Dr. Srivastava is an Associate Professor of Engineering and Director of the Graduate Program for Biomedical Engineering at the Institute of Biology, Engineering, and Medicine at Brown University.
Dr. Srivastava earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2010. Following his doctoral studies, he held key roles at ExxonMobil, including Advanced Research Associate, Senior Technical Professional Advisor in Mechanics of Materials, Mechanics Team Lead, Marine Team Lead, and Worldwide Deepwater Drilling Engineering Coordinator. Dr. Srivastava joined Brown University in the fall of 2018.
His research group at Brown develops constitutive and computational models, integrated with experiments, to characterize material behavior in extreme environments and address critical challenges in mechanics and biomedical science.
Research group: https://sites.brown.edu/srivastavalab/
Vaishakh, K.V., Parambil, N.K., Srivastava, Vikas. "Hygroscopic damage of fiber–matrix interface in unidirectional composites: A computational approach." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 279, 2024, pp. 109460. |
Konale, Aditya, Ahmed, Zahra, Wanchoo, Piyush, Srivastava, Vikas. "A large deformation model for quasi-static to high strain rate response of a rate-stiffening soft polymer." International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 168, 2023, pp. 103701. |
Machnicki, Catherine E., DuBois, Eric M., Fay, Meg, Shrestha, Snehi, Saleeba, Zachary S. S. L., Hruska, Alex M., Ahmed, Zahra, Srivastava, Vikas, Chen, Po-Yen, Wong, Ian Y. "Graphene oxide nanosheets augment silk fibroin aerogels for enhanced water stability and oil adsorption." Nanoscale Advances, vol. 5, no. 22, 2023, pp. 6078-6092. |
Ahmed Z, LoGiudice K, Mays G, Schorr A, Rowey R, Yang H, Trivedi S, Srivastava V. "Increasing Chemotherapeutic Efficacy Using pH-Modulating and Doxorubicin-Releasing Injectable Chitosan-Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 15, no. 39, 2023, pp. 45626-45639. |
Niu, Sijun, Zhang, Enrui, Bazilevs, Yuri, Srivastava, Vikas. "Modeling finite-strain plasticity using physics-informed neural network and assessment of the network performance." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 172, 2023, pp. 105177. |
LaJoie, Zachary, Usherwood, Thomas, Sampath, Shailen, Srivast, Vikas. "A COVID-19 model incorporating variants, vaccination, waning immunity, and population behavior." 2022. |
LaJoie Z, Usherwood T, Sampath S, Srivastava V. "A COVID-19 model incorporating variants, vaccination, waning immunity, and population behavior." Scientific reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 2022, pp. 20377. |
Klinge, Petra M., Srivastava, Vikas, McElroy, Abigail, Leary, Owen P., Ahmed, Zahra, Donahue, John E., Brinker, Thomas, De Vloo, Philippe, Gokaslan, Ziya L. "Diseased filum terminale as a cause of tethered cord syndrome in Ehlers Danlos syndrome: histopathology, biomechanics, clinical presentation, and outcome of filum excision." World Neurosurgery, 2022. |
Sampath SG, Telfeian AE, Sullivan R, Lu A, Srivastava V. "Shape Memory Nitinol Based Minimally Invasive Spinal Cord Stimulation Device Concept for Improved Pain Management." Pain physician, vol. 25, no. 2, 2022, pp. E375-E383. |
Niu, Sijun, Srivastava, Vikas. "Simulation trained CNN for accurate embedded crack length, location, and orientation prediction from ultrasound measurements." International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 242, 2022, pp. 111521. |
Sijun Niu and Vikas Srivastava.
"Ultrasound classification of interacting flaws using finite element simulations
and convolutional neural network." Engineering with Computers, 2022.
Bai, Yifei, Kaiser, Nicholas J., Coulombe, Kareen L.K., Srivastava, Vikas. "A continuum model and simulations for large deformation of anisotropic fiber–matrix composites for cardiac tissue engineering." Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 121, 2021, pp. 104627. |
Zhong, Jun, Srivastava, Vikas. "A higher-order morphoelastic beam model for tubes and filaments subjected to biological growth." International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 233, 2021, pp. 111235. |
Usherwood, Thomas, LaJoie, Zachary, Srivastava, Vikas. "A model and predictions for COVID-19 considering population behavior and vaccination." Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1, 2021. |
Malhotra, P., Niu, S., Srivastava, V., Guduru, P. R. "A Technique for High-Speed Microscopic Imaging of Dynamic Failure Events and Its Application to Shear Band Initiation in Polycarbonate." Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 89, no. 4, 2021. |
Shukla, S., Favata, J., Srivastava, V., Shahbazmohamadi, S., Tripathi, A., and Shukla, A. "Effect of polymer and ion concentration on mechanical and drug release behavior of gellan hydrogels using factorial design." Journal of the Polymer Science, vol. 58, 2020, pp. 1365-1379. |
Kothari, Mrityunjay, Niu, Sijun, Srivastava, Vikas. "A thermo-mechanically coupled finite strain model for phase-transitioning austenitic steels in ambient to cryogenic temperature range." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 133, 2019, pp. 103729. |
Thirumalai, N., Srivastava, V., Hallai, J., Ma, N., Sarosi, P., Jun, H.J., and Baker, D. "Hydrogen Permeation, Absorption and Trapping in Carbon Steels: A Comparison of Line Pipe and OCTG Steels." Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2019. |
Jun, H.J., Srivastava, V., Ma, N., Sarosi, P., and Thirumalai, N. "Measuring Crack Propagation Resistance of Line Pipe Steels in Sour Service – A Comparative Study of Test Methods and Materials Response." Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2019. |
Gordon, Peter A., Liu, Fushen, Meier, Holger A., Panchadhara, Rohan, Srivastava, Vikas. "A material point method for simulation of viscoelastic flows." Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 5, no. 3, 2018, pp. 311-325. |
Zheng, Haining, Slocum, Scott T., Huang, Jerry Z., Srivastava, Vikas, Lee, Sungho, Wang, Howard H. "Numerical Analysis of Experimental Data of Subsea Jumper Vortex Induced Vibrations." Volume 2: CFD and VIV, 2015. |
Srivastava, Vikas , Hallai, Julian , Campbell, Brad , Kokkinis, Ted. "Dynamic Response of Submerged Buoys Disconnected at Large Vessel Offsets." OTC Arctic Technology Conference, 2014. |
Stright, Sean, Tears, Nelson, King, Gregory, Srivastava, Vikas, Smith, David. "Reentry campaign gives first round subsea fields second chance to produce." Drilling contractor, vol. 68, no. 3, 2012. |
Stright, Sean Robert, Srivastava, Vikas, King, Gregory W., Smith, David, Tears, Nelson C. "Regeneration of First-Generation Subsea Fields: The Challenges of New Wells in Old Infrastructure." IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition, 2012. |
Jena, R.K., Chester, S.A., Srivastava, V., Yue, C.Y., Anand, L., Lam, Y.C. "Large-strain thermo-mechanical behavior of cyclic olefin copolymers: Application to hot embossing and thermal bonding for the fabrication of microfluidic devices." Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 155, no. 1, 2011, pp. 93-105. |
Srivastava, Vikas, Buitrago, Jaime, Slocum, Scott T. "Stress Analysis of a Cryogenic Corrugated Pipe." Volume 3: Materials Technology; Jan Vugts Symposium on Design Methodology of Offshore Structures; Jo Pinkster Symposium on Second Order Wave Drift Forces on Floating Structures; Johan Wichers Symposium on Mooring of Floating Structures in Waves, 2011. |
Chester, Shawn A., Srivastava, Vikas, Di Leo, Claudio V., Anand, Lallit. "A Large-Deformation Theory for Thermally-Actuated Shape-Memory Polymers and its Application." Volume 9: Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids, 2010. |
Chester, Shawn A., Srivastava, Vikas, Anand, Lallit. "A Thermo-Mechanically Coupled Large-Deformation Theory for Amorphous Polymers Across the Glass Transition Temperature." Volume 9: Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids, 2010. |
Srivastava, Vikas, Chester, Shawn A., Ames, Nicoli M., Anand, Lallit. "A thermo-mechanically-coupled large-deformation theory for amorphous polymers in a temperature range which spans their glass transition." International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 26, no. 8, 2010, pp. 1138-1182. |
Chester, Shawn A.; Srivastava, Vikas; Anand, Lallit.
"A thermo-mechanically-coupled theory for the damage and failure of amorphous polymers." Proceedings of the SEM IMPLAST 2010 Conference, 2010.
Srivastava, Vikas, Chester, Shawn A., Anand, Lallit. "Thermally actuated shape-memory polymers: Experiments, theory, and numerical simulations." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 58, no. 8, 2010, pp. 1100-1124. |
Anand, Lallit, Ames, Nicoli M., Srivastava, Vikas, Chester, Shawn A. "A thermo-mechanically coupled theory for large deformations of amorphous polymers. Part I: Formulation." International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 25, no. 8, 2009, pp. 1474-1494. |
Ames, Nicoli M., Srivastava, Vikas, Chester, Shawn A., Anand, Lallit. "A thermo-mechanically coupled theory for large deformations of amorphous polymers. Part II: Applications." International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 25, no. 8, 2009, pp. 1495-1539. |
Henann, David L, Srivastava, Vikas, Taylor, Hayden K, Hale, Melinda R, Hardt, David E, Anand, Lallit. "Metallic glasses: viable tool materials for the production of surface microstructures in amorphous polymers by micro-hot-embossing." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 19, no. 11, 2009, pp. 115030. |
Srivastava, Vikas, Anand, Lallit. "On Modeling the Mechanical Behavior of Amorphous Polymers for the Micro-Hot-Embossing of Microfluidic Devices." Volume 13: Nano-Manufacturing Technology; and Micro and Nano Systems, Parts A and B, 2008. |
Srivastava, V., Parameswaran, V., Shukla, A., Morgan, D. "Effect of Loading Rate and Geometry Variation on the Dynamic Shear Strength of Adhesive Lap Joints." Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 2002, pp. 769-780. |
Srivastava, V, Shukla, A, Parameswaran, V. "Experimental Evaluation of the Dynamic Shear Strength of Adhesive-Bonded Lap Joints." Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 28, no. 6, 2000, pp. 438. |
The Srivastava Research Group focuses on developing and applying continuum-scale solid mechanics theories, models, and experiments for engineering materials and biomedical systems subjected to coupled multi-physics or extreme environments. The research group has the following interconnected thrust areas:
(1) Coupled multi-physics material models
(2) Material deformation, damage and failure under extreme environments
(3) Mechanistic models and experiments for biomedical science
(4) Integration of mechanics with machine learning
Research Lab: The Srivastava Group
Year | Degree | Institution |
2010 | PhD | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
1999 | MS | University of Rhode Island |
1998 | BT | Indian Institute of Technology |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Society of Engineering Science
Biomedical Engineering Society
Society of Experimental Mechanics
ENGN 2911R Modeling for Biomechanical and Biomedical Systems
Fall (Graduate level course)
Develop a fundamental understanding of important statistical, physical, and mathematical modeling methods for biomedical engineering applications. Topics covered will include factorial design and analysis of experiments, modeling of infectious disease spread and dynamics, drug delivery, cell and tissue mechanics, and tumor growth modeling. Learn statistical methods, factorial design of experiments, transport models, numerical methods, nonlinear and time-dependent response, soft materials modeling, and applications of these methods in biomedical systems.
ENGN 1210 Biomechanics
Spring (Undergraduate upper-level course)
Important foundations of continuum biomechanics, properties and mechanical response of biomaterials, three-dimensional concepts of strains and stress, linear isotropic elasticity, anisotropic behavior, yield, fracture, fatigue, nonlinear elastic, and viscoelastic response of engineering, biological, and biomedical materials and structures will be taught. Students will learn the physical basis, theory, modeling, and engineering applications of each topic from the biomechanics perspective.
ENGN 1210 - Biomechanics |
ENGN 2911R - Analytical Modeling for Biomechanical and Biomedical Systems |