Professor of Engineering


Professor Hurt received his Ph.D. from M.I.T. in 1987 and before joining Brown held positions in the Central Research and Development Division of Bayer AG in Leverkusen, Germany, and at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California.  He served as Director of the NIH-supported Superfund Research Program Center at Brown, and from 2013-2018 as Editor-in-Chief of the materials science and nanotechnology journal CARBON.  He is currently on the editorial advisory board of the Royal Society Journal Environmental Science Nano. He served as Technical Program Chair for the international conference, Carbon2004, and in the same year received the Graffin Lecture Award of the American Carbon Society. Prof. Hurt also received the Silver Medal of the Combustion Institute in Naples, Italy in 1996 and an NSF CAREER Award in the same year.  In 2013 he received the Charles E. Pettinos Award for "recent outstanding research accomplishment in the sciene and/or technology of carbon materials"

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas