Professor of Engineering, Director of STEMJazz Programs


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Here is a formal (pure academic puffery) Curriculum Vitae in PDF format and Chris' Wikipedia page  (15 seconds of fame puffery).  Here are links to short bios (formal and fun).

Dr. Christopher Rose   received the S.B. (1979), S.M. (1981) and Ph.D. (1985) degrees all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Following graduate school, he joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, N.J.  as a member of the Network Systems Research Department where he regaled his peers with levitated center conductor Hi-Tc superconducting cables, annoyed them by showing random lightwave network architectures performed as well as carefully sculpted ones, and puzzled them with odd applications of cellular automata.  In 1990 when Arno (Penzias) told everyone in "Area 11" to go to academe if they were not keenly interested in the corporate bottom line (including his Nobel partner Bob [Wilson]), Chris  was congratulated on his timing as he joined the E&CE at Rutgers University the very next week.  He is currently a Professor of Engineering at Brown and a Fellow of the IEEE, cited "for contributions to wireless communication systems theory," and the recipient of the 2022 IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award. He has also served as a full member of the Army Science Board (2013--2014).

His research interests have included novel mobile communications networks, applications of genetic algorithms to control problems in communications networks and interference avoidance methods using universal radios to foster peaceful coexistence in what will be the wireless ecology of the 5GHz U-NII bands.  This work, co-authored with Sennur Ulukus  and Roy Yates,  received the 2003 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications.     Here's a picture of the ecstatic authors at the Globecom 2004 awards ceremony (picture credit: Aylin Yener).

For fun, as an outgrowth of research on opportunistic communications,  he also considered the details of a  problem everyone has wondered about at one time or another: how will our first extraterrestrial civilization contact occur? The interesting twist is that it can be FAR more efficient for distant  "little green people" to send information-bearing physical artifacts than electromagnetic signals -- seemingly at odds with current SETI wisdom. This work was featured on the cover of the September 2, 2004 issue of Nature and can be found (along with an astounding amount of press coverage, including a NY Times Editorial!!!)  under the tongue-in-cheek rubric cosmic communications.   Here's an associated cartoon competition!

He is currently interested in any and everything to which information/communication theory can be applied.  Molecular communication and computing are currently funded topics.

Chris can be reached at Christopher_Rose AT Brown DOT edu

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