Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Research), Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Research)


Dr. Douglas Hixson is a Professor (Research) in the Departments of Medicine and Pathology, Brown Medical School and Director of the Molecular Carcinogenesis Laboratory for the Division of Hematology and Oncology at Rhode Island Hospital. For the last 25 years, he has conducted basic research into the role of Ig-like cell adhesion molecules and ductal progenitor cells in liver carcinogenesis and has over 80 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. He is the PI of three NIH RO1 grants and is the P.I. and Director of the Center for Biological Research Excellence (COBRE) for Cancer Research Development at Rhode Island Hospital, a Center supported by a 5 year - $8.2 million grant from the National Center for Research Resources. He has been active in teaching both undergraduate and graduate students at Brown University and has been a course leader for 3 different graduate level courses.

Brown Affiliations