Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences


Daphna Buchsbaum is an Assistant Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences at Brown University. She directs the Computational Cognitive Development Lab, and its sister lab the Brown Dog Lab. Prior to coming to Brown University, Dr. Buchsbaum was an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research has received funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. She received a Society for Research in Child Development Early Career Researcher Award in 2021, and was named an Association for Psychological Science Rising Star in 2018. Dr. Buchsbaum completed her postdoctoral work as a Senior Research Fellow in the University of St. Andrews Psychology department, where her research was funded by an ESRC Future Research Leaders grant. She completed her doctoral training in the UC Berkeley Psychology department, as well as a master's degree in the UC Berkeley Statistics department, focusing on applications of probability theory and statistical computing. Before that, she completed a master's degree at the MIT Media Lab, working on social learning in interactive animated characters. Dr. Buchsbaum is also a Brown alum, where she received an A.B. in Human Biology.

Brown Affiliations