John Donoghue is the H.M. Wriston Professor of Neuroscience and Engineering at Brown University. He is known for translational research in human brain computer interfaces to restore movement for people with paralysis (known as ‘BrainGate’, as well as for fundamental research to explain how networks of cortical neurons compute actions from plans. At Brown, he was the founding Chair of the Brown Department of Neuroscience, the founding director of the Brown Institute for Brain Science (now the Carney Institute) and the Department of Veterans Affairs Center of Excellence in Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology. Donoghue was a member of the US B.R.A.I.N. initiative’s first NIH Working Group and is a fellow of the National Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as several other academies. His awards include the German Zülch Prize (2007), the Roche-Nature Medicine Prize (2010), the Schrödinger Prize (Germany, 2012), and the first Israeli Brain Technology Prize in 2013.
Marchesotti, Silvia, Nicolle, Johanna, Merlet, Isabelle, Arnal, Luc H., Donoghue, John P., Giraud, Anne-Lise. "Selective enhancement of low-gamma activity by tACS improves phonemic processing and reading accuracy in dyslexia." [], 2020. |
Bouthour W, Mégevand P, Donoghue J, Lüscher C, Birbaumer N, Krack P. "Author Correction: Biomarkers for closed-loop deep brain stimulation in Parkinson disease and beyond." Nature reviews. Neurology, vol. 15, no. 6, 2019, pp. 363. |
Bouthour W, Mégevand P, Donoghue J, Lüscher C, Birbaumer N, Krack P. "Biomarkers for closed-loop deep brain stimulation in Parkinson disease and beyond." Nature Reviews Neurology, vol. 15, no. 6, 2019, pp. 343-352. |
Coscia M, Wessel MJ, Chaudary U, Millán JDR, Micera S, Guggisberg A, Vuadens P, Donoghue J, Birbaumer N, Hummel FC. "Neurotechnology-aided interventions for upper limb motor rehabilitation in severe chronic stroke." Brain, vol. 142, no. 8, 2019, pp. 2182-2197. |
Milekovic, Tomislav, Bacher, Daniel, Sarma, Anish A., Simeral, John D., Saab, Jad, Pandarinath, Chethan, Yvert, Blaise, Sorice, Brittany L., Blabe, Christine, Oakley, Erin M., Tringale, Kathryn R., Eskandar, Emad, Cash, Sydney S., Shenoy, Krishna V., Henderson, Jaimie M., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Volitional control of single-electrode high gamma local field potentials by people with paralysis." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 121, no. 4, 2019, pp. 1428-1450. |
Rule, Michael E., Vargas-Irwin, Carlos, Donoghue, John P., Truccolo, Wilson. "Phase reorganization leads to transient β-LFP spatial wave patterns in motor cortex during steady-state movement preparation." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 119, no. 6, 2018, pp. 2212-2228. |
Milekovic T, Sarma AA, Bacher D, Simeral JD, Saab J, Pandarinath C, Sorice BL, Blabe C, Oakley EM, Tringale KR, Eskandar E, Cash SS, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Stable long-term BCI-enabled communication in ALS and locked-in syndrome using LFP signals." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 120, no. 1, 2018, pp. 343-360. |
Vargas-Irwin, Carlos E., Feldman, Jessica M., King, Brandon, Simeral, John D., Sorice, Brittany L., Oakley, Erin M., Cash, Sydney S., Eskandar, Emad N., Friehs, Gerhard M., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Watch, Imagine, Attempt: Motor Cortex Single-Unit Activity Reveals Context-Dependent Movement Encoding in Humans With Tetraplegia." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 12, 2018, pp. 450. |
Rule ME, Vargas-Irwin CE, Donoghue JP, Truccolo W. "Dissociation between sustained single-neuron spiking and transient β-LFP oscillations in primate motor cortex." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 117, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1524-1543. |
Clausen, Jens, Fetz, Eberhard, Donoghue, John, Ushiba, Junichi, Spörhase, Ulrike, Chandler, Jennifer, Birbaumer, Niels, Soekadar, Surjo R. "Help, hope, and hype: Ethical dimensions of neuroprosthetics." Science, vol. 356, no. 6345, 2017, pp. 1338-1339. |
Ajiboye AB, Willett FR, Young DR, Memberg WD, Murphy BA, Miller JP, Walter BL, Sweet JA, Hoyen HA, Keith MW, Peckham PH, Simeral JD, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR, Kirsch RF. "Restoration of reaching and grasping movements through brain-controlled muscle stimulation in a person with tetraplegia: a proof-of-concept demonstration." The Lancet, vol. 389, no. 10081, 2017, pp. 1821-1830. |
Werner Arber, Antonio M. Battro, Olaf Blanke, Patricia Churchland, Stanislas Dehaene, John Donoghue, Demis Hassabis, Stephen W. Hawking, Yann LeCun, Pierre Léna, Laurie Ann Paul, Alexandre Pouget, H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Laura Schulz, Mariano Sigman, Wolf J. Singer, Elizabeth Spelke, Josh Tenenbaum, Manuela Veloso, Cédric Villani. "Statement on Artificial Intelligence." Scripta varia, vol. 132, 2017, pp. ISBN 978-88-7761-111-6. |
Bowsher, K, Civillico, E F, Coburn, J, Collinger, J, Contreras-Vidal, J L, Denison, T, Donoghue, J, French, J, Getzoff, N, Hochberg, L R, Hoffmann, M, Judy, J, Kleitman, N, Knaack, G, Krauthamer, V, Ludwig, K, Moynahan, M, Pancrazio, J J, Peckham, P H, Pena, C, Pinto, V, Ryan, T, Saha, D, Scharen, H, Shermer, S, Skodacek, K, Takmakov, P, Tyler, D, Vasudevan, S, Wachrathit, K, Weber, D, Welle, C G, Ye, M. "Brain-computer interface devices for patients with paralysis and amputation: a meeting report." J. Neural Eng., vol. 13, no. 2, 2016, pp. 023001. |
Barrese JC, Aceros J, Donoghue JP. "Scanning electron microscopy of chronically implanted intracortical microelectrode arrays in non-human primates." Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 13, no. 2, 2016, pp. 026003. |
Vogel, J., Haddadin, S., Jarosiewicz, B., Simeral, J. D., Bacher, D., Hochberg, L. R., Donoghue, J. P., van der Smagt, P. "An assistive decision-and-control architecture for force-sensitive hand-arm systems driven by human-machine interfaces." The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 34, no. 6, 2015, pp. 763-780. |
Rule ME, Vargas-Irwin C, Donoghue JP, Truccolo W. "Contribution of LFP dynamics to single-neuron spiking variability in motor cortex during movement execution." Frontiers in systems neuroscience, vol. 9, 2015, pp. 89. |
Vargas-Irwin CE, Franquemont L, Black MJ, Donoghue JP. "Linking Objects to Actions: Encoding of Target Object and Grasping Strategy in Primate Ventral Premotor Cortex." Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 35, no. 30, 2015, pp. 10888-97. |
Malik, Wasim Q., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P., Brown, Emery N. "Modulation depth estimation and variable selection in state-space models for neural interfaces." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 62, no. 2, 2015, pp. 570-581. |
Masse, Nicolas Y., Jarosiewicz, Beata, Simeral, John D., Bacher, Daniel, Stavisky, Sergey D., Cash, Sydney S., Oakley, Erin M., Berhanu, Etsub, Eskandar, Emad, Friehs, Gerhard, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Reprint of "Non-causal spike filtering improves decoding of movement intention for intracortical BCIs"." Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 244, 2015, pp. 94-103. |
Vargas-Irwin CE, Brandman DM, Zimmermann JB, Donoghue JP, Black MJ. "Spike train SIMilarity Space (SSIMS): a framework for single neuron and ensemble data analysis." Neural Computation, vol. 27, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-31. |
Jorgenson LA, Newsome WT, Anderson DJ, Bargmann CI, Brown EN, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Hudson KL, Ling GS, MacLeish PR, Marder E, Normann RA, Sanes JR, Schnitzer MJ, Sejnowski TJ, Tank DW, Tsien RY, Ugurbil K, Wingfield JC. "The BRAIN Initiative: developing technology to catalyse neuroscience discovery." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 370, no. 1668, 2015. |
Jarosiewicz B, Sarma AA, Bacher D, Masse NY, Simeral JD, Sorice B, Oakley EM, Blabe C, Pandarinath C, Gilja V, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Friehs G, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Virtual typing by people with tetraplegia using a self-calibrating intracortical brain-computer interface." Science Translational Medicine, vol. 7, no. 313, 2015, pp. 313ra179. |
Vogel, Joern, Haddadin, Sami, Simeral, John D., Stavisky, Sergey D., Bacher, Daniel, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P., van der Smagt, Patrick. "Continuous Control of the DLR Light-Weight Robot III by a Human with Tetraplegia Using the BrainGate2 Neural Interface System." Experimental Robotics, 2014, pp. 125-136. |
Rao NG, Donoghue JP. "Cue to action processing in motor cortex populations." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 111, no. 2, 2014, pp. 441-53. |
Masse, Nicolas Y., Jarosiewicz, Beata, Simeral, John D., Bacher, Daniel, Stavisky, Sergey D., Cash, Sydney S., Oakley, Erin M., Berhanu, Etsub, Eskandar, Emad, Friehs, Gerhard, Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P. "Non-causal spike filtering improves decoding of movement intention for intracortical BCIs." Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 236, 2014, pp. 58-67. |
Menzer, D. L., Rao, N. G., Bondy, A., Truccolo, W., Donoghue, J. P. "Population interactions between parietal and primary motor cortices during reach." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 112, no. 11, 2014, pp. 2959-2984. |
Perge JA, Zhang S, Malik WQ, Homer ML, Cash S, Friehs G, Eskandar EN, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Reliability of directional information in unsorted spikes and local field potentials recorded in human motor cortex." J. Neural Eng., vol. 11, no. 4, 2014, pp. 046007. |
Jarosiewicz B, Masse NY, Bacher D, Cash SS, Eskandar E, Friehs G, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Advantages of closed-loop calibration in intracortical brain–computer interfaces for people with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 10, no. 4, 2013, pp. 046012. |
Barrese JC, Rao N, Paroo K, Triebwasser C, Vargas-Irwin C, Franquemont L, Donoghue JP. "Failure mode analysis of silicon-based intracortical microelectrode arrays in non-human primates." J. Neural Eng., vol. 10, no. 6, 2013, pp. 066014. |
Perge, János A, Homer, Mark L, Malik, Wasim Q, Cash, Sydney, Eskandar, Emad, Friehs, Gerhard, Donoghue, John P, Hochberg, Leigh R. "Intra-day signal instabilities affect decoding performance in an intracortical neural interface system." J. Neural Eng., vol. 10, no. 3, 2013, pp. 036004. |
Alivisatos AP, Andrews AM, Boyden ES, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Fraser SE, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Looger LL, Masmanidis S, McEuen PL, Nurmikko AV, Park H, Peterka DS, Reid C, Roukes ML, Scherer A, Schnitzer M, Sejnowski TJ, Shepard KL, Tsao D, Turrigiano G, Weiss PS, Xu C, Yuste R, Zhuang X. "Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mapping." ACS Nano, vol. 7, no. 3, 2013, pp. 1850-66. |
Alivisatos AP, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Greenspan RJ, McEuen PL, Roukes ML, Sejnowski TJ, Weiss PS, Yuste R. "Neuroscience. The brain activity map." Science, vol. 339, no. 6125, 2013, pp. 1284-5. |
Homer ML, Nurmikko AV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Sensors and decoding for intracortical brain computer interfaces." Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 15, 2013, pp. 383-405. |
Philip BA, Rao N, Donoghue JP. "Simultaneous reconstruction of continuous hand movements from primary motor and posterior parietal cortex." Exp Brain Res, vol. 225, no. 3, 2013, pp. 361-75. |
Shaikhouni, A., Donoghue, J. P., Hochberg, L. R. "Somatosensory responses in a human motor cortex." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 109, no. 8, 2013, pp. 2192-2204. |
Bansal AK, Truccolo W, Vargas-Irwin CE, Donoghue JP. "Decoding 3D reach and grasp from hybrid signals in motor and premotor cortices: spikes, multiunit activity, and local field potentials." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 107, no. 5, 2012, pp. 1337-55. |
Ajiboye, A. B., Simeral, J. D., Donoghue, J. P., Hochberg, L. R., Kirsch, R. F. "Prediction of Imagined Single-Joint Movements in a Person With High-Level Tetraplegia." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 10, 2012, pp. 2755-2765. |
Hochberg LR, Bacher D, Jarosiewicz B, Masse NY, Simeral JD, Vogel J, Haddadin S, Liu J, Cash SS, van der Smagt P, Donoghue JP. "Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm." J. Geophys. Res., vol. 485, no. 7398, 2012, pp. 372-5. |
Chadwick EK, Blana D, Simeral JD, Lambrecht J, Kim SP, Cornwell AS, Taylor DM, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, Kirsch RF. "Continuous neuronal ensemble control of simulated arm reaching by a human with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 8, no. 3, 2011, pp. 034003. |
Simeral JD, Kim SP, Black MJ, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. "Neural control of cursor trajectory and click by a human with tetraplegia 1000 days after implant of an intracortical microelectrode array." J. Neural Eng., vol. 8, no. 2, 2011, pp. 025027. |
Sung-Phil Kim, None, Simeral, John D, Hochberg, Leigh R, Donoghue, J P, Friehs, G M, Black, Michael J. "Point-and-click cursor control with an intracortical neural interface system by humans with tetraplegia." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 19, no. 2, 2011, pp. 193-203. |
Bansal AK, Vargas-Irwin CE, Truccolo W, Donoghue JP. "Relationships among low-frequency local field potentials, spiking activity, and three-dimensional reach and grasp kinematics in primary motor and ventral premotor cortices." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 105, no. 4, 2011, pp. 1603-19. |
Truccolo, Wilson, Donoghue, Jacob A, Hochberg, Leigh R, Eskandar, Emad N, Madsen, Joseph R, Anderson, William S, Brown, Emery N, Halgren, Eric, Cash, Sydney S. "Single-neuron dynamics in human focal epilepsy." Nature Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 5, 2011, pp. 635-41. |
Ajiboye AB, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, Kirsch RF. "Application of system identification methods for decoding imagined single-joint movements in an individual with high tetraplegia." 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, vol. 2010, 2010, pp. 2678-81. |
Truccolo W, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP. "Collective dynamics in human and monkey sensorimotor cortex: predicting single neuron spikes." Nature Neuroscience, vol. 13, no. 1, 2010, pp. 105-11. |
Zhuang J, Truccolo W, Vargas-Irwin C, Donoghue JP. "Decoding 3-D reach and grasp kinematics from high-frequency local field potentials in primate primary motor cortex." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 7, 2010, pp. 1774-84. |
Vargas-Irwin CE, Shakhnarovich G, Yadollahpour P, Mislow JM, Black MJ, Donoghue JP. "Decoding complete reach and grasp actions from local primary motor cortex populations." Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 30, no. 29, 2010, pp. 9659-69. |
Nurmikko AV, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR, Patterson WR, Song YK, Bull CW, Borton DA, Laiwalla F, Park S, Ming Y, Aceros J. "Listening to Brain Microcircuits for Interfacing With External World—Progress in Wireless Implantable Microelectronic Neuroengineering Devices." Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, no. 3, 2010, pp. 375-388. |
Dushanova J, Donoghue J. "Neurons in primary motor cortex engaged during action observation." European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 31, no. 2, 2010, pp. 386-98. |
Zhuang J, Truccolo W, Vargas-Irwin C, Donoghue JP. "Reconstructing grasping motions from high-frequency local field potentials in primary motor cortex." 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2010, 2010, pp. 4347-50. |
Song, Y.-K., Borton, D.A., Park, S., Patterson, W.R., Bull, C.W., Laiwalla, F., Mislow, J., Simeral, J.D., Donoghue, J.P., Nurmikko, A.V. "Active Microelectronic Neurosensor Arrays for Implantable Brain Communication Interfaces." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 17, no. 4, 2009, pp. 339-345. |
Hatsopoulos NG, Donoghue JP. "The science of neural interface systems." Annual Review of Neuroscience, vol. 32, 2009, pp. 249-66. |
Borton DA, Song YK, Patterson WR, Bull CW, Park S, Laiwalla F, Donoghue JP, Nurmikko AV. "Wireless, high-bandwidth recordings from non-human primate motor cortex using a scalable 16-Ch implantable microsystem." 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2009, 2009, pp. 5531-4. |
Yoon-Kyu Song, None, Patterson, William R., Bull, Christopher W., Borton, David A., Nurmikko, Arto V., Simeral, John D., Donoghue, John P. "A neural interface microsystem with all optical telemetry for brain implantable neuroengineering application." 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2008. |
Donoghue JP. "Bridging the brain to the world: a perspective on neural interface systems." Neuron, vol. 60, no. 3, 2008, pp. 511-21. |
Song, Y.-K., Borton, D. A., Park, S., Patterson, W. R., Bull, C. W., Mislow, J., Simeral, J., Donoghue, J. P., Nurmikko, A. V. "Microelectronic neurosensor arrays: Towards implantable brain communication interfaces." 2008 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 2008. |
Kim, Sung-Phil, Simeral, John D, Hochberg, Leigh R, Donoghue, John P, Black, Michael J. "Neural control of computer cursor velocity by decoding motor cortical spiking activity in humans with tetraplegia." J. Neural Eng., vol. 5, no. 4, 2008, pp. 455-476. |
Philip BA, Wu Y, Donoghue JP, Sanes JN. "Performance differences in visually and internally guided continuous manual tracking movements." Exp Brain Res, vol. 190, no. 4, 2008, pp. 475-91. |
Truccolo, W., Friehs, G. M., Donoghue, J. P., Hochberg, L. R. "Primary Motor Cortex Tuning to Intended Movement Kinematics in Humans with Tetraplegia." Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 28, no. 5, 2008, pp. 1163-78. |
Song, Yoon-Kyu, Patterson, William R., Bull, Christopher W., Borton, David A., Li, Yanqiu, Nurmikko, Arto V., Simeral, John D., Donoghue, John P. "A Brain Implantable Microsystem with Hybrid RF/IR Telemetry for Advanced Neuroengineering Applications." 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 2007, 2007, pp. 445-8. |
Donoghue JP, Nurmikko A, Black M, Hochberg LR. "Assistive technology and robotic control using motor cortex ensemble-based neural interface systems in humans with tetraplegia." The Journal of Physiology, vol. 579, no. 3, 2007, pp. 603-11. |
Artemiadis, Panagiotis K., Shakhnarovich, Gregory, Vargas-Irwin, Carlos, Donoghue, John P., Black, Michael J. "Decoding grasp aperture from motor-cortical population activity." 2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2007. |
Song, Yoon-Kyu, Patterson, William R., Bull, Christopher W., Zhang, Jiayi, Sheldon, Candice R., Nurmikko, Arto V., Stein, John J., Serruya, Mijail D., Donoghue, John P. "Fiber Optic Guided Functional Electrical Stimulation with Microscale Photovoltaic Neurostimulator Devices." 2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2007. |
Kim, Sung-Phil, Simeral, John D., Hochberg, Leigh R., Donoghue, John P., Friehs, Gerhard M., Black, Michael J. "Multi-state decoding of point-and-click control signals from motor cortical activity in a human with tetraplegia." 2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2007. |
Truccolo, Wilson, Donoghue, John P. "Nonparametric Modeling of Neural Point Processes via Stochastic Gradient Boosting Regression." Neural Computation, vol. 19, no. 3, 2007, pp. 672-705. |
Rioult-Pedotti, M.-S., Donoghue, J. P., Dunaevsky, A. "Plasticity of the Synaptic Modification Range." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 98, no. 6, 2007, pp. 3688-3695. |
Donoghue, John. "Neural Engineering." 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. |
Wu, Wei, Gao, Yun, Bienenstock, Elie, Donoghue, John P., Black, Michael J. "Bayesian Population Decoding of Motor Cortical Activity Using a Kalman Filter." Neural Computation, vol. 18, no. 1, 2006, pp. 80-118. |
Kubler, None, Mushahwar, None, Hochberg, None, Donoghue, None. "BCI Meeting 2005—Workshop on Clinical Issues and Applications." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 14, no. 2, 2006, pp. 131-134. |
Hochberg, L.R., Donoghue, J.P. "Sensors for brain-computer interfaces." IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Mag., vol. 25, no. 5, 2006, pp. 32-38. |
Sung-Phil Kim, None, Wood, F., Fellows, M., Donoghue, J.P., Black, M.J. "Statistical Analysis of the Non-stationarity of Neural Population Codes." The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006. BioRob 2006., 2006. |
Saleh, M., Caplan, A.H., Serruya, M., Donoghue, J.P. "Case Study: Reliability of Multi-Electrode Array in the Knob Area of Human Motor Cortex Intended for a Neuromotor Prosthesis Application." 9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2005. ICORR 2005., 2005. |
Hatsopoulos, N.G., Mukand, J.A., Polykoff, G., Friehs, G.M., Donoghue, J.P. "Cortically controlled brain-machine interface." 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 2005. |
Song YK, Patterson WR, Bull CW, Beals J, Hwang N, Deangelis AP, Lay C, McKay JL, Nurmikko AV, Fellows MR, Simeral JD, Donoghue JP, Connors BW. "Development of a chipscale integrated microelectrode/microelectronic device for brain implantable neuroengineering applications." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 13, no. 2, 2005, pp. 220-226. |
Wood, F., Prabhat, None, Donoghue, J.P., Black, M.J. "Inferring Attentional State and Kinematics from Motor Cortical Firing Rates." 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 2005. |
Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP. "Reliability of signals from a chronically implanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex." IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 13, no. 4, 2005, pp. 524-541. |
Shoham S, Paninski LM, Fellows MR, Hatsopoulos NG, Donoghue JP, Normann RA. "Statistical encoding model for a primary motor cortical brain-machine interface." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 52, no. 7, 2005, pp. 1312-22. |
Truccolo, W. "A Point Process Framework for Relating Neural Spiking Activity to Spiking History, Neural Ensemble, and Extrinsic Covariate Effects." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 93, no. 2, 2004, pp. 1074-1089. |
Friehs, G. M. "Brain-Machine and Brain-Computer Interfaces." Stroke, vol. 35, no. 11_suppl_1, 2004, pp. 2702-2705. |
Fofonoff, T.A., Martel, S.M., Hatsopoulos, N.G., Donoghue, J.P., Hunter, I.W. "Microelectrode Array Fabrication by Electrical Discharge Machining and Chemical Etching." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 6, 2004, pp. 890-895. |
Wu, W., Black, M.J., Mumford, D., Gao, Y., Bienenstock, E., Donoghue, J.P. "Modeling and Decoding Motor Cortical Activity Using a Switching Kalman Filter." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 6, 2004, pp. 933-942. |
Wood F, Black MJ, Vargas-Irwin C, Fellows M, Donoghue JP. "On the Variability of Manual Spike Sorting." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 6, 2004, pp. 912-8. |
Eden, U.T., Truccolo, W., Fellows, M.R., Donoghue, J.P., Brown, E.N. "Reconstruction of hand movement trajectories from a dynamic ensemble of spiking motor cortical neurons." The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004. |
Paninski, L. "Superlinear Population Encoding of Dynamic Hand Trajectory in Primary Motor Cortex." Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 24, no. 39, 2004, pp. 8551-8561. |
Paninski, L. "Spatiotemporal Tuning of Motor Cortical Neurons for Hand Position and Velocity." Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 91, no. 1, 2003, pp. 515-532. |
Hess G, Donoghue JP. "Long-term potentiation and long-term depression of horizontal connections in rat motor cortex." Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, vol. 56, no. 1, 1996, pp. 397-405. |
Donoghue JP, Sanes JN. "Motor areas of the cerebral cortex." Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, vol. 11, no. 4, 1994, pp. 382-96. |
Jacobs KM, Donoghue JP. "Reshaping the cortical motor map by unmasking latent intracortical connections." Science, vol. 251, no. 4996, 1991, pp. 944-7. |
Donoghue JP, Wise SP. "The motor cortex of the rat: cytoarchitecture and microstimulation mapping." The Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. 212, no. 1, 1982, pp. 76-88. |
Barrese JC, Rao N, Paroo K, Triebwasser C, Vargas-Irwin C, Franquemont L, Donoghue JP. Failure mode analysis of silicon-based intracortical microelectrode arrays in non-human primates. J Neural Eng. 2013 Dec;10(6):066014.
Jarosiewicz B, Masse NY, Bacher D, Cash SS, Eskandar E, Friehs G, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. Advantages of closed-loop calibration in intracortical brain-computer interfaces for people with tetraplegia. J Neural Eng. 2013 Aug;10(4):046012.
Perge JA, Homer ML, Malik WQ, Cash S, Eskandar E, Friehs G, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. Intra-day signal instabilities affect decoding performance in an intracortical neural interface system. J Neural Eng. 2013 Jun;10(3):036004.
Shaikhouni A, Donoghue JP, Hochberg LR. Somatosensory responses in a human motor cortex. J Neurophysiol. 2013 Apr;109(8):2192-204.
Donoghue, JP (2008) Bridging the Brain to the World: A Perspective on Neural Interface Systems John P. Neuron 60, pp. 511-521, 2008.
Wu, W., Gao, Y., Bienenstock, E., Donoghue, J. P., Black, M.J. (2006) Bayesian population decoding of motor cortical activity using a Kalman filter Neural Computation: 2006; 18(1):80-118. PDF
Kim, S.-P., Wood, F., Fellows, M., Donoghue, J. P., Black, M. J. (2006) Statistical analysis of the non-stationarity of neural population codes. BioRob 2006, The first IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 295-299, Piza, Italy, February 2006. PDF
Hochberg, L.R., Serruya, M.D, Friehs, G.M, Mukand, J.A., Saleh, M, Caplan, A.H., Branner, A., Chen, D., Penn, R.D., and Donoghue, J.P. (2006) Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia. Nature, 442, 164-171 (13 July 2006) Nature issue: Web Focus on Brain-Machine Interfaces:
Shoham, S., Paninski, L.M., Fellows, M.R., Hatsopoulos, N.G., Donoghue, J.P., Normann, R.A. (2005). Statistical Encoding Model for a Primary Motor Cortical Brain-Machine Interface. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(7): 1312-1322. PDF
Paninski, L., Fellows, M.R., Hatsopoulos, N.G., and Donoghue, J.P. (2004) Spatiotemporal tuning of motor cortical neurons for hand position and velocity. Journal of Neurophysiology 91(1): 515-32.
Donoghue, J. P., Nurmikko, A., Friehs, G., and Black, M., J. (2004) Chapter 63. Development of a neuromotor prosthesis for humans, in Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology,Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 57, [Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, AAEM 50th Anniversary and the 57th Annual Meeting of the ACNS Joint Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15-20 September 2003] M. Hallett, L.H. Phillips II, D.L. Schomer, J.M. Massey, Eds., pp.588-602. PDF
Song, Y. K., Patterson, W. R., Bull, C. W., Beals, J., Hwang, N., Deangelis, A. P., Lay, C., McKay, J. L., Nurmikko, A. V., Fellows, M. R., Simeral, J. D., Donoghue, J. P., Connors, B. W. (2004) Development of a chipscale integrated microelectrode/microelectronic device for brain implantable neuroengineering applications. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2005 June; 13(2): 220-226.
Serruya MD, Donoghue JP. (2003) Chapter III: Design Principles of a Neuromotor Prosthetic Device in Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice, ed. Kenneth W. Horch, Gurpreet S. Dhillon. Imperial College Press. pages 1158-1196.
Serruya, M.D., Hatsopoulos, N.G., Paninski, L., Fellows, M.R., and Donoghue, J.P. (2002) Instant neural control of a movement signal. Nature 416:141-2. PDF
Donoghue, J.P. (2002) Connecting cortex to machines: recent advances in brain interfaces. Nature Neuroscience Supplement, November 2002. 5:1085-8. PDF
Baker, J.T., Donoghue, J.P., and Sanes, J.N. (1999) Gaze direction modulates finger movement activation patterns in human cerebral cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 19(22):10044-52.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1979 | PhD | Brown University |
1976 | MS | University of Vermont |
Fellowships and Awards:
2013 Winner, First Israel Brain Technologies Global BRAIN Prize
2012 Elected Fellow, National Academy of Medicine
2012 Erwin Schroedinger Prize 2012 (with Patrick vonder Smagt), Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
2011 Community Service Award, Paralysis Association of Rhode Island
2011 Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
2011 Carmichael Medal, Queens Square Neurology, University College London
National Academy of Inventors (Fellow)
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (Fellow)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Fellow)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)
2016 Top 100 most influential people Swiss Romande
2011 Top 100 Irish American Educators
2010 Roche/Nature Medicine Translational Medicine Award (shared with Helen Mayberg)
2010 "Pioneer in Medicine" Award International Brain Mapping Society
2009 "In Praise of Medicine" Award Erasmus University Rotterdam
2007 International Prize for Translational Neuroscience (Max Plank/Reemtsma Foundation Germany)
2002 NINDS Javitts Award
Henry Merritt Wriston Professorship
March of Dimes Foundation, Basil O'Connor Fellowship
Discover Award for Innovation (DIscover Magazine)
Gold Electrode Award: Neurotechnology Researcher of the Year. Neurotechnology Reports, 2004
Popular Mechanics 2005 Breakthrough Award
Nominee, 2005 World Technology Award in the category of Health and Medicine
Wired Magazine, Biggest Discoveries of 2005
2006 Neurobotics…The Future of Thinking? Exhibit at Science Museum of London
Name | Title |
Hochberg, Leigh | L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering, Professor of Brain Science |
Nurmikko, Arto | L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering, Professor of Physics |
Truccolo, Wilson | Pablo J. Salame Goldman Sachs Associate Professor of Computational Neuroscience |
Vargas-Irwin, Carlos | Assistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research) |
Brown University
University of Geneva (School of Medicine) Professor Titulaire
Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne Professor Titulaire
NEUR 1930J - C2S Neurotech: From Concept to Startup- Translating Neurotechnology |