"Preface" to Margaret Coldiron's Trance and Transformation of the Actor in Japanese Noh and Balinese Masked Dance Drama, Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.
Entries on "I Nyman Kakul," "Topeng," and "Prahlada Nataka." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Performance, Oxford Univ. Press, 2004
Entries on "Masks of South Asia," "Bahurupiahs," "Bhand Pather," "Prahlada Nataka," "Danda Nata" and "Bharat Lila" for The Encyclopedia of South Asian Folklore, ed. Peter Claus. New York: Garland Publishing, 2002.
"Playing with the Past: Visitation and Illusion in the Mask Theatre of Bali." Republished in Popular Theatre, ed. Joel Schecther, Routledge, 2002.
"A Joker in the Deck: Hajari Bhand of Rajasthan." Republished in Popular Theatre, ed Joel Schechter, Routledge, 2002.
"Performance, Neuroscience, and the Limits of Culture." In Teaching Performance Studies, ed, Nathan Stuckey and Cynthia Wimmer, Southern Illinois University Press, 2002.
"Hybridity and the Uses of Adversity: Culture and Crisis in the Prahlada Nataka of Orissa," Seagull Theatre Magazine, Calcutta, XXXI, September, 2001
"The Mask in Asian Theater: Ritual and Entertainment." In John W. Nunley and Cara MaCary, eds., Masks: Faces of Culture. New York: Harry N. Abrams in association with the St. Louis Art Museum, 1999, pp. 209-229, 325-327.
Masks, Mind, and Man: An interactive data base of the mask collection of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in New Delhi, including a multi-media introduction to masks: available on internet, forthcoming as CD, 1997.
Masked Performance: The Play of Self and Other in Ritual and Theatre. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1996 (runner-up for the 1997 Barnard Hewitt Award administered by the American Society for Theatre Research).
Profile piece on my interests, India Today, August, 1994
Review of Subversive Laughter by Ron Jenkins in Bali Arts and Culture Newsletter, 1994.
Entries on "Masks," "Asian and Pacific Island Theatre" (with James R. Brandon) and "Asian Influences on Western Theatre" (with James R. Brandon) for The Cambridge Guide to Theatre, rev. edition, Martin Banham, ed. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 41-54, 687-689.
"The Many Faces of Bahurupiyah Hajari Bhand" (a revision of "A Joker in the Deck: Hajari Bhand of Rajasthan," TDR article, see below). In The Idea of Rajasthan: Explorations in Regional Identity., Volume I: Constructions. New Delhi and Columbia, Mo.: Manhohar and South Asia Books, 1994, pp. 278-312.
Reviews of Balinese Masks by Judy Slattum in Bali Arts and Culture Newsletter and Asian Theatre Journal, 1994
"Gender Bending in Balinese Performance" (with Jamer Hunt). In Laurence Senelick, ed. Gender in Performance: The Presentation of Difference in the Performing Arts. Hanover, NH: New England University Press, 1992, pp. 195-222.
Review of Martin Banham, ed. The Cambridge Guide to World Theatre, Asian Theatre Journal,1990 .
"The Domains of Topeng." In Art and Politics in Southeast Asia, Six Perspectives: Papers from the Distinguished Scholars Series, ed. Robert Van Neil, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Center for Southeast Asian Studies,1990, pp. 65-96.
"Witches, Wizards and Other Frightening Folk in Balinese Theatre," photographic essay in Faces, Cobblesone Press, October, 1989.
Steven Snow, "Intercultural Performance: The Balinese-American Model," an article on the work of myself, Islene Pinder, and Julie Taymor involving the use of Balinese theatrical traditions, Asian Theatre Journal, vol 5, no 2, pp. 204-232., 1988
Mask/Work (30 Minutes): A documentary video by Mick Diener and Christophe Lund on my use of masks in actor training, 1986
"A Joker in the Deck: Hajari Bhand of Rajasthan," The Drama Review, vol 30, no l (T109) (with Ulrike Emigh], March, 1986, pp. 101-130.
"Bhands and Bahurupiyas of Northern Indian," In The Living Arts of India: A Multi-Media Instuctional Kit, Smithsonian Institution and UNICEF (with Ulrike Emigh], Jan., 1986.
Review of Phllip Zarrilli's The Kathakali Complex, The Drama Review, vol 30, no 2 (T110), August, 1986.
Hajari Bhand of Rajasthan: Jester without Court (short version, 30 min.): An edited video documentary on the same subject, shown as part of the Aditi Living Arts of India Exhibit, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 6-8/85
"Euripides and the A-Effect," Communications, XIV, 2, 1985, pp. 20-28.
Hajari Bhand of Rajasthan: Jester without a Court (40 min): A documentary video on the life of a former court jester who now makes his living as a street performer, made with Ulrike Emigh and completed 11/85. Selected for the rental library of the AsianTheatre Program and distributed by Documentary Educational Resources, Watertown, Mass.
"Dealing with the Demonic: Strategies for Containment in Hindu Iconography and Performance," Asian Theatre Journal, Vol. i, no. 1 ,1984, pp. 21-39.
Roberta Reeder, "An Encounter of Codes: Little Red Riding Shawl and the Balinese topeng," The Drama Review, vol. 23, no. 4 (T84), pp. 81-92, 1982.
"Masking and Playing: Observations on Masked Performance in New Guinea," World of Music (a UNESCO publication), W. Berlin, Germany, 1981, vol. 3, pp. 5-25.
The Techniques of Topeng: Masked Theatre of Bali and Adapting Topeng: Two video tapes made for a Michigan State Univ. series on "Asian Acting Techniques for Western Actors," produced by Farley Richmond, 1/80 [Distributed by FFI and Image].
Featured Guest and Consultant on All Amaze, children's televisionprogram, Channel 12, Providence, 1/79 and 3/79 (Programs on Bali and Masks)
Jelantik Goes to Blambangan, trans. with I Made Bandem of the performance transcript of a topeng pajegan by I Nyoman Kakul, The Drama Review, vol. 23, no. 2 (T82), 1979 , pp. 37-48.
"Waiting for Godot and Contemporary Theatre," in Rhode Island Committee on the Humanities 1979-80 Humanities Packet #4, The Dramatic Work as a Cultural/Historical Document.
"Playing with the Past: Visitation and Illusion in the Mask Theatre of Bali," The Drama Review, vol. xxiii, no. 2 (T82), 1979, pp. 11-48.
Interviewed by Suresh Awasthi for Indian National Television, Panorama Program, New Delhi, 12/78. Replayed several times on various Indian stations.
"Bringing Balinese Theatre to American School Children," Phoenix, February, 1976.
Tjupak, developed from Balinese sources through improvisation with the Looking Glass Theatre Company, from Tjupak Gaguritan, translated by I Nyurah Kasuma and John Emigh, and then performed 110 times to over 25,000 children in Southern New England during Looking Glass Theatre's 1975-76 tour.
"A Sense of Environment," BreakOut, ed. James Schevill, Chicago: Sparrow Press, 1973.
"Three Vocations," Brown Alumni Monthly, March, 1970.
"An Anatomy of Farce," Lakeview Journal, August, 1968.
Translation and adaptation of Georg Beuchner's Woyzeck, performed at Tulane Univ., 1965, and at Brown Univ., 1972 and 2001.
Translation of El amor de don Perlimplin con Belisa en su Jardin by Federico Garcia Lorca, performed at Amherst College, 1962
Over 70 Theatrical Productions Directed at University and Professional theatres . See CV for a complete list.
Company and One Man Balinese Topeng and Topeng Inspired Improvised Performances: Hundreds of performances in Universities, Theatres, Festivals, Temple Ceremonies, Schools, and Hospitals: 1975-2006. See CV for listings.