Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences

Integrating the Study of Mind, Brain, Behavior and Language

We are delighted to announce the formation of the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences (CLPS) as of July 2010. CLPS is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of mind, brain, behavior, and language.

As part of the University's ongoing Plan for Academic Enrichment, CLPS has been formed from the former faculties of the Department of Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences and the Department of Psychology, as well as several new hires. CLPS is housed in a newly renovated 36,000 sq ft building.


Faculty Administrative Positions

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Badre, DavidChair of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

Faculty Positions

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Anderson, James AProfessor Emeritus of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Aydin, ZeynepResearch Associate in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Badre, DavidProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Bhandari, ApoorvaAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences (Research)

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Blumstein, Sheila EAlbert D. Mead Professor Emerita of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences

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Boykin, MalikAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Buchsbaum, DaphnaAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Burwell, Rebecca DAlbert D. Mead Professor Emerita of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Studies

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Colwill, Ruth MelanieProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Domini, FulvioProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Favila, Serra EAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Feiman, RomanThomas J. and Alice M. Tisch Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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FeldmanHall, OrielAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Festa, Elena KSenior Lecturer in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Frank, Michael JEdgar L. Marston Professor of Psychology

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Heindel, William CProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Hill, Christopher SProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Krueger, Joachim IsraelProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Levari, DavidLawrence A. Rand and Tiina Smith Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences and Entrepreneurship

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Linsley, Drew AAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences (Research)

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Malle, Bertram FProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Marshall, Julia AAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Morgan, James LProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Nassar, MattAssistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Nema, VatsalaResearch Associate in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Oh, HwameeAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Okonofua, Jason AAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Pavlick, EllieAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Sasaki, YukaProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences (Research)

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Serre, Thomas RThomas J. Watson, Sr. Professor of Science and Professor of Computer Science.

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Simmons, Andrea MegelaProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Sloman, Steven AProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Sobel, David MProfessor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Song, Joo-HyunAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Spoehr, Kathryn TProfessor Emerita of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Thompson, Elizabeth CDean of Pembroke College, Assistant Professor of the Practice in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Trost, Jamie MLecturer in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Vo, AnResearch Associate in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Warren, William HChancellor's Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Watanabe, TakeoFred M. Seed Professor of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

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Welch, LeslieAssociate Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Wooten, Billy RProfessor Emeritus of Psychology

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Wright, Jack CAssociate Professor Emeritus of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

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Zhou, PeisenResearch Associate in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences