Brown Engineering is a unique place, which emphasizes the power of interdisciplinary thought and recognizes that engineering is intertwined with every aspect of our lives. Our historical roots are truly interdisciplinary. The School is organized without the traditional departments or boundaries found at most schools; our model is focused on making unique connections between the various engineering disciplines.

Along with our associations with the other scholarly disciplines – biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, computer science, the humanities and the social sciences – our co-operations bring unique solutions to challenging problems. The School focuses on unique and innovative clustering of faculty; in terms of research groups, engineers of all types team together with non-engineers to tackle some of the biggest problems facing engineering and science today. Our talents and expertise lie in the interdisciplinary domain where the seemingly diverse disciplines converge.


Faculty Administrative Positions

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Desai, Tejal ASorensen Family Dean of Engineering, Dean of Engineering

Faculty Positions

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Abbasi, AkramSenior Research Associate in Engineering

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Abriola, LindaJoan Wernig and E. Paul Sorensen Professor of Engineering

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Altringer, BethProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Ansari, Hamzah ALecturer in Engineering

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Ayanian, NoraAssociate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

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Bahar, R IrisProfessor Emerita of Engineering

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Bazilevs, YuriE. Paul Sorensen Professor of Engineering

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Beresford, RodProfessor of Engineering

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Bessa, MiguelAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Borton, David AAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Bower, Allan FrancisProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Breuer, Kenny SProfessor of Engineering

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Briant, Clyde LOtis Everett Randall University Professor of Engineering

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Caretta, LucasAssistant Professor of Engineering

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Chaltas, Thano A DProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Chason, EricProfessor of Engineering

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Clifton, Rodney JProfessor of Engineering (Research)

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Clifton, Rodney JRush C. Hawkins University Professor Emeritus of Engineering

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Colvin, Vicki LProfessor of Chemistry and Engineering

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Cooper, David BProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Coulombe, Kareen L KAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Crisco, JosephProfessor of Engineering (Research)

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Curtin, William AProfessor of Engineering

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Daniels, Jerry DelmarAssociate Professor Emeritus of Engineering

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Darling, Eric MAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Desai, Tejal AProfessor of Engineering

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Diouf, MbayeSenior Research Associate in Engineering

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Donoghue, John PProfessor of Engineering

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Donohue, MichaelAssociate Professor of the Practice of Engineering

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Doyle, Francis JosephProfessor of Engineering

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Felzenszwalb, Pedro FProfessor of Engineering

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Fleming, Braden CProfessor of Engineering

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Gao, HuajianWalter H. Annenberg Professor Emeritus of Engineering

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Goldsmith, FranklinAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Gonsher, IanAssistant Professor of the Practice of Engineering

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Gray, Marissa LynneAssistant Professor of Engineering (Research)

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Guduru, Pradeep RProfessor of Engineering

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Harris, Daniel M.Associate Professor of Engineering

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Harry, Jason DHugh Pearson Professor of the Practice of Technology and Entrepreneurship

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Hazeltine, BarrettProfessor Emeritus of Engineering (Teaching)

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Hazeltine, BarrettProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Henann, David LJames R. Rice Associate Professor of Solid Mechanics

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Hermann, LaurenzLecturer Emeritus in Engineering

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Hochberg, Leigh RL. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering

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Hoffman-Kim, DianeAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Hurt, Robert HProfessor of Engineering

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Jay, Gregory DProfessor of Engineering (Research)

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Karniadakis, George EProfessor of Engineering

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Kesari, HaneeshAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Kim, Kyung-SukProfessor of Engineering

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Kim, SeunghyunAssociate Professor of Engineering (Research)

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Kimia, Benjamin BProfessor of Engineering

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Kingon, Angus IBarrett Hazeltine University Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organizational Studies, Professor of Engineering

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Kofron, Celinda MichelleSenior Lecturer in Engineering

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Kulaots, IndrekDistinguished Senior Lecturer in Engineering

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Kushner, Harold JL. Herbert Ballou University Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics and Engineering

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Laiwalla, Farah LAssistant Professor of Engineering (Research)

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Larson, Lawrence EProfessor of Engineering

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Lawandy, Nabil MProfessor of (Research)

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Lee, JihunAssistant Professor of Engineering (Research)

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Lee, JonghwanAssistant Professor of Engineering

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Leventon, LarisaProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Liu, Joseph T CProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Lubin, Jonathan DProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Manfredi, LouiseAssociate Professor of the Practice of Engineering

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Martinez Wilhelmus, MonicaThomas J. and Alice M. Tisch Assistant Professor of Engineering

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Mathiowitz, EdithProfessor of Engineering

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Maxey, Martin RProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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McHugh, Patrick JProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Mittleman, Daniel MProfessor of Engineering

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Morales, RichProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Morgan, Jeffrey RProfessor of Engineering

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Moroshkin, PetrSenior Research Associate in Engineering

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Morse, Theodore FProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Needleman, AlanProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Nurmikko, Arto VL. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering

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Ozkazanc-Pan, BanuBarrett Hazeltine Associate Professor of the Practice of Engineering

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Pacifici, DomenicoAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Padture, Nitin POtis Everett Randall University Professor of Engineering

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Paine, David CProfessor of Engineering

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Palmore, G Tayhas RElaine I. Savage Professor of Engineering

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Patterson, William RDistinguished Senior Lecturer in Engineering

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Pearson, Allan EProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Pennell, Kurt D250th Anniversary Professor of Engineering

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Peterson, Andrew AAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Powers, Thomas RProfessor of Engineering

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Qi, YueJoan Wernig Sorensen Professor of Engineering

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Raimondo, Theresa MAssistant Professor of Engineering

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Reda, SheriefProfessor of Engineering

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Richman, Marc HProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Rodriguez, MauroAssistant Professor of Engineering

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Rose, ChristopherProfessor of Engineering

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Rosenstein, Jacob KarlAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Rosler, David MSenior Research Associate in Engineering

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Sallam, Marwa ASenior Research Associate in Engineering

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Sheldon, Brian WProfessor of Engineering

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Shukla, AnitaElaine I. Savage Associate Professor of Engineering

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Simeral, JohnAssistant Professor of Engineering (Research)

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Srivastava, VikasAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Sun, ShouhengProfessor of Engineering

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Suner, SelimProfessor of Engineering

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Suresh, SubraProfessor-at-Large in Engineering

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Suuberg, EricC.V. Starr Professor of Technology Entrepreneurship, Professor of Engineering

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Swartz, Sharon MProfessor of Engineering

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Tang, Jay XProfessor of Engineering

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Taubin, GabrielProfessor of Engineering

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Tellex, Stefanie AAssociate Professor of Engineering

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Toussaint, Kimani C.Thomas J. Watson, Sr. Professor of Science

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Tripathi, AnubhavProfessor of Engineering

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Van De Walle, AxelProfessor of Engineering

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Warshay, Daniel EProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Wolovich, William AProfessor Emeritus of Engineering

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Wong, Ian Y.Associate Professor of Engineering

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Xiao, GangProfessor of Engineering

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Xu, JingmingCharles C. Tillinghast, Jr. University Professor of Engineering

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Zaldivar, Ernesto RafaelProfessor of the Practice of Engineering

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Zaslavsky, AlexanderProfessor of Engineering

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Zenit, RobertoRoyce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence

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Zia, RashidProfessor of Engineering