychological adjustment in alternative schools. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35 (5), 473-483.
Nugent, N.R., Brown, L.K., Belzer, M., Harper, G.W., Naar-king, S., Nachman, S. (2010). Adherence, sex risk behaviors, and health indicators in high-risk youth living with HIV. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 9(2), 113-115.
Nugent, N.R., Christopher, N.C., Crow, J.P., Luzader, J., Ostrowski, S., Delahanty, D.L. (2010). The efficacy of early propranolol administration at reducing PTSD symptoms in child trauma victims: A pilot study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(2), 282-287.
Cornelis, M., Nugent, N.R., Amstadter, A.B., Koenen, K.C. (2010). Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder: Review and recommendations. Current Psychiatry Reports, 12(4), 313-326.
Amstadter, A., Nugent, N.R., Yang, B.Z., Saxe, G., Smoller, J., Moorjan, P., Haddad, S., Basu, A., Siburian, R., Fagerness, J., Koenen, K. (2011). Corticotropin Releasing Hormone gene (CRHR1) and PTSD in pediatric injury patients. Special Issue of Disease Markers: Molecular Biology of PTSD, 30 (2-3), 89-99.
Cisler, J., Amstadter, A., & Nugent, N.R. (2011). Personality and assessment of trauma in children and adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma: Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents, 4 (4), 301-317.
Nugent, N.R., Tyrka, A., Carpenter, L., Price, L. (2011). Gene-environment interactions: Early life stress and risk for depressive and anxiety disorders. Psychopharmacology, 214 (1), 175-196.
Nugent, N.R., Sledjeski, E.M., Christopher, N.C., Delahanty, D.L. (2011). The influence of family environment on dissociation in pediatric injury patients. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16(4), 485-498.
Brown, L., Nugent, N.R., Houck, C., Lescano, C., Beausoleil, N., Viau, L., Zlotnick, C. (2011). Safe thinking and affect regulation (STAR): HIV prevention in alternative/therapeutic schools. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(10), 1065-1074. *Norbert and Charlotte Rieger Award for scientific achievement as best paper published in JAACAP in 2011.
Nugent, N.R., Lally, M., Brown, L., Knopik, V., McGeary, J. (2012). OPRM1 and diagnosis related posttraumatic stress disorder in binge-drinking patients living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 16 (8), 2171-2180.
Toulou-Shams, M., Houck, C., Nugent, N.R., Conrad, S.M., Reyes, A., & Brown, L.K. (2012). Alcohol use and HIV risk among juvenile drug court offenders. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12 (2), 178-188.
Armey, M.F., Crowther, J., Nugent, N.R. (in press). Trauma, experienced aversive affect, and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI): A nonlinear analysis. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma: Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents.
Maccani, M.A., Delahanty, D.L., Nugent, N.R., and Berkowitz, S.J. (2012). Pharmacological and secondary prevention of PTSD in youth: Challenges and opportunities for advancement. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25 (5), 543-550.
Nugent, N.R., Koenen, K., Bradley, B. (2012). Heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptoms in a highly traumatized low income, urban African American sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 1576-1583.
Delahanty, DL, Gabert-Quillen, C, Ostrowski, SA, Nugent, NR, Fischer, B, Morris, A, Pitman, RK, Bon, J, and Fallon, W (2013). The efficacy of initial hydrocortisone administration at preventing post-traumatic distress in adult trauma patients: A randomized trial. CNS Spectrums, 18 (2), 103-111.
Walsh, K., Nugent, N.R., Kotte, A., Amstadter, A.B., Wang, S., Guille, C., Acierno, R., Kilpatrick, D.G., & Resnick, H.S., (2013). Cortisol at the emergency room rape visit as a predictor of PTSD and depression symptoms over time. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 2520-2528.
Dunn, E.C., Brown, R.C., Dai, Y., Rosand, J., Nugent, N.R., Amstadter, A.B., Smoller, J.W. (in press) Genetic determinants of depression: Recent findings and future directions. Harvard Review of Psychiatry.
Knopik, V.S., Bidwell, L.C., Flessner, C., Nugent, N.R., Swenson, L., Buckolz, K.K., Madden, P.A.F., Heath, A.C. (2014). DSM-IV defined conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder: An investigation of shared liability in female twins. Psychological Medicine, 44 (5), 1053-1065.
Spirito, A, Wolff, JC, Seaboyer, LM, Hunt, J, Esposito-Smythers, C, Nugent, NR, Zlotnick, C. Miller, I. (2015) Concurrent Treatment for Adolescent and Parent Depressed Mood and Suicidality: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Findings. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 25(2), 131-139.
Dunn, E. C., Brown, R. C., Dai, Y., Rosand, J., Nugent, N. R., Amstadter, A. B., & Smoller, J. W. (2015). Genetic Determinants of Depression: Recent Findings and Future Directions. Harvard review of psychiatry, 23(1), 1-18.
Nugent, N.R., Sumner, J, Amstadter, A.B. (2014) Resilience after Trauma: From Surviving to Thriving. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5. doi 10.3402/ejpt.v5.25339.
Nugent, N. R., Goldberg, A., & Uddin, M. (2015). Topical review: the emerging field of epigenetics: informing models of pediatric trauma and physical health. Journal of pediatric psychology, 41 (1), 55-64.
Palmer, R. H., Brick, L., † Nugent, N. R., Bidwell, L., McGeary, J. E., Knopik, V. S., & Keller, M. C. (2015). Examining the role of common genetic variants on alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and illicit drug dependence: genetics of vulnerability to drug dependence. Addiction, 110 (3), 530-537.
Brehm, J. M., Ramratnam, S. K., Tse, S. M., Croteau-Chonka, D. C., Pino-Yanes, M., Rosas-Salazar, C., Litonjua, AA , Raby, BA, Boutaoui, N, Han, Y, Chen, W, Forno , E. Marsland, AL, Nugent, NR, Eng, C, Colón-Semidey, A, Alvarez, M , Acosta-Pérez, E , Spear, ML , Martinez, FD , Avila, L , Weiss, ST , Soto-Quiros, M , Ober, C, Nicolae, DL, Barnes, KC , Lemanske, RF, Strunk, RC , Liu, A, London, SJ , Gilliland, F , Sleiman, P , March, M , Hakonarson, H , Duan, QL , Kolls, JK , Fritz, GK, Hu, D, Fani, N , Stevens, JS , Almli, LM , Burchard, EG , Shin, J , McQuaid, EL , Ressler, K, Canino, G , and Celedón, JC (2015). Stress and Bronchodilator Response in Children with Asthma. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.
Brown, R. C., † Nugent, N. R., Hawn, S. E., Koenen, K. C., Miller, A., Amstadter, A. B., Saxe, G. (in press). Predicting the Transition from Acute Stress Disorder to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children with Severe Injuries. Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Enimil, A., † Nugent, N.R., Amoah, C., Norman, B., Antwi, S., Ocran, J., Kwara, Barker, DH. (2016) Quality of life among Ghanaian adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: a mixed methods study. AIDS care, 28(4), 460-464.
Ranney, M., Patena, J.V., Nugent, N.R., Spirito, A., Boyer, E., Zatzick, D., Cunningham, R. (2016). PTSD, Cyberbullying, and Peer Violence: Prevalence and Correlates among Adolescent Emergency Department Patients. General Hospital Psychiatry, 39, 32-38.
Palmer, R. H.*, Nugent, N. R.*, Brick, L. A., † Bidwell, C. L., McGeary, J. E., Keller, M. C., & Knopik, V.S. (2016). Evidence of Shared Genome‐Wide Additive Genetic Effects on Interpersonal Trauma Exposure and Generalized Vulnerability to Drug Dependence in a Population of Substance Users. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 29(3), 197-204.
Gaston, S., † Rung, A., Nugent, N.R., Tekeda, F., Robinson, W.T., Peters, E.S. (in press) Exploring Heterogeneity in and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms in the Women and Their Children’s Health (WaTCH) Study. Journal of Affective Disorders,
Sheerin, C. M., † Lind, M. J., † Bountress, K. E., † Nugent, N. R.,** & Amstadter, A. B.** (2017). The genetics and epigenetics of PTSD: Overview, recent advances, and future directions. Current opinion in psychology, 14, 5-11.
Koenen, K, Duncan, L., Ratanatharathorn, A, Aiello, A, Almli, L, Amstadter, A, Koch, A, Baker, D Beckham, J, Bierut, L, Bisson, J, Bradley-Davino, B, Chen, C, Dalvie, S., Farrer, L, Galea, S, Garrett, M, Gelernter, J, Guffanti, G, Hauser, M, Johnson, E, Kessler, R, Kimbrel, N, King, A, Koen, N., Kranzler, H, Logue, M, Maihofer, A, Martin, A, Miller, M., Morey, R., Nugent, NR, Rice, J, Ripke, Roberts, A, Saccone, N, Smoller, J, Stein, D, Stein, M, Sumner, J, Uddin, M., Ursano, Wildman, D, Yehuda, R, Zhao, H., Daly, M., Liberzon, I., Ressler, K and Nievergelt, C (in press). Largest GWAS of PTSD (N=20,070) Yields Genetic Overlap with Schizophrenia and Sex Differences in Heritability. Molecular Psychiatry,
Barker, D. H., Nugent, N. R., Delgado, † J. R., Knopik, V. S., Brown, L. K., Lally, M. E., & McGeary, J. E. (2017). A genetic marker of risk in HIV-infected individuals with a history of hazardous drinking. AIDS care, 1-6.
Lind,*M., Marraccini,* † M., Sheerin, C., Bountress, K., Bacanu, S., Amstadter,** A.B., & Nugent, NR.** (in press). Association of rs2267735, in the ADCYAP1R1 gene, with post-traumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis. Journal of Traumatic Stress
Gaston, S. A., † Volaufova, J., Peters, E. S., Ferguson, T. F., Robinson, W. T., Nugent, N., & Rung, A. L. (2017). Individual-level exposure to disaster, neighborhood environmental characteristics, and their independent and combined associations with depressive symptoms in women. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1-12.
Ratanatharathorn, A., Boks, M. P., Maihofer, A. X., Aiello, A. E., Amstadter, A. B., Ashley‐Koch, A. E., Baker, D.G., Beckham, J.C. Bromet, E., Dennis, M., Garrett, M.E., Geuze, E., Guffanti, G., Hauser, M.A., Kilaru, V., Kimbrel, N.A., Koenen, K.C., Kuan, Logue, M.W., Luft, B.J., Miller, M.W., Mitchell, C., Nugent, N.R., Ressler, K.J., Rutten, B.P.F., Stein, M.B., Vermetten, E., Vinkers, C.H., Youssef, N.A., Uddin, M., Nievergelt, C.M., Smith, A.K. (2017). Epigenome‐wide association of PTSD from heterogeneous cohorts with a common multi‐site analysis pipeline. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics.
van Rooij, S., Stevens, JS, Ely, TD, Hinrichs, RC, Michopoulos, V, Winters, SJ, Ogbonmwan, VE, Shin, J, Nugent, NR, Hudak, LA, Rothbaum, BO, Ressler, KJ, Jovanovic, T (in press). The role of the hippocampus in predicting future PTSD symptoms in recently traumatized civilians. Biological Psychiatry
Brick, L.A.D., † Nugent, N.R., Kahana, S.Y., Bruce, D., Tanney, M.R., Fernández, M. I., & Bauermeister, J.A. (2018). Interaction Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Individual Social Support on Frequency of Alcohol Use in Youth Living with HIV. American journal of community psychology.
Wolf, E.J., Maniates, H., Nugent, N., Maihofer, A.X., Armstrong, D., Ratanatharathorn, A., Ashley-Koch, A.E., Garrett, M., Kimbrel, N.A., Lori, A. and Workgroup, V.M.A.M., 2017. Traumatic Stress and Accelerated DNA Methylation Age: A Meta-Analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Bountress, K., Bacanu, S., Tomko, R., Korte, K., Hicks, T., Lind, M., Marraccini, M., † Sheerin, C., Nugent, N.R.**, & Amstadter, A.** (In Press). The effects of a BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychobiology.
Hawn, S.E., Sheerin, C.M., Lind, M.J., Hicks, T.A., Marraccini, M.E. †, Bountress, K., Bacanu, S.A., Nugent, N.R.**, Amstadter, A.B.** (in press). GxE effects of FKBP5 and traumatic life events on PTSD: A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders,
Armey, MA, Schatten, H, Nugent, NR, Miller, I, Brick, L (in press). Ecologically assessed affect and suicidal ideation following psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. General Hospital Psychiatry,
Rizzo, C, Colibee, C., Nugent, NR, Armey, MF (in press). Let's get digital: Understanding adolescent romantic relationships using naturalistic assessments. Child Development Perspectives,
Nugent, N.R.*, Gaston, S.*†, Perry, J.,† Rung, A. L., Trapido, E. J., Peters, E. S., (in press). PTSD Symptom Profiles Among Louisiana Women Affected by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Latent Profile Analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders,
Nugent, N.R., Pendse, S,† Schatten, H, Armey, M.A. (in press). Innovations in Technology and Mechanisms of Change in Behavioral Interventions. Behavior Modification
Nugent, N.R., Brick, L, Armey, M.F., Tyrka, A.R., Ridout, K.K., Uebelacker, L.A. (in press) Benefits of yoga on IL-6: Findings from a randomized controlled trial of yoga for depression, Behavior Medicine,
Ranney ML, Patena JV, Dunsiger S, Spirito A, Cunningham R, Boyer E, Nugent N.R. (in press) A technology-augmented intervention to prevent peer violence and depressive symptoms among at-risk emergency department adolescents: Protocol for a randomized control trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials,
Sheerin, C.M.*, Lind, M.J.*, Bountress, K.E., Marraccini, M.E., Amstadter**, A.B, Bacanu**, S., and Nugent**, N.R. (in press). Meta-analysis of HPA-axis genes and PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
García,† G., Bogen, K.W., Rodriguez-Guzman, † V.M., Orchowski, L., Nugent, N.R. (in-press). #4645Boricuas: Twitter Reactions to the estimates of deaths by Hurricane María in Puerto Rico. Journal of Community Psychology.
Lind, M.J., Brick, L.A., Gehrman, P.R., Duncan, L.E., Gelaye, B., Maihofer, A.X., Nievergelt, C.M., Nugent, N.R., Stein, M.B. and Amstadter, A.B., (2020). Molecular genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep phenotypes. Sleep, 43(4), p. 257.
Dalvie, S., Maihofer, A. X., Coleman, J. R., Bradley, B., Breen, G., Brick, L. A., Chen, C, Choi, K.W., Duncan, L.E., Guffanti, G., Haas, M., Harnal, S., Liberzon, I., Nugent, N.R., Provost, A.C, Ressler, K.J., Torres, K., Amstadter, A.B., Austin, S.B., Baker, D.G.,... & Nievergelt, C.M. (2020). Genomic Influences on Self-Reported Childhood Maltreatment. Translational Psychiatry. PMID: 32066696
Stenson, A. F., Nugent, N. R., van Rooij, S. J., Minton, S. T., Compton, A. B., Hinrichs, R., & Jovanovic, T. (2020). Puberty drives fear learning during adolescence. Developmental Science, e13000.
Jovanovic, T., Stenson, A.F., Thompson, N., Clifford, A., Compton, A., Minton, S., van Rooij, S., Stevens, H.S., Lori, A., Nugent, N.R., Gillespie, C.F., Bradley, B., Ressler, K.J., (in press). Impact of ADCYAP1R1 Genotype on Longitudinal Fear Conditioning in Children: Interaction with Trauma and Sex. Neuropsychopharmacology,
Rodríguez-Guzmán, † V.M., García-Ramírez, G.M., Bogen, K.W., Orchowski, L.M., Nugent, N. R. (in-press). #PuertoRicoSeLevanta: A closer look at the language used for the year anniversary of Hurricane Maria. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. DOI: 10.1007/s1347-020-00167-2
Kim, † S., Rodríguez-Guzmán, † V.M., Hamm, T., Nugent, N.R. (in press). Childhood trauma and role of ethnic pride and interpersonal relationships among Latina mothers. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,
Javanbakht, A, Grasser, L, Kim, † S, Arfken, CL, Nugent, NR (in press). Perceived Health, Adversity, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Syrian and Iraqi Refugees. International Journal of Social Psychology,
Orchowski, L.M., Grocott,† L., Bogen, K.W., Ilegbusi,† A., Amstadter, A., & Nugent, N.R. (in press). Barriers to Reporting Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of #WhyIDidntReport. Violence Against Women.
Parade, S.H.*, Huffhines, L.,* Daniels, T., Stroud, L.R., Nugent, N.R.,** Tyrka, A. R.** (in press) A systematic review of childhood maltreatment and DNA methylation: Candidate gene and epigenome-wide approaches. Translational Psychiatry,
Javanbakht, A., Stenson, A., Nugent, N.R., Smith, A., Rosenberg, D., Jovanovic, T. (2021). Biological and Environmental Factors Affecting Risk and Resilience among Syrian Refugee Children', Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science, 6: e210003. doi: 10.20900/jpbs.20210003
Short, NA, Tungate, AT, Bollen, K, Sullivan, J, D’Anza, T, Lechner, M, Bell, K, Black, J, Buchanan, J, Reese, R, Ho, J, Reed, G, Platt, M, Riviello, R, Rossi, C, Martin, SL, Liberzon, I, Rauch, SAM, Kessler, RC, Nugent, N, McLean SA. (in press). Pain is common after sexual assault and posttraumatic arousal/reactivity symptoms mediate the development of new or worsening persistent pain. Pain, doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002329
Kutok, † E. R., Doria, N., Dunsiger, S., Patena, J. V., Nugent, N. R., Riese, A., Rosen, R. & Ranney, M. L. (2021). Feasibility and Cost of Using Instagram to Recruit Adolescents to a Remote Intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health.
López, G., Bogen, K. W., Meza Lopez, R. J., Nugent, N. R., & Orchowski, L. M. (under review). #DomesticViolence during the COVID-19 global pandemic: An analysis of public commentary via twitter. Violence Against Women.
Allen, K. J., Bozzay, M. L., Armey, M. F., Nugent, N. R., Miller III, I. W., & Schatten, H. T. (2021). Childhood maltreatment, emotional response inhibition, and suicide in psychiatric inpatients. Behavior Therapy.
Bublitz, M. H., Sharp, M., Freeburg, T., Sanapo, L., Nugent, N. R., Sharkey, K., & Bourjeily, G. (2021). Sleep Disordered Breathing Measures in Early Pregnancy Are Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Late Pregnancy. Diagnostics, 11(5), 858.
Brick, L., Nugent, N.R, & Armey, M. (2021). Affective variability and childhood abuse increase the risk for nonsuicidal self‐injury following psychiatric hospitalization. Journal of traumatic stress, 34(6), 1118-1131.
Powers, A., Mekawi, Y., Fickenwirth, M., Nugent, N. R., Dixon, H. D., Minton, S., Kim, Y., Gluck, R., Carter, S., Fani, N., Schwartz, A. C., Bradley, B., Umpierrez, G. E., Pace, T. W. W., Jovanovic, T., Michopoulos, V., & Gillespie, C. F. (In press). Emotion dysregulation and dissociation contribute to decreased heart rate variability to an acute psychosocial stressor in trauma-exposed Black women. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Marraccini, † M.E., Resnikoff, † A., Brick, L.A., Brier, † Z.M.F., & Nugent, N.R. (in press). Adolescent Perceptions of School Before and After Psychiatric Hospitalization: Predicting Suicidal Ideation School Psychology. School Psychology.
Burke, TA, Kutok, † ER, Dunsiger, S, Nugent, NR, Patena, J, Ranney, ML. (2021) A national snapshot of U.S. adolescents' mental health and changing technology use during COVID-19. General Hospital Psychiatry, 71, 147-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2021.05.006. PMID: 34090695.
Stenson, AF, Nugent, NR, van Rooij, SJH, Minton, ST, Compton, AB, Hinrichs, R, Jovanovic, T. (2021). Puberty drives fear learning during adolescence. Developmental Science, 24(1):e13000. doi: 10.1111/desc.13000. PMID: 32497415.
Goldberg, EM, Rosen, RK, Dizon, DS, Langdon, KJ, Davoodi, NM, Wray, TB, Nugent, NR, Dunsiger, SI, Ranney, ML (in press). Using Social Media for Clinical Research: Recommendations and Examples from the Brown-Lifespan Center for Digital Health. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 02/05/2022:35804
Grocott, † L.R., Mair, † A., Galione, J.N., Armey, M.F., Huang, J., Nugent, N.R. (in press). Days With and Without Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescent Online Social Networking. Journal of Adolescence.
Nugent, N.R., Armey, M.F., Boker, S., Brick, L., Knopik, V., McGeary, J.E., Spirito, A., Mehl, M.R. (in press). A cohort study of adolescents hospitalized for suicidality: Biomarkers, social, and affective predictors. BMJ Open.
Brick, LA, Gajewski-Newes, † JA, Marraccini, ME, Brown, † S, Armey M, Nugent NR. (accepted). Ecological Momentary Assessment of Cannabis Use and Affect Among Adolescents Following Psychiatric Discharge. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Simonds, E, Gobenciong, KA, Wilson, J, Jiroutek, MR, Nugent, NR, Van Tilburg, M. (2022). Trauma functioning and well-being in children who receive mental health aid after natural disaster or war. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 9(7), 951.
Kaplan, † DM, Hughes, † CD, Schatten, HT, Mehl, MR, Armey, MF, Nugent, NR (2023) Emotional change in its “natural habitat”: Measuring everyday emotion regulation with passive and active ambulatory assessment methods. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 33(2), 123.
Bublitz, M. H., Nillni, Y., Nugent, N. R., Sanapo, L., Habr, N., & Bourjeily, G. (2022). Posttraumatic stress disorder, diurnal cortisol, and ambulatory blood pressure in early and late pregnancy. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Kudinova, †AY, Brick, LA, Armey, MF, Nugent, NR (2023). Micro‐sequences of anger and shame and non‐suicidal self‐injury in youth: an ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (2023).
Brown, S., † Tezanos, K.M. † and Nugent, N.R. (2023). Childhood maltreatment, executive function, and suicide attempts in adolescents. Child maltreatment, p.10775595231182047.
Kaplan, D. M.,* † Tidwell, C. A.,* Chung, J. M., Alisic, E., Demiray, B., Bruni, M., Evora, S., Gajewski-Nemes, J. A., Macbeth, A., Mangelsdorf, S. N., Mascaro, J. S., Minor, K. S., Noga, R. N., Nugent, N. R., Polsinelli, A. J., Rentscher, K. E., Resnikoff, A. W., Robbins, M. L., Slatcher, R. B., Tejeda-Padron, A. B., & Mehl, M. R. (2023). Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in observational ambulatory assessment: Recommendations from two decades of Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) research. Behavior Research Methods. DOI:
Sadhu, S., Solanki, D., Brick, L. A., Nugent, N. R., & Mankodiya, K. (2023). Designing a Clinician-Centered Wearable Data Dashboard (CarePortal): Participatory Design Study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e46866.
Logue, M., Katrinli, S., Wani, A.H., Maihofer, A., Zannas, A., Nugent, N.R., Zhao, X., Nievergelt, C.M., Uddin, M. and Smith, A., 2024. Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of DNA Methylation and PTSD in 23 Military and Civilian Cohorts and Multi-Omic Analysis Point Toward Immune Mechanisms. Biological Psychiatry, 95(10), pp.S69-S70.
DiClemente-Bosco, K., † Binyungu, A., Shabani, C., Pellowski, J.A., Operario, D., Nugent, N.R. & Harrison, A. (2024) ‘I am because you are’: Community support as a bridge to mental wellbeing for resettled African refugee women living in Rhode Island, Global Public Health, 19:1, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2024.2314106
Smith, A. K., Katrinli, S., Cobb, D. O., Goff, E. G., Simmond, M., Christensen, G. M., Nugent, N.R.** & Peters, E. S.** (2024). Epigenetic age acceleration and disparities in posttraumatic stress in women in Southeast Louisiana: NIMHD social epigenomics program. JAMA network open, 7(7), e2421884-e2421884.
Ayala, N. K., Salmoirago-Blotcher, E., Bourjeily, G., Nugent, N. R., Sanapo, L., Mehl, M. R., & Bublitz, M. (2024). Protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing phone-based prenatal mindfulness training to usual care for pregnant people at risk for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 107661.
Au, M., Lipschutz, R., Mekawi, Y., Lathan, E. C., Dixon, H. D., Carter, S., Hinrichs, R., Bradley, B., Kaslow, N., & Nugent, N. R., & Powers, A. (In press). The effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on PTSD and depression symptoms in trauma-exposed Black adults: Pilot randomized controlled trial results. Journal of Mood and Anxiety Disorders.
Katrinli S, Wani AH, Maihofer A, Ratanatharathorn A, Daskalakis NP, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Núñez-Ríos DL, Zannas AS, Zhao X, Aiello AE, Ashley-Koch AE, Avetyan D, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bocs MP, Brick LA, Bromet E, Champagne FA, Chen C, Dalvie S, Dennis MF, Fatumo S, Fortier C, Galea S, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Grant G, Hauser MA, Yays JP, Heings SMJ, Huber BR, Jajoo A, Jensen S, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Kleinman JE, Koen N, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Liberzon I, Linnstaedt SD, Lori A, Luft BJ, Luykx JJ, Marx CE, McLean SA, Mehta D, Milberg G, Miller MW, Mumfford MS, Musanabaganwa C, Mutaburuka J, Mutesa L, Nemeroff CB, Nugent NR, Orcutt HK, Qin XJ, Rauch SAM, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutembesa E, Rutten BPF, Seedat S, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Toikumo S, Ursano RJ, Uwineza A, Verfaellie MH, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Ware EB, Wildman DE, Wolf EJ, Young RM, Zhao Y, van den Heuvel LL, PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group, Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Smith AK, Logue MW. 2024. Epigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: A meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts. Genome Medicine. IN PRESS PMID: IN PROCESS, PMCID: IN PROCESS
† Mentored or co-mentored manuscript
* Shared first author manuscript – both authors have contributed equally to this publication
** Shared last author manuscript – both investigators have contributed equally to oversight and mentorship
Daskalova, † N, Metaxa-Kakavouli, D., Tran, A, Nugent, N.R., Boergers, J., McGeary, J., Huang, J.. SleepCoacher: A Personalized Automated Self-Experimentation System for Sleep Recommendations. ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST 2016).
Constant,† M., Brick, † L., Nugent, N., Armey, M., & Mankodiya, K. (2016, November). Smartwatch-driven multisensory recorder: Design and testing of a smartwatch-based framework to support psychiatric disorders. In MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Ranney, ML, Lehrbach, KR, Scott, NA, Nugent, NR, Riese, A, Huang, J, Fong, G, Rosen, RK (2020). Insights into adolescent online conflict through qualitative analysis of online messages (Best Paper Award). Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Daskalova†, N, Yoon, J, Wang, L, Araujo, C., Beltran, G, Nugent, NR, McGeary, J, Williams, JJ, Huang, J. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems SleepBandits: Guided Flexible Self-Experiments for Sleep (CHI 2020).
† Mentored or co-mentored manuscript
Koenen, K.C., Amstadter, A. & Nugent, N. R. (2008). Genetic Risk Factors for PTSD. Psychobiology of Trauma and Resilience Across the Lifespan. 23-46.
Amstadter, A. B., Nugent, N. R., & Koenen, K. C. (2008). Genetics of trauma and
PTSD. In G. Reyes, J. Elhai, & J. Ford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Psychological
Trauma. John Wiley & Sons.
Nugent, N.R., Koenen, K.C., Fyer, A. & Weissman, M. (2010). Genetics of Anxiety Disorders. In H.B. Simpson, Y. Neria, R. Lewis-Fernandez, & F Schneier (Eds.) Understanding Anxiety: Clinical and Research Perspectives from the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. 139-155.
Nugent, N.R., Amstadter, A.B., Koenen, K.C. (2010). Social support and interpersonal relationships following trauma. In LM Horowitz & S Strack (Eds). Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventions. John Wiley & Sons. 405-424.
Koenen, K., Amstadter, A., & Nugent, N. (2012). Genetic research in Psychology. In H. Cooper, P. Camic, D. Long, A. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. Sher (Eds). Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Amstadter, A.B., Zajac, K., Nugent, N. R., & Koenen, K. C. (2010). Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder: Extant research and neurobiologically informed future directions. In L Sher (Ed). Neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder. Nova Science Publishers: Hoboken, NJ. 65-89.
Uddin, M., Amstadter, A.B., Nugent, N.R., Koenen, K.C. (2012). Genetics and genomics of post-traumatic stress disorder. In G Beck and D Sloan (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders. Oxford University Press, New York. 143-159.
Amstadter AB, Berenz EC, Nugent NR, Trainor CD, Koenen KC, Vladimirov V (in press). Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep disturbance. In E Vermetten and T Neylan (Eds.), Sleep and combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Springer-Verlag Publishers.
Nugent, NR, Brown, R., Stratton, K., Amstadter, AB (in press). Epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. In K Koenen, S Rudenstine, S Galea, and E Susser (Eds.), Life Course Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. Oxford University Press.
Amstadter, A. B., Dunn, E. C., Brown, R., Berenz, E. C., & Nugent, N. R. (2014). Treatment implications of gene-environment interplay in childhood trauma. In Reece, Robert M., Hanson, Rochelle, F., Sargent, A.J., eds. Treatment of Child Abuse: Common Ground for Mental Health, Medical, and Legal Practitioners. 2nd edition. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 323-346.
Koenen, K.C., Guffanti, G, Yan, L, Maloossim, M., Uddin, M., Nugent, N.R., Amstadter, A. (2014). In Mathew Friedman (Ed.) Handbook of PTSD. 2nd Edition. New York: The Guilford Press. 300-312.
Amstadter, A.B., Sheerin, C., Lind, M., Nugent, N.R. (in press). Genetic and biological underpinnings and consequences of Trauma. In Gold, S., Dalenberg, C, Cook, J. Handbook of Trauma Psychology. American Psychological Association.
Sheerin, C.M., Brick,† L., Nugent, N.R., & Amstadter, A.B. Genetic Studies of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders: Background, Developments, and Future Directions (In revision). Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders: A Comprehensive Clinical Handbook. Eds. A. Vujanovic & S. Back.
Junglen, A.G., Sheerin, C., Delahanty, D.L., Hauser, M.A., Lori, A., Morey, R.A., Nievergelt, C.M., Nugent, N.R., Sebat, J., Smith, A.K. and Sumner, J.A., 2020. Current progress and future direction in the genetics of PTSD: Focus on the development and contributions of the PGC-PTSD working group. In Personalized Psychiatry (pp. 285-296). Academic Press.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2007 | PhD | Kent State University |
2001 | MA | University of Colorado |
1998 | BS | Wittenberg University |
Postdoctoral Fellow | Brown University, child/adolescent biobehavioral hiv research | 2007-2009 | Providence, RI |
Wittenberg Virgil E. Rahn Memorial Award (1997)
Wittenberg Bethlehem Steel Award (1998)
Lee A Becker Innovations in Psychology and Science (2001)
APA Ellin Bloch & Pierre Ritchie Scholarship (2003)
ISTSS Student Research Grant (2004)
APF Munsterberg Koppitz Travel Stipend (2006)
NIH Loan Repayment Program Recipient (2008-2010)
NIH Loan Repayment Program Recipient (2016-2018)
Psychology Research Mentor Award, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown Medical School (2020)
Name | Title |
Armey, Michael | Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research) |
Brick, Leslie Ann | Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research) |
Chun, Thomas | Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Emergency Medicine |
Duffy, Susan | Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Emergency Medicine |
Huang, Jeff | Assistant Professor of Computer Science |
Lewis, Carol | Professor of Pediatrics, Clinician Educator |
McGeary, John | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Orchowski, Lindsay | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Ranney, Megan | Adjunct Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Rizzo, Christie | Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Spirito, Anthony | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Tyrka, Audrey | Mary E. Zucker Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Chair of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Wolff, Jennifer | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Clinician Educator |
Licensed Psychologist | - | ||
Medical License | Rhode Island | - | #PS0113 |
Examples of courses previously taught include:
Adolescent Psychology
Junior-level undergraduate course with 140 students; independently developed and carried out curriculum including lectures, class discussion, multiple-choice exams, and a topical project.
Child Psychology
Sophomore-level undergraduate course with 300 students. Independently developed and carried out curriculum including lectures, class discussion, multiple-choice exams, and supplemental reading materials.
Junior-level undergraduate course with 40 students. All aspects of the course were independently developed and carried out, including selection of course materials, development and provision of lectures, and creation of exams. Exams included multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer items and incorporated an assessment of student knowledge of material from lecture, the textbook, and supplemental reading materials.
Writing in Psychology
Junior-level undergraduate course with 5 students; developed and carried out curriculum tailored to improve student writing skills, critical thinking, and research abilities.
Psychology of Stress and Trauma
Summer Studies pre-college course for high school students interested in taking a college-level course. This course provides an introduction to the field of traumatic stress. Through lecture, discussions, projects and in class activities students gain an understanding of how humans cope with trauma, what factors (i.e., aspects of the trauma, social support, personality and coping style, biology and genetics) predict who will have difficulty coping with trauma, and how we can treat trauma.
Psychology of Resilience
Summer Studies pre-college course for high school students interested in taking a college-level course. This course introduces students to emerging literature on the psychology of resilience, including a brief overview of the potentially deleterious effects of a range of adversity and trauma experiences (such as posttraumatic stress disorder or depression). The course describes resilience as understood through psychological, social, and biological evidence. Finally, we review current evidence and theory related to promotion of resilience at the level of individuals and/or communities.