2025: ScM / MEng Masters and Undergraduate research opportunities!
Programming in C for ARM or C++ for Logic Design for Embedded Systems in BrainGate human BCI. Email me or see the Research link (left) for more information.
Dr. Simeral is a Assistant Professor of Engineering (Research) at Brown University, a Research Biomedical Engineer with the Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation R&D Service, and leader of the focus area Restoring Communication and Mobility in the VA Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology. His research is dedicated to integrating neuroscience and engineering disciplines to create unprecedented neural prosthetic technologies to enable communication and control of assistive devices by individuals with paralysis or locked-in syndrome resulting from spinal cord injury, ALS, stoke and other neurological disorders. He directs development of the system architecture, hardware and software for the BrainGate Neural Interface System (in clinical trial, IDE) that decodes intracortical brain signals into commands to control computer cursors, dexterous prosthetic robotic arms and hands, and other assistive technologies. In addition to research expertise in the neurophysiological basis of movement, Dr. Simeral has a decade of industry engineering experience including the design of massively parallel computer systems and high performance microelectronic VLSI microprocessors.
Willett FR, Young DR, Murphy BA, Memberg WD, Blabe CH, Pandarinath C, Stavisky SD, Rezaii P, Saab J, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Miller JP, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Simeral JD, Jarosiewicz B, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF, Bolu Ajiboye A. "Principled BCI Decoder Design and Parameter Selection Using a Feedback Control Model." Scientific reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 8881. |
Willett FR, Murphy BA, Young DR, Memberg WD, Blabe CH, Pandarinath C, Franco B, Saab J, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Miller JP, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Simeral JD, Jarosiewicz B, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF, Ajiboye AB. "A Comparison of Intention Estimation Methods for Decoder Calibration in Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 65, no. 9, 2018, pp. 2066-2078. |
Nuyujukian P, Albites Sanabria J, Saab J, Pandarinath C, Jarosiewicz B, Blabe CH, Franco B, Mernoff ST, Eskandar EN, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM. "Cortical control of a tablet computer by people with paralysis." PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 11, 2018, pp. e0204566. |
Brandman DM, Hosman T, Saab J, Burkhart MC, Shanahan BE, Ciancibello JG, Sarma AA, Milstein DJ, Vargas-Irwin CE, Franco B, Kelemen J, Blabe C, Murphy BA, Young DR, Willett FR, Pandarinath C, Stavisky SD, Kirsch RF, Walter BL, Bolu Ajiboye A, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Miller JP, Sweet JA, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM, Jarosiewicz B, Harrison MT, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR. "Rapid calibration of an intracortical brain-computer interface for people with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 15, no. 2, 2018, pp. 026007. |
Vargas-Irwin, Carlos E., Feldman, Jessica M., King, Brandon, Simeral, John D., Sorice, Brittany L., Oakley, Erin M., Cash, Sydney S., Eskandar, Emad N., Friehs, Gerhard M., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Watch, Imagine, Attempt: Motor Cortex Single-Unit Activity Reveals Context-Dependent Movement Encoding in Humans With Tetraplegia." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 12, 2018, pp. 450. |
Milstein D, Pacheco J, Hochberg LR, Simeral JD, Jarosiewicz B, Sudderth EB.
"Multiscale Semi-Markov Dynamics for Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces." Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017.
Gilja V, Pandarinath C, Blabe CH, Nuyujukian P, Simeral JD, Sarma AA, Sorice BL, Perge JA, Jarosiewicz B, Hochberg LR, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM. "Clinical translation of a high-performance neural prosthesis." Nature Medicine, vol. 21, no. 10, 2015, pp. 1142-5. |
Masse, Nicolas Y., Jarosiewicz, Beata, Simeral, John D., Bacher, Daniel, Stavisky, Sergey D., Cash, Sydney S., Oakley, Erin M., Berhanu, Etsub, Eskandar, Emad, Friehs, Gerhard, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Reprint of “Non-causal spike filtering improves decoding of movement intention for intracortical BCIs”." Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 244, 2015, pp. 94-103. |
Jarosiewicz B, Sarma AA, Bacher D, Masse NY, Simeral JD, Sorice B, Oakley EM, Blabe C, Pandarinath C, Gilja V, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Friehs G, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Virtual typing by people with tetraplegia using a self-calibrating intracortical brain-computer interface." Science Translational Medicine, vol. 7, no. 313, 2015, pp. 313ra179. |
Vogel, Joern, Haddadin, Sami, Simeral, John D., Stavisky, Sergey D., Bacher, Daniel, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P., van der Smagt, Patrick. "Continuous Control of the DLR Light-Weight Robot III by a Human with Tetraplegia Using the BrainGate2 Neural Interface System." Experimental Robotics, 2014, pp. 125-136. |
Bacher, D., Jarosiewicz, B., Masse, N. Y., Stavisky, S. D., Simeral, J. D., Newell, K., Oakley, E. M., Cash, S. S., Friehs, G., Hochberg, L. R. "Neural Point-and-Click Communication by a Person With Incomplete Locked-In Syndrome." Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, vol. 29, no. 5, 2014, pp. 462-471. |
Masse, Nicolas Y., Jarosiewicz, Beata, Simeral, John D., Bacher, Daniel, Stavisky, Sergey D., Cash, Sydney S., Oakley, Erin M., Berhanu, Etsub, Eskandar, Emad, Friehs, Gerhard, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Non-causal spike filtering improves decoding of movement intention for intracortical BCIs." Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 236, 2014, pp. 58-67. |
Thompson, David E, Quitadamo, Lucia R, Mainardi, Luca, Laghari, Khalil ur Rehman, Gao, Shangkai, Kindermans, Pieter-Jan, Simeral, John D, Fazel-Rezai, Reza, Matteucci, Matteo, Falk, Tiago H, Bianchi, Luigi, Chestek, Cynthia A, Huggins, Jane E. "Performance measurement for brain–computer or brain–machine interfaces: a tutorial." J. Neural Eng., vol. 11, no. 3, 2014, pp. 035001. |
Ajiboye, A. B., Simeral, J. D., Donoghue, J. P., Hochberg, L. R., Kirsch, R. F. "Prediction of Imagined Single-Joint Movements in a Person With High-Level Tetraplegia." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 10, 2012, pp. 2755-2765. |
Hochberg LR, Bacher D, Jarosiewicz B, Masse NY, Simeral JD, Vogel J, Haddadin S, Liu J, Cash SS, van der Smagt P, Donoghue JP. "Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm." J. Geophys. Res., vol. 485, no. 7398, 2012, pp. 372-5. |
Chadwick EK, Blana D, Simeral JD, Lambrecht J, Kim SP, Cornwell AS, Taylor DM, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, Kirsch RF. "Continuous neuronal ensemble control of simulated arm reaching by a human with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 8, no. 3, 2011, pp. 034003. |
Simeral JD, Kim SP, Black MJ, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Neural control of cursor trajectory and click by a human with tetraplegia 1000 days after implant of an intracortical microelectrode array." J. Neural Eng., vol. 8, no. 2, 2011, pp. 025027. |
Sung-Phil Kim, None, Simeral, John D, Hochberg, Leigh R, Donoghue, J P, Friehs, G M, Black, Michael J. "Point-and-click cursor control with an intracortical neural interface system by humans with tetraplegia." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 19, no. 2, 2011, pp. 193-203. |
Song, Y.-K., Borton, D.A., Park, S., Patterson, W.R., Bull, C.W., Laiwalla, F., Mislow, J., Simeral, J.D., Donoghue, J.P., Nurmikko, A.V. "Active Microelectronic Neurosensor Arrays for Implantable Brain Communication Interfaces." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 17, no. 4, 2009, pp. 339-345. |
Yoon-Kyu Song, None, Patterson, William R., Bull, Christopher W., Borton, David A., Nurmikko, Arto V., Simeral, John D., Donoghue, John P. "A neural interface microsystem with all optical telemetry for brain implantable neuroengineering application." 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2008. |
Song, Y.-K., Borton, D. A., Park, S., Patterson, W. R., Bull, C. W., Mislow, J., Simeral, J., Donoghue, J. P., Nurmikko, A. V. "Microelectronic neurosensor arrays: Towards implantable brain communication interfaces." 2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 2008. |
Kim, Sung-Phil, Simeral, John D, Hochberg, Leigh R, Donoghue, John P, Black, Michael J. "Neural control of computer cursor velocity by decoding motor cortical spiking activity in humans with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 5, no. 4, 2008, pp. 455-476. |
Song, Yoon-Kyu, Patterson, William R., Bull, Christopher W., Borton, David A., Li, Yanqiu, Nurmikko, Arto V., Simeral, John D., Donoghue, John P. "A Brain Implantable Microsystem with Hybrid RF/IR Telemetry for Advanced Neuroengineering Applications." 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2007, 2007, pp. 445-8. |
Kim, Sung-Phil, Simeral, John D., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P., Friehs, Gerhard M., Black, Michael J. "Multi-state decoding of point-and-click control signals from motor cortical activity in a human with tetraplegia." 2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2007. |
Song YK, Patterson WR, Bull CW, Beals J, Hwang N, Deangelis AP, Lay C, McKay JL, Nurmikko AV, Fellows MR, Simeral JD, Donoghue JP, Connors BW. "Development of a chipscale integrated microelectrode/microelectronic device for brain implantable neuroengineering applications." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 13, no. 2, 2005, pp. 220-226. |
2025 Research Opportunities for Brown ScM / MEng masters students and undergraduate research / independent study / thesis research.
Opportunities in programming ARM (C coding in Linux OS), programming Xilinx FPGA (using C++, high-level synthesis, and/or Verilog) for the BrainGate human neural interface system (brain-computer interface). Proficiency in C or C++/Verilog is required, preferably with experience in Python, GitHub. These are unpaid research opportunities, but research can be undertaken as Undergraduate Independent Study, Senior Research Thesis, Master's Thesis, or Master's non-thesis track research.
Summer undergraduate research opportunities with stipend, if any, will be listed on the Brown SPRINT / UTRA research opportunities site.
Email me for more information.
Current (selected):
Deployment of a mobile broadband BCI. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Merit Review Award. (Simeral, PI). 2018-2022.
Engaging new cognitive and motor signals to improve communication prostheses. NIH-NIDCD (Henderson, PI; Simeral PI for subcontract to Brown). 2020 - 2025.
Cortical basis of complex motor sequences in humans for neural interfaces. NIH-NINDS (Henderson, PI; Simeral PI for subcontract to Brown). 2021 - 2026.
Single-neuron population dynamics in human motor cortex for a speech prosthesis. NIH-NIDCD (Henderson, PI; Simeral PI for subcontract to Brown). 2021 - 2026.
Completed (recent selected):
Advanced neural decoders for communication interfaces. NIH-NIDCD (Henderson, PI; Simeral PI for subcontract to Brown). [2015-2020]
Mobile signal processing system for broadband neural decoding. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Merit Review Award. (Simeral, PI). [2014-2018]
Maintaining communication: Implanted brain-computer interfaces for people with ALS. (Simeral & Hochberg, PIs). NIDCD/BRCP Admin Supplement. [2017]
Preclinical testing of a high-performance wireless neural interface for individuals with SCI. Conquer Paralysis Now. [2015-2016]
Direct intracortical control of a multijoint prosthetic arm. Dept of Veterans Affairs. (Simeral PI with JP Donoghue). [2011-2016]
Haptics integration for neural control of assistive robotic arms by humans with paralysis. Seed funding from VA Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology. [2015]
Gusman JT, Hosman T, Crawford R, Singer-Clark T, Kapitonava A, Kelemen JN, Hahn N, Henderson JM, Hochberg LR, Simeral JD, Vargas-Irwin CE. Multi-gesture drag-and-drop decoding in a 2D iBCI control task. J. Neural Eng. 2024.(accepted)
Herron J, Kremen V, Simeral JD, Dawes H, Worrell G, Starr PA, Denison T, Borton D. The convergence of neuromodulation and brain-computer interfaces. Nat. Rev. Bioeng. 2024. doi: 10.1038/s44222-024-00187-0
Pun TK, Khoshnevis M, Hosman T, Wilson GH, Kapitonava A, Kamdar F, Henderson JM, Simeral JD, Vargas-Irwin CE, Harrison MT, and Hochberg LR. Measuring instability in chronic human intracortical neural recordings towards stable, long-term brain-computer interfaces. Nat. Comm. Bio. 2024. (in press) [bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.02.29.582733
Hosman T, Pun Tsam K, Kapitonava A, Simeral JD†, Hochberg LR†. Months-long high-performance fixed LSTM decoder for cursor control in human intracortical brain-computer interfaces. 2023 11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Baltimore, MD, USA. pp 1-5. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1109/NER52421.2023.10123740
Simeral JD, Hosman T, Saab J, Flesher SN, Vilela M, Franco B, Kelemen J, Brandman DM, Ciancibello JG, Rezaii PG, Eskandar EN, Rosler DM, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM, Nurmikko AV, Hochberg LR. Home use of a percutaneous wireless intracortical brain-computer interface by individuals with tetraplegia. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 68(7):2313-2325. 2021. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3069119; PMID: 33784612
Hosman T, Hynes JB, Saab J, Wilcoxen KG, Buchbinders BR, Schmansky N, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Simeral JD, Franco B, Kelemen J, Vargas-Irwin CE*, Hochberg LR*. Auditory cues reveal intended movement information in middle frontal gyrus neuronal ensemble activity of a person with tetraplegia. Scientific Reports, 11:98. 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77616-8; PMID: 33431994
Hosman T, Vilela M, Milstein D, Kelemen JN, Hochberg LR, Simeral JD. BCI decoder performance comparison of an LSTM recurrent neural network and a Kalman filter in retrospective simulation. 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), San Francisco, CA, USA. pp. 1066-1071. 2019. doi: 10.1109/NER.2019.8717140
Willet FR, Young DR, Murphy BA, Memberg D, Blabe CH, Pandarinath C, Stavisky SD, Rezaii P, Saab J, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Miller JP, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Simeral JD, Jarosiewicz B, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF, Ajiboye B. Principled BCI decoder design and parameter selection using a feedback control model. Scientific Reports, 9:8881. 2019. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44166-7
Vargas-Irwin CE, Feldman JM, King B, Simeral JD, Sorice BL, Oakley EM, Cash S, Eskandar EN, Friehs GM, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP. Watch, imagine, attempt: motor cortex single unit activity reveals context-dependent movement encoding in humans with tetraplegia. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 12:450. 2018. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00450
Nuyujukian P, Albites Sanabria J, Pandarinath C, Saab J, Jarosiewicz B, Blabe CH, Franco B, Mernoff S, Eskandar EN, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM. Cortical control of a tablet computer by people with paralysis. PLoS One, 13(11):e0204566. 2018. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204566
Brandman D, Hosman T, Saab J, Burkhart MC, Shanahan BE, Ciancibello JG, Sarma AA, Milstein DJ, Vargas-Irwin CE, Franco B, Kelemen J, Blabe C, Murphy B, Young DR, Willet F, Pandarinath C, Stavisky SD, Kirsch RF, Walter BL, Ajiboye B, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Miller J, Sweet J, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM, Jarosiewicz B, Harrison M, Simeral J, Hochberg L. Rapid calibration of an intracortical brain computer interface for people with tetraplegia. J. Neural Engineering, 15(2): 026007, 2018.
Milekovic T, Bacher D, Sarma AA, Simeral JD, Saab J, Pandarinath C, Yvert B, Sorice BL, Blabe C, Oakley EM, Tringale KR, Eskandar E, Cash SS, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP. Volitional control of single-electrode high gamma local field potentials by people with paralysis. J. Neurophysiol., 121:1428-1450. 2019. doi: 10.1152/jn.00131.2018
Willett FR, Murphy BA, Memberg WD, Blabe CH, Young D, Jarosiewicz B, Pandarinath C, Franco B, Saab, J, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Miller JP, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF, Ajiboye A. A comparison of intention estimation methods for decoder calibration in intracortical brain-computer interfaces. IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., 65(9):2066-2078. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2017.2783358
Milekovic T, Sarma AA, Bacher D, Simeral JD, Saab J, Pandarinath C, Sorice BL, Blabe C, Oakley EM, Tringale KR, Eskandar E, Cash SS, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. Stable long-term BCI-enabled communication in ALS and locked-in syndrome using LFP signals. J. Neurophysiol., 2018.
Ajiboye AB, Willett FR, Young DR, Memberg WD, Murphy BA, Miller JP, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Hoyen HA, Keith MW, Peckham PH, Simeral JD, Donoghue, JP, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF. Restoration of reaching and grasping movements through brain-controlled muscle stimulation in a person with tetraplegia: a proof-of-concept demonstration. The Lancet, 2017.
Willett FR, Pandarinath C, Jarosiewicz B, Murphy BA, Memberg WD, Blabe CH, Saab J, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Miller JP, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF, Ajiboye AB. Feedback control policies employed by people using intracortical brain-computer interfaces. J. Neural Engineering 14(1):016001, 2017. doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/14/1/016001
Huggins JE, Guger C, Ziat M, Zander TO, Taylor D, Tangermann M, Soria-Frisch A, Simeral JD, Scherer R, Rupp R, Ruffini G, Robinson DKR, Ramsey NF, Nijholt A, Muller-Putz G, McFarland DJ, Mattia D, Lance BJ, Kindermans P-J, Iturrate I, Herff C, Gupta D, Do AH, Collinger JL, Chavarriaga R, Chase SM, Bleichner MG, Batista A, Anderson CW, Aarnoutse EJ. Workshops of the sixth brain-computer interface meeting: Brain-Computer Interfaces past, present, and future. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4(1-2): 2017. doi: 10.1080/2326263X.2016.1275488
Milstein D, Pacheco J, Hochberg LR, Simeral JD, Jarosiewicz B, Sudderth EB. Multiscale Semi-Markov Dynamics for Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference 30. 2017.
Heelan C, Komar J, Vargas-Irwin CE, Simeral JD, Nurmikko AV. A mobile embedded platform for high performance neural signal computation and communication. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 2015. Atlanta, GA. 2015
Jarosiewicz B, Bacher D, Sarma AA, Masse NY, Simeral JD, Sorice B, Oakley EM, Blabe C, Pandarinath C, Cash SS, Eskandar E, Friehs G, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. Virtual typing by people with tetraplegia using a stabilized, self-calibrating intracortical brain-computer interface. Science Translational Medicine, 7(313):313ra179, 2015.
Gilja V*, Pandarinath C*, Blabe CH, Nuyujukian P, Simeral JD, Sarma AA, Sorice BL, Perge JA, Jarosiewicz B, Eskandar EN, Hochberg LR, Shenoy KV**, Henderson JM**. Clinical translation of a high performance neural prosthesis. Nature Medicine 21:1142-1145, 2015.
Vogel J, Haddadin S, Simeral JD, Bacher D, Jarosiewicz B, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, van der Smagt P. An assistive decision and control architecture for force-sensitive hand-arm systems driven via human-machine interfaces. Intl. J. of Robotics Research, 34(6): 763-780, 2015.
Hochberg LR, *Bacher D., *Jarosiewicz B, *Masse NY, *Simeral JD, Vogel J, Haddadin S, Liu J, Cash SS, van der Smagt P and Donoghue JP.. Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally-controlled robotic arm. Nature, 485(7398):372-375, 2012.
Simeral JD, Kim S-P, Black MJ, Donoghue JP and Hochberg LR. Neural control of cursor trajectory and click by a human with tetraplegia 1000 days after implant of an intracortical microelectrode array. J Neural Eng, 8(2):025027, 2011.
Kim S-P, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Donoghue, JP, Friehs GM and Black MJ. Point-and-click cursor control with an intracortical neural interface system in humans with tetraplegia. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 19(2):193-203, 2011.
Song YK, Borton DA, Park S, Patterson WR, Bull CW, Laiwalla F, Mislow J, Simeral JD, Donoghue JP and Nurmikko AV. Active microelectronic neurosensor arrays for implantable brain communications interfaces. IEEE Trans Neural Systems and Rehabil Eng, 17(4):339-45, 2009.
Kim S-P, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP and Black MJ. Neural control of computer cursor velocity by decoding motor cortical spiking activity in humans with tetraplegia. J Neural Eng 5(4):455-76, 2008.
Song YK, Patterson WR, Bull CW, Borton DA, Li Y, Nurmikko AV, Simeral JD and Donoghue JP. A brain implantable microsystem with hybrid RF/IR telemetry for advanced neuroengineering applications. Conf Proc IEEE Eng med Biol Soc, 2007, 445-8, 2007.
Simeral JD, Hampson RE, Deadwyler SA. Behaviorally relevant neural codes in hippocampal ensembles: Detection on single trials Synaptic Plasticity: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications. ed Baudry M and Schreiber S (Cambridge: MIT Press) pp 459-476. 2005.
Hampson RE, Simeral JD and Deadwyler SA. Distribution of spatial and nonspatial information in dorsal hippocampus. Nature, 402:610-614, 1999.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2003 | PhD | Wake Forest University |
1989 | MS | University of Texas |
1985 | BS | Stanford University |
Postdoctoral Fellow | Laboratory of Dr. John P. Donoghue, , Dept. of Neuroscience, Brown University | 2003-2006 | Providence, RI |
Patents (with co-inventors)
A novel method for achieving high accuracy typing on a virtual keyboard using an intracortical Brain Computer Interface. United States Patent Application #18/947,556.
A novel method for decoding sustained grasps for use in intracortical brain-computer interfaces. United States Patent Application #18/946,156.
Providing mental control of posture and/or gesture controlled technologies via intended postures. United States Patent Application #18/075,811.
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) System That Can Be Implemented On Multiple Devices. United States Patent #11,972,050.
ECL-to-CMOS Converter, Canadian # 1,304,459 [June 30, 1992]
ECL-to-CMOS Converter, United States # 4,888,501 [June 18, 1990]
Research Awards
Sean M. Healey International Prize for Innovation in ALS. 2024. “Celebrating excellence in research for a team of investigators who catalyze exceptional discoveries leading to a transformative advance in therapy development in ALS.”
Annual BCI Society Award 2018. 1st Prize for "Restoring functional reach-to-grasp in a person with chronic tetraplegia using implanted functional electrical stimulation and intracortical brain-computer interfaces." Awarded with co-authors.
Israel Brain Technologies B.R.A.I.N. prize international competition, 2013. Co-awardee with D. Rosler, A. Nurmikko, J. Donoghue and L. Hochberg.
Martin Research Prize for Excellence in Basic Research, 2012, by Massachusetts General Hospital for “Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally-controlled robotic arm,” Nature, 2012. Awarded with co-authors.
"Highlights of 2011" award by Journal of Neural Engineering for Simeral et al. (2011) publication "Neural control of cursor trajectory and click by a human with tetraplegia 1000 days after implant of an intracortical microelectrode array", based on 'the highest praise from our international referees and the highest number of downloads. Awarded with co-authors.
Journal of Neural Engineering "Most cited publication for 2010-2011" for Simeral et al. (2011) "Neural control of cursor trajectory and click by a human with tetraplegia 1000 days after implant of an intracortical microelectrode array". Awarded with co-authors.
Name | Title |
Borton, David | Associate Professor of Engineering, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Associate Professor of Brain Science |
Donoghue, John | Henry Merritt Wriston Professor of Neuroscience, Professor of Engineering |
Hochberg, Leigh | L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering, Professor of Brain Science |
Nurmikko, Arto | L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering, Professor of Physics |
Rosler, David | Senior Research Associate in Engineering |
School of Engineering
Brown University
Providence, RI
Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology
VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service (RR&D)
VA Providence Healthcare System (VAPHS)
Providence, RI
Biomedical Engineer. Providence VA Medical Center, Providence, RI, - |
Current course lecture activity at Brown:
Transforming Society - Technology and Choices for the Future [ENGN 0020, 2014-present]
School of Engineering
Brown University
Previous lecture topics at Brown:
Neuroengineering (ENGR 1220)
Biomaterials (BIO 112)
Neurotechnology [NEUR, fall]
Cognitive Neuroscience [BN166]
Neuroanatomy with gross neuroanatomy lab [Med School, spring for 1st year med sudents]
Previous teaching at UCSD:
Microelectronics Systems Design [1994]
(For Seniors)
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept.
University of California San Diego
TA work at University of Texas Austin:
Electronics Design Laboratory 1985-1986 (Teaching Assistant)
(Required core course for for Juniors in ECE)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas at Austin