David L. Henann is the James R. Rice Associate Professor of Solid Mechanics at Brown University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2011. After postdoctoral appointments at MIT and Harvard, he joined the faculty at Brown University in the fall of 2013. His research focuses on the formulation of new continuum-level constitutive theories for describing material behavior and the application of models to engineering problems through numerical simulation. Henann is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, the 2016 Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the 2020 Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty.
My group's research focuses on continuum-level modeling of engineering materials. Predictive continuum modeling is a cornerstone of solid mechanics, invaluable in the design of devices and structures and capable of yielding important physical insights. The goals of our research are (1) the formulation of new continuum-level constitutive theories for describing material behavior and (2) quantitative modeling of material behavior through numerical simulation.
Some areas of ongoing research include:
1. Constitutive models for flow and size-segregation in dense granular materials.
2. Large-deformation, viscoelastic constitutive modeling of elastomeric foams.
3. Modeling the dynamics of bubbles in soft solids.
Daren Liu, Harkirat Singh, and David L. Henann. Coupled continuum modelling of size segregation driven by shear-strain-rate gradients and flow in dense, bidisperse granular media. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 976 (2023) A16.
Hadley Witt, Zicheng Yan, David L. Henann, Christian Franck, and Jonathan Reichner. Mechanosensitive traction force generation is regulated by the neutrophil activation state. Scientific Reports 13 (2023) 11098.
Anastasia Tzoumaka, Jin Yang, Selda Buyukozturk, Christian Franck, and David L. Henann. Modeling high strain-rate microcavitation in soft materials: the role of material behavior in bubble dynamics. Soft Matter 19 (2023) 3895-3909.
Alexander McGhee, Jin Yang, Elizabeth C. Bremer, Zhiqin Xu, Harry C. Cramer III, Jonathan B. Estrada, David L. Henann, and Christian Franck. High-Speed, Full-Field Deformation Measurements Near Inertial Microcavitation Bubbles Inside Viscoelastic Hydrogels. Experimental Mechanics 63 (2023) 63-78.
Selda Buyukozturk, Jean-Sebastien Spratt, David L. Henann, Tim Colonius, and Christian Franck. Particle-Assisted Laser-Induced Inertial Cavitation for High Strain-Rate Soft Material Characterization. Experimental Mechanics 62 (2022) 1037-1050.
Xiuqi Li, Jialiang Tao, Alexander K. Landauer, Christian Franck, and David L. Henann. Large-deformation constitutive modeling of viscoelastic foams: Application to a closed-cell foam material. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 161 (2022) 104807.
Pinkesh Malhotra, Tong Jiao, David L. Henann, Rodney J. Clifton, and Pradeep R. Guduru. Dynamic shearing resistance of an energetic material simulant: Sucrose. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 159 (2022) 104624.
Jin Yang, Anastasia Tzoumaka, Kazuya Murakami, Eric Johnsen, David L. Henann, and Christian Franck. Predicting complex nonspherical instability shapes of inertial cavitation bubbles in viscoelastic soft matter. Physical Review E 104 (2021) 045108.
Pinkesh Malhotra, Tong Jiao, David L. Henann, Rodney J. Clifton, Pradeep R. Guduru. Dynamic shearing resistance of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB). Journal of Applied Physics 129 (2021) 245901.
Shihong Li and David L. Henann. Nonlocal continuum modeling of dense granular flow in a split-bottom cell with a vane-shaped intruder. Physical Review E 102 (2020) 022908.
Michael Jandron and David L. Henann. Electromechanical instabilities in periodic dielectric elastomer composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures 191 (2020) 220-242.
Alexander K. Landauer, Xiuqi Li, Christian Franck, and David L. Henann. Experimental characterization and hyperelastic constitutive modeling of open-cell elastomeric foams. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 133 (2019) 103701.
Lauren Mancia, Eli Vlaisavljevich, Nyousha Yousefi, Mauro Rodriguez, Timothy J. Ziemlewicz, Fred T. Lee, David L. Henann, Christian Franck, Zhen Xu, and Eric Johnsen. Modeling tissue-selective cavitation damage. Physics in Medicine & Biology 64 (2019) 225001.
Shihong Li and David L. Henann. Material stability and instability in non-local continuum models for dense granular materials. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 871 (2019) 799-830.
Chad T. Wilson, Timothy L. Hall, Eric Johnsen, Lauren Mancia, Mauro Rodriguez, Jonathan E. Lundt, Tim Colonius, David L. Henann, Christian Franck, Zhen Xu, Jonathan R Sukovich. Comparative study of the dynamics of laser and acoustically generated bubbles in viscoelastic media. Physical Review E 99 (2019) 043103.
Daren Liu and David L. Henann. Size-dependence of the flow threshold in dense granular materials. Soft Matter 14 (2018) 5294-5305.
Michael Jandron and David L. Henann. A numerical simulation capability for electroelastic wave propagation in dielectric elastomer composites: Application to tunable soft phononic crystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures 150 (2018) 1-21.
Alexander K. Landauer, Mohak Patel, David L. Henann, and Christian Franck. A q-factor-based digital image correlation algorithm (qDIC) for resolving finite deformations with degenerate speckle patterns. Experimental Mechanics 58 (2018) 815-830.
Jonathan B. Estrada, Carlos Barajas, David L. Henann, Eric Johnsen, and Christian Franck. High strain-rate soft material characterization via inertial cavitation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 112 (2018) 291-317.
Daren Liu and David L. Henann. Nonlocal continuum modeling of steady, dense granular heap flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 831 (2017) 212-227.
Yuhao Wang and David L. Henann. Finite-element modeling of soft solids with liquid inclusions. Extreme Mechanics Letters 9 (2016) 147-157.
Shuolun Wang, Martina Decker, David L. Henann, and Shawn A. Chester. Modeling of dielectric viscoelastomers with application to electromechanical instabilities. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95 (2016) 213-229.
David L. Henann and Ken Kamrin. A finite-element implementation of the nonlocal granular rheology. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 108 (2016) 273-302.
Ken Kamrin and David L. Henann. Nonlocal modeling of granular flows down inclines. Soft Matter 11 (2015) 179-185.
David L. Henann and Ken Kamrin. Continuum modeling of secondary rheology in dense granular materials. Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 178001.
Jennet Toyjanova, Erin Hannen, Eyal Bar-Kochba, Eric M. Darling, David L. Henann, and Christian Franck. 3D Viscoelastic traction force microscopy. Soft Matter 10 (2014) 8095-8106.
David L. Henann and Ken Kamrin. Continuum thermomechanics of the nonlocal granular rheology. International Journal of Plasticity 60 (2014) 145-162.
David L. Henann and Katia Bertoldi. Modeling of elasto-capillary phenomena. Soft Matter 10 (2014) 709-717.
David L. Henann and Ken Kamrin. A predictive, size-dependent continuum model for dense granular flows. PNAS 110 (2013) 6730-6735.
David L. Henann, Shawn A. Chester, and Katia Bertoldi. Modeling of dielectric elastomers: Design of actuators and energy harvesting devices. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 61 (2013) 2047-2066.
David L. Henann, John J. Valenza, David L. Johnson, and Ken Kamrin. Small-amplitude acoustics in bulk granular media. Physical Review E 88 (2013) 042205.
David L. Henann and Lallit Anand. A large strain isotropic elasticity model based on molecular dynamics simulations of a metallic glass. Journal of Elasticity 104 (2011) 281-302.
David L. Henann and Lallit Anand. Surface tension-driven shape-recovery of micro/nanometer-scale surface features in a Pt57.5Ni5.3Cu14.7P22.5 metallic glass in the supercooled liquid region: A numerical modeling capability. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58 (2010) 1947-1962.
David L. Henann and Lallit Anand. A large deformation theory for rate-dependent elastic-plastic materials with combined isotropic and kinematic hardening. International Journal of Plasticity 25 (2009) 1833-1878.
David L. Henann and Lallit Anand. Fracture of metallic glasses at notches: Effects of notch-root radius and the ratio of the elastic shear modulus to the bulk modulus on toughness. Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 6057-6074.
David L. Henann, Vikas Srivastava, Hayden K. Taylor, Melinda R. Hale, David E. Hardt, and Lallit Anand. Metallic glasses: viable tool materials for the production of surface microstructures in amorphous polymers by micro-hot-embossing. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19 (2009) 115030.
David Henann and Lallit Anand. A constitutive theory for the mechanical response of amorphous metals at high temperatures spanning the glass transition temperature: Application to microscale thermoplastic forming. Acta Materialia 56 (2008) 3290-3305.
Edwin R. Fuller, David L. Henann, and Li Ma. Theta-like specimens for measuring mechanical properties at the small-scale: effects of non-ideal loading. International Journal of Materials Research 98 (2007) 729-734.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2011 | PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2008 | SM | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2006 | BS | State University of New York at Binghamton |
Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty (2020)
NSF CAREER Award (2016)
Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal (ASME - 2016)
School of Engineering Dedicated Faculty Award (Brown University Tau Beta Pi - 2016)
Richard B. Salomon Faculty Research Award (Brown University - 2015)
Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Grant (ASME Applied Mechanics Division - 2014)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Society of Engineering Science
American Physical Society
Fall 2021: ENGN 2210 Continuum Mechanics
Foundations of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics: (1) kinematics of deformation; (2) balance laws for (a) mass, (b) linear and angular momenta, and (c) energy; (3) an entropy imbalance that represents the second law of thermodynamics; and (4) the principle of material frame-indifference. Formulation of modern constitutive theories based on these foundations. Specific constitutive theories include: (1) heat conduction; (2) viscous fluids; and (3) elastic solids.
Fall 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017: ENGN 0310 Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Mechanical behavior of materials and analysis of stress and deformation in engineering structures and continuous media. Topics include concepts of stress and strain; the elastic, plastic, and time-dependent response of materials; principles of structural analysis and application to simple bar structures, beam theory, instability and buckling, torsion of shafts; general three-dimensional states of stress; Mohr's circle; stress concentrations.
Fall 2020, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013: ENGN 1750 Advanced Solid Mechanics
Continuum mechanics of solids and its application to the mechanical response of machine and structural elements. Elasticity, plasticity, and failure criteria. Elastic stress analysis in bending and torsion, plane stress and plane strain, stress concentrations. Energy methods and the finite-element method applied to linear elastic solids.
Spring 2023, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2015: ENGN 2220 Mechanics of Solids
A graduate-level introduction to the engineering mechanics of elastic, plastic, and time-dependent solid materials and structures. Kinematics of deformation, strain, and compatibility. Stress and equilibrium. Tensor representation and principal values. Formulation of stress-strain relations in elasticity, plasticity, and viscoelasticity.
Spring 2024, 2018, 2016, 2014: ENGN 2290 Plasticity
Graduate-level solid mechanics course. Topics include: Small and large deformation theories of isotropic plasticity with a focus on metals. Rate-independent and rate-dependent models. Isotropic and kinematic hardening. Crystal plasticity. Computational plasticity. Representative problems in structural analysis, metal forming, indentation, strain and stress concentrations at notches, and ductile failure.
ENGN 0310 - Mechanics of Solids and Structures |
ENGN 1750 - Advanced Mechanics of Solids |
ENGN 2210 - Continuum Mechanics |
ENGN 2220 - Mechanics of Solids |
ENGN 2290 - Plasticity |