The mission of the Department of Neuroscience is to advance knowledge through outstanding research focused on understanding nervous system function in health and disease and to educate and train the next generation of neuroscientists. We believe these goals are best achieved by broadening opportunities in science and building a more diverse and inclusive neuroscience community. Department faculty and students have myriad interests and expertise across the field of neuroscience, from genes to cognition. Our research includes developing new technologies, both computational and neurotechnological, to visualize, map and manipulate neuronal function. We take great pride in teaching and training scientists at all career stages,- including undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, as well as post-doctoral scholars. Our nationally renowned Neuroscience Graduate Programs include a partnership program with the National Institutes of Health. Our undergraduate concentration, one of the oldest and most prestigious in the nation, introduces students to the wonders of the nervous system through a broad and interdisciplinary variety of classroom, seminar, and laboratory experiences. Our graduate students are highly successful at applying their expertise and skills in neuroscience-related careers in academia, industry, and business. Our educational missions are supported by NIH training grants for graduate and postdoctoral fellows studying neuroscience and vision sciences. The mission of the Department is enhanced by a close partnership with the Carney Institute for Brain Science, a multidisciplinary consortium of over 200 faculty from 20 basic and clinical science departments, centers and schools. The Institute promotes collaborative theoretical and experimental research of the brain and nervous system.


Faculty Administrative Positions

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Hart, Anne CChair of Neuroscience

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Sheinberg, DavidGraduate Program Director for the Neuroscience Graduate Program

Faculty Positions

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Abdelfattah, AhmedRobert J. and Nancy D. Carney University Assistant Professor of Brain Science

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Aizenman, CarlosRoyce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Neuroscience, Professor of Neuroscience

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Andrade Andrade, ArturoAssociate Professor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Asaad, WaelProfessor of Neuroscience

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Barnea, GiladSidney A. Fox and Dorothea Doctors Fox Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Professor of Neuroscience

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Berson, David MSidney A. Fox and Dorothea Doctors Fox Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science

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Bienenstock, Lucien J EAssociate Professor of Neuroscience

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Bowen, Wayne DProfessor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Bowen, Wayne DProfessor Emeritus of Neuroscience

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Bowen, Wayne DAdjunct Professor of Neuroscience

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Chirila, Anda MAssistant Professor of Neuroscience

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Connors, Barry WL. Herbert Ballou University Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience

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Connors, Barry WProfessor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Davenport, R JohnAdjunct Associate Professor of Neuroscience

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Desrochers, Theresa MRosenberg Family Assistant Professor of Brain Science

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Donoghue, John PHenry Merritt Wriston Professor of Neuroscience

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Doyle, Francis JosephProfessor of Neuroscience

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Fallon, Justin RProfessor of Medical Science

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Fleischmann, AlexanderProvost's Professor of Brain Science

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Hart, Anne CProfessor of Neuroscience

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Hernandez, JohnAssistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Hoffman-Kim, DianeAssociate Professor of Neuroscience

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Jaworski, AlexanderJune G. Zimmerman Associate Professor of Brain Science

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Jones, Stephanie RProfessor of Neuroscience

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Kaun, KarlaAssociate Professor of Neuroscience

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Linden, MonicaDistinguished Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience

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Lipscombe, DianeThomas J. Watson, Sr. Professor of Science, Professor of Neuroscience

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Mayoral, SoniaRobert J. and Nancy D. Carney Assistant Professor of Neuroscience

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McIlwain, James TSidney A. and Dorothea Doctors Fox Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology and Visual Science

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McIlwain, James TProfessor Emeritus of Neuroscience

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Moore, Christopher IProfessor of Neuroscience

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Morrow, Eric MProfessor of Neuroscience

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Nassar, MattAssistant Professor of Neuroscience

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O'Connor-Giles, KateProvost's Professor of Brain Science

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Oancea, ElenaProfessor of Medical Science

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Paradiso, Michael ASidney A. Fox and Dorothea Doctors Fox Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Professor of Neuroscience

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Patrick, Robert LAssociate Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience

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Pouille, FredericAssistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Sanes, JeromeProfessor of Neuroscience

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Sheinberg, DavidProfessor of Neuroscience

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Simmons, James AProfessor of Biology

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SorkaƧ, AltarAssistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Stein, John JDistinguished Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience

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Truccolo, WilsonPablo J. Salame Goldman Sachs Associate Professor of Computational Neuroscience

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Vargas-Irwin, Carlos EAssistant Professor of Neuroscience (Research)

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Worden, Michael SAssociate Professor of Neuroscience (Research)