Professor of Chemistry


Born and raised in South Korea, Eunsuk Kim earned her B.S. degree from Sangmyung University and her M.S. degree from Korea University, where she worked under the guidance of Professor Ho. G. Jang. In 1998, she moved to the USA and pursued her Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University, conducting research under the supervision of Professor Kenneth D. Karlin and receiving her degree in 2004. Following her Ph.D., she completed two postdoctoral stints as an LSRF postdoctoral fellow, one in the laboratories of Professor Bruce Demple at Harvard University and the other in the laboratory of Professor John M. Essigmann at MIT. In 2008, she joined the faculty at Brown University, where her research focuses on bioinorganic chemistry of redox signaling, bio-inspired catalysts for chalcogen atom transfer, and molecular informatics and computing.

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