Indira Gil holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics from Florida International University. Dr. Gil has extensive experience teaching mathematics at the middle school, high school, and college level. Her work is greatly informed by these experiences. Her main focus in all of her courses is to examine issues of equity in education and provide students with opportunities to consider the roles they play as well as how they can further develop their roles to shift the current narratives that oftentimes perpetuate inequities based on race, gender, sexuality, ability, and language.
A vital piece of Dr. Gil’s work is community engagement. One example is working in partnership with the community during the Brown Summer High School (BSHS) program. During the summer, she works with incoming MAT graduate students and mathematics teachers from our partner schools in creating an equity-based, social justice oriented, culturally sustaining curriculum to teach high school students from the surrounding districts. Together they create a collaborative space where students engage with challenging algebraic, geometric, and statistical concepts. Each year they focus on a different topic which have ranged from utilizing mathematics to examine social inequities to cultivating math identities through problem based mathematics instruction to using mathematics to design games.